Honey and Mold Growth


How does honey affect the growth of mold? First, let us analyze what
mold is, how it operates and what honey consists of that makes it a fighter of
bacterial growth and why. Mold is a multi-cellular, wool-like growth made up of
tiny colonies of microscopic spores that feed off dead matter. The way that mold
works is by applying a coat of "slime" that decomposes food by breaking down
food into smaller particles.

There have been many studies on the life of a mold spore and how it operates
in order to create mold preventers that would help in preserving health as well
as mold destroyers to act as a cleaning agent in cases
when one would need to know how to clean mold from antique wood furniture or
even studying the life of a mold spore to create mold preventers for the
purposes of protecting food from decay in restaurants and homes. Honey has been
scientifically studied and proven to inhibit bacterial growth for the following
two reasons:

1. Honey has a high concentration of sugar so that it reduces water activity and
reduces the growth of bacteria.

2. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide that fights mold as it acts as a cleaner.
Honey is an invert liquid sugar. Mold absorbs water and uses that for the slime
while honey reduces water activity. This shows how and why honey can be
effective in slowing the growth of bacteria.
In addition to honey as a bacteria preventer, there have been studies that have
shown that colder temperatures for storing food such as in a refrigerator and
freezer very greatly reduces the growth of mold. When placed in the freezer,
the mold did not grow at all, while in the refrigerator, the life of a mold spore
was only perpetuated at a growth rate of .4%. When left at room temperature,
the mold growth was increased at a whopping 24%!

This proves that temperature has a lot to do with mold growth. If you ever
discover mold growing on maple syrup, you should discard the bottle. There are
four main types of mold. Various forms of the molds have been known to smother
its matter before decomposing it and to cause health problems in human
respiratory functions. This is due to the harmful pathogens that produce
difficulty in breathing. One of the type of molds is the green mold
aspergillius. It causes breathing problems. Penicillium is a blue and green mold
that contains the same anti-biotic drug that is found in the drug penicillin and
can cause breathing problems if inhaled.

Mucon is another type of mold. It is in the group of white molds in color.
Rhizopus is a bread mold. It is part of the black molds group.
Instead of the most common mold-like structures of multiple web-type mold spore
groups, the rhizopus has tiny tube-structured spores and is single rather than
in many webs. The study of how the mold growth is affected by temperature was
conducted by a student of science who was conducting the experiment in order to
see how various temperatures affect the growth of molds on honey potato bread.

The results are typical of most mold growth on bread as well. The human body,
thankfully, has developed a strong defense immune system that protects
it against most of the mold toxins, but there are still a few allergic disorders
that can result from the molds once it begins to make its way to the breathing
passages. The most common is shortness of breath.

Therefore in living conditions such as the case of no ventilation in stucco home
with mold, it is important to kill clean black mold and to clean it from all
known sources where it could be, such as needing to clean mold from antique wood furniture or in the instances of the mold remidiation Miami following the disaster of hurricane katrina and mold that resulted in the combination of the decay in the aftermath and water damage.

Although the honey did fight and stop the growth of bacteria in the experiment, none of the testing proved that honey was an inhibiter of mold growth.


Source by G. Crandall

Florida's Springs Algae Growth Issue, the Phosphate Industry Displays Poor Environmental Stewardship


One reason for Florida's spring degradation dilemma is because until recently, no one thought to keep track of flow rates, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and algae growth or "water chemistry" in Florida's springs.

The scientific community incorrectly deemed these variables stable, so the spring's water chemistry went unchecked. These variables are now known to fluctuate naturally on a regular cycle. The natural fluctuation of these variables is consistent with the health of the spring in question (1). Meaning, when any of the variables differ from normal ranges, the entire aquatic ecosystem associated with the spring degrades as well.

Abnormal algae growth in a spring indicates the spring is in ill health, including the aquifer supplying the spring, and the eco-system in and around the spring. Algae growth in the spring and aquifer system can indicate a higher than average concentration of phosphorus or nitrogen nutrients (pollutants) (4). Both of the pollutants mentioned are in many of Florida's springs with higher than average concentrations.

Springs displaying abnormal algae growth are directly related to spring health and can be toxic to humans as well. Over 140 algae related cases involving humans have been reported by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). The FDEP now requires limits based on nutrient (pollutant) concentration (mass / volume) in spring water.

It seems that nitrogen-based pollutants attract more media attention than phosphorus based pollutants. The media focus is usually based on complaints about seepage of cattle dung and nitrogen-based fertilizers, from run-off, being absorbed by the landscape, and then absorbed in the local spring and aquifer systems.

Phosphorus-based pollutants are just as deadly to Florida's aquifer and spring systems as nitrogen-based pollutants. (3) These pollutants also come from cattle and crop production, but phosphorus based pollutants can come from other sources such as phosphate strip mining and mining facilities as well.

The FDEP published a maximum standard for phosphorus concentrations, one of the primary pollutants of concern in state-owned springs. The standards are used to establish benchmarks on the amount of phosphorus found in springs for the protection of Florida's state-owned aquatic ecosystems. The privately-owned springs and ecosystems are the responsibility of their owners and not regulated by the state of Florida. You can see that Florida officials in FDEP now regulate the state-owned springs and aquatic ecosystems to keep water quality in the acceptable range.

The phosphate industry is issued mining permits by the counties and state of Florida which "permits" the complete removal and destruction of the aquifer and spring systems, which the phosphate industry considers as overburden or waste materials. Historically, Florida's phosphate industry practices "display" little concern for Florida's aquatic ecosystems.

Since the early twentieth century, west-central Florida earth has been "stripped" of its natural beauty for the phosphate rock just beneath the surface. Florida's scarred surface, caused by massive draglines in and around Polk County, Florida is only one facet of destroying Florida's natural resources at a whim.

Another issue concerns the natural hydrogeological formations succumbed to the dragline for total decimation. This issue of total decimation of hydrogeological formations does not see much attention and should receive more.

The Whole Truth

Florida's phosphate industry is not telling the whole truth about their reclamation of existing ex-mining sites. The pursuit of valuable phosphate matrix happens by stripping it "totally" and "completely" out of the earth's surface some fifty to one hundred feet in depth. The phosphate drag line digs through the aquifer systems, crushing and removing its very existence. An entire local hydrogeological (3) system now fails to do what nature intended, store clean freshwater.

You can see Florida's phosphate industry practices are detrimental to Florida's unique natural ecosystems. The phosphate industry can not reclaim springs and aquifers acre for acre as described by Florida law, simply because the technology to do so does not exist.

However, phosphate industry officials bolster their claims of total land reclamation as seen on local television commercials and other forms of media. Phosphate officials publish reports of complete land reclamation related to former mining sites in localized targeted areas. I know because I see their advertising commercials as well. The reclamation bolstered by the phosphate industry does not include the spring and aquifers systems, because these aquatic systems take nature thousands of years to form.

Reclamation Phase?

I recall riding motorcycles at abandoned mining sites in the 1970's. The mined "pits" which the phosphate industry abandoned were close to my home as a youth. The abandoned sites I frequented as a youth had no visible enclosure, confinement, containment, or posted warning placards. We used to drive in the abandoned mines pits, directly from a public road unabated and unloaded our bikes and ride for miles inside the abandoned pits. The mining leftovers appeared as barren as a moonscape. Unfortunately, I did not know toxic materials existed in these waste dumps, including heavy metals, piled in highly concentrated mounds.

If one lives in the area of ​​west-central Florida, I challenge you to see for yourself. If one lives in this area, the trip to see the "real" phosphate industry will be but a short car ride. One will see the phosphate industry from a different point of view. The sites mentioned above were numerous, unattended, and still toxic to humans.

The phosphate mining industry in Florida shows many signs of environmental impacts including, abnormal algae growth (2) in Florida's aquifers and springs, abandoned toxic mining sites, and very few reclamation projects to mention.

1. Biologist Jim Heffernan, a post-doctoral researcher, and Professor at Florida International University
2. Florida's vanishing springs | Tampa Bay Time
3. Southwest Florida Water Management District
4. The Journey of Water. Florida Springs com


Source by David Hammock

9 Things That Hinder Business Growth


Have you ever wondered why some small businesses take off and grow very rapidly and others stay the same for years and years?

Small business growth takes strategy and strong leadership. Some new business owners achieve a certain level of success, sit back and fail to do what is necessary to grow the business.

9 Things That Hinder Small Business Growth

1. Lack of Vision

All businesses need a written vision statement to help direct their planning and decision making. If there is no clear vision, a business can waver with no specific direction. Lack of vision is detrimental to any organization. How can you plan, or have a business strategy without knowing where you want to go?

2. No Strategic Plan

Every organization needs strategy and should have a strategic plan to map out steps to achieving the strategy. The strategic planning process helps to keep an organization's vision fresh and moving forward. Strategic plans need to be updated every few years as the market, environment and focus changes.

3. No Written Goals

Not having SMART Goals, and accountability for achieving those goals, is a sure way to impede the growth of an organization. Goals are what make a strategic plan happen. Not writing goals, and having a structured performance management process to achieve those goals, is an invitation for business failure.

4. No Desire to Grow

Believe it or not some businesses do not have a desire to grow. With growth comes growing pains and sometimes business owners are not comfortable making the necessary changes for growth. Hiring the first employees and dealing with human resource management issues is an example of a growing pain. Other areas of growing pains are delegating and trusting others to do things the way you would do them. Growth requires a commitment from the top of the organization.

5. Not in Tune with Customer Needs

This is where many organizations get stuck. The world is changing at such a fast pace that unless an organization understands customer expectations and puts systems in place to take care of their customers, competitors will do it for them. Ensuring good customer service is critical to long term success. The fact is, customers pay the bills and employee salaries so you'd better find out what they want and give it to them!

6. Failing to Reinvest Back In the Business

When a business is just starting out it is sometimes difficult to reinvest back into the business, but not doing so can affect business growth. Keeping up with changing technology and updating facilities are examples of areas that can consume considerable resources but are important to meeting customer expectations. Clean, updated facilities can have an impact on customer perceptions and customer loyalty.

7. Failing to Delegate

As a small business grows, it becomes more and more important to learn the art of delegation. It is important for business owners to develop employees, delegate and trust others to complete tasks. Small business owners can quickly get overwhelmed with trying to manage every aspect of the business and learning to allow others to help is critical at this stage of growth. Successful small businesses have learned the skill of developing, delegating and letting go of lesser things so they can continue to drive organizational vision.

8. Not Collecting and Believing Data

Collecting, analyzing and making decisions based on data is another critical aspect of small business growth. Confronting "the brutal facts" (as described in Good-to-Great by Jim Collins) is one of the most important aspects of managing a small business. Understanding what the data is telling about the business can lead to changes in practice or improving processes. Organizations shouldnt have Trade shows All Established Critical success Factors to help monitor and visits track performance toward Goals.

9. Not Having a Clear Problem Solving Process

The reality is, every business has problems and as soon as one problem is solved another problem takes its place. That is what management does – solves problems. As small businesses grow, problems are created that need to be solved. As an example, outgrowing office space creates the problem of finding new office space. Finding new office space creates the problem of planning out the layout of the new space. Once a layout of new space is done, planning to move offices needs to be done. Organizations need to have structured processes for planning and problem solving. Having good leadership, coupled with good processes, can result in successful problem solving.

Lastly, thriving small businesses understand how to remove those things that impede growth and put a lot of focus and energy into strategy, planning and goal setting.


Source by Patricia S Lotich

12 Simple Tips For Promoting Faster Hair Growth


Are you looking for faster hair growth? Well in order to grow your tresses at a fast rate there are a few things you will need to do to start the process happening. For example what you eat will affect the quality of your hair as well as its growth. If you eat the correct healthy foods and drink plenty of water, 80% of your hair problems will be either prevented or reversed. Growing a healthy mane is the same thing as working towards developing a healthy body. Having said that here are the simple tips that will help you develop a healthy body and longer and thicker tresses:

1. To achieve faster hair growth you need a rich diet of proteins and minerals. Foods like milk, dairy products, almonds and nuts will go a long way to grow healthy locks

2. Eating plenty of green vegetables, along with fruits, spouts, honey, cereals and grains will help strengthen your body and hair.

3. Try to avoid cholesterol rich foods in your diet. Doing so will keep your skin and hair healthy. Cholesterol rich foods are usually found in animal meats. So if you are not a vegetarian try eating fish, or else try soybeans and raw vegetable greens.

4. Next way to induce faster hair growth is that you want to keep hydrated. This means you need to drink at least 12 to 14 glasses of water a day to keep you hydrated.

5. Adding a few of these foods into your diet will go a long way for your body's health and also your hair health. What you need for a faster growing mane are essential fatty acids generally found in oily fish like salmon and tuna, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil as well as pumpkin and sesame seeds.

6. You also need a diet rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B can be found in mushrooms and cauliflower.

7. Vitamin C is also a good hair growth booster. Vitamin C can be found in oranges and tomatoes.

8. For faster hair growth Vitamin E is a vitamin you need to take. Vitamin E can be found in olive oil and wheat germ.

9. A very effective treatment you can formulate for growing healthy tresses is the following egg, vitamin E and olive oil treatment: Mix 1 egg yolk, I Tbsp. of olive oil and 3 drops of vitamin E oil together. Once you have combined these items, apply them directly on the scalp and massage well for at least 10 minutes and then soak your hair for 30 minutes. Simply wash with shampoo after you are done.

10. A highly recommended faster hair growth treatment is mixing castor oil and almond oil. Massaging this mixture into your hair on a regular basis will do wonders to promote the development of strong hair follicles.

11. Using 1 tsp. of powdered fenugreek, 1 tsp. of pepper powder, and 1 half cup of coconut milk combined together is another way to grow your mane. Mix them together and then apply the mixture to the scalp. Allow it to sit on the hair for 2 hours then wash it off with a natural shampoo.

12. Finally you can use Mira hair oil for promoting faster hair growth as well. It consists of a combination of herbs and oils designed for hair growth. Simply apply it before bedtime and leave on overnight; wash your hair in the morning and you will find your hair will grow much faster. The best way to use it is to apply the oil. Then take a hot damp towel and wrap your hair up in it for another 10 minutes; repeat this process at least twice before shampooing. If you own a steamer use that instead on low heat for 5 minutes before shampooing.

These are the twelve simple way to induce faster hair growth. You will see results in as little as two weeks. Remember to be consistent and patient with it.


Source by John Mentis

Peer-To-Peer Lending (P2P) Global Trends And Growth!


Peer-to-peer lending (P2P) has evolved to have become an excellent method for debt financing. It has enabled loan seekers and loan providers to borrow or lend money by eliminating the intermediary financial institutions. By effectively bridging the inadequate gap of sufficient formal credit, it offers a platform where investors can provide adequate funding to the borrowers without the intervention of a conventional banking system. In other words, this type of lending offers a marketplace for easy availability and accessibility of unsecured loans for a multitude of uses such as education, consumable, medical and more.

Additionally, this process involves a quicker process for loan approval in a shorter span of time and with little efforts than the mainstream lending scenario. Fortunately, the overall response towards this platform has been encouraging.

Why Consider Peer-to-peer Lending

In the past few years a wide array of reputed loan providers for this method of debt financing have emerged globally. These lenders have eliminated the need for having a middleman from the traditional lending and borrowing process. In addition to being a highly seamless lending platform, there are other multitudes of benefits to being such type of borrower or investor. These include:

• Borrowing is less complex and highly affordable

• Investing is fairly lucrative and seamless

• Great returns on your overall investment

• Hassle free and quicker online borrowing process

• Returns according to the risk involved

• Avail loans ranging from smalls to a higher amount based on your need and availability

Peer-to-peer Trends and Growth !

These lending markets are geared in for massive growth in the near future. Before it goes global and we start noticing a rise in various new markets kicking in, let us dig deeper to understand a few underlying trends that will shape this surging industry. There is huge scope for cross-country investment opportunities. The regulators role within this emerging financial service sector will be significant. The 2011 economic uprising has caused several developing economies such as India and China to witness a growth in this sphere of debt financing services that began to initiate their operations and lending globally. Such type of social lending has become an increasingly appealing solution for small businesses and companies across Europe. These companies are attracted to using new and innovative lending or borrowing platforms as their key financing source. If you have found yourself struggling to get your loan application sanctioned from the bricks and mortar financial institutions such as banks or formal non-banking financial company (NBFC) or Micro Finance Institutions (MFI), consider this method of debt financing your best bet!


Source by Nawazish Kapil

Foods That Make You Grow Taller and Improve Height Growth


If you find yourself shorter in height than most other people around you, it is time for you to act promptly to eat a diet that is full of protein, calcium, calories, and amino acids. These ingredients in diet work to change your metabolism to engineer growth of your bones, muscle mass, and thus improve height growth. If you are at an age where growth is ongoing but is at a slow pace, these elements in your regular food will speed up the assimilation of your flexible cartilage to stretch and turn into solid bones and in that process to increase your height. If these cartilages become hardened without gaining any length, your body loses the potential to gain further height. However, if you are past puberty and you are stuck at a height that is shorter than the normal height to which you could grow, you need the same kind of foods that make you grow taller as for those who are still going through their puberty and seeking to improve height growth.

There are the following kinds of foods that make you grow taller:

  • Organic coconut milk, fresh coconut and virgin coconut oil are a source of good fat that your body needs. Avoid fats that cause obesity and sluggishness to make you slow in your routine activities.
  • Skimmed milk is a good source of calcium that is essential for your bones to grow and become strong. Avoid homogenized milk, which is bad.
  • Take plenty of fresh vegetables like asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, lettuce, zucchini, onions and tomatoes. All these are a good source of amino acids that support your immune system and boost metabolism.
  • White of eggs, chicken, tofu and soy-milk are a good source of protein that make your body grow and gain muscle mass.
  • Organic maple syrup and raw honey are the best sweeteners that provide your body the right amount of calories. Avoid aspartame, saccharine and high fructose corn syrup. A limited amount of calories gives you energy to do your routine exercises to grow taller as it does not cause obesity and sluggishness.

Besides the above, other foods that make you grow taller include organic unsweetened coca powder, black or kidney beans, chopped walnuts, pecans, almonds and various other nuts.

You can easily improve height growth by including the above items in your regular diet. All the above foods are readily available in the stores and you should keep these handy in your kitchen.


Source by Ram T Joshi

How Fast Does A Cataract Grow?


A cataract as some people think is not a tissue growth or a tumor that grows over the eye lens. It is actually the clouding of the eye lens and generally develops in front of the pupil and the iris. It causes fogging and loss of lens clarity and can lead to partial or total cloudy vision. In worse condition, it can cause temporary blindness which can only be remedied through surgery.

There are many causes why cataracts develop. The pace of cataract progression may also vary from every individual. There are people who develop their cataracts in their younger years while some may have it during their old ages. The most possible causes of cataracts are prolong exposure to UV light, diabetes, use of medications that can alter the body's immune system, vitamin deficiencies and eye illnesses like iritis, glaucoma or eye trauma. If the person already has cataract and regularly exposed to such conditions, progression may be quicker. Basically, people who are over 65 years old are most prone to develop cataracts so presumably cataracts are part of our aging process. Fortunately, only 10 percent of those who have it do require eye surgery to correct their vision.

Cause of Progression of Cataracts

Previously, doctors advised their patients to wait for their cataracts to reach full stage before eye surgery is advised. But with today's technology, doctors can now treat cataracts even it is in its early development stage. Talking about the pace of the development of cataracts, many people are asking how fast a cataract can grow. According to some eye experts, there are certain types of cataracts that can grow rapidly and cause blurry vision to the sufferer in such a short time while there are also cataracts that do not progress at all or if ever it progresses, the person is truly in his later stage of life. Incidentally, the case of cataract progression can be influenced by the person's health condition. Like if the person has a weak immune system or has a history of eye illnesses that makes his eye vulnerable to eye disorder, the development of eye cataract can be faster.

Especially people who have diabetes or suffering from autoimmune diseases like AIDS or Lupus, the rate of cataract development is more accelerated. Cataracts, like other diseases can also be inherited though it may come at a later stage. On the other hand, not all cataracts will require surgery. Most of the times, cataracts only require maintenance so that it would not advance that it may require surgery while some doctors advise their patients not to mind their cataracts as long as it is not causing discomfort, problems with vision and risk to their everyday lives.

What Must Be Done?

People who have cataracts must visit their eye doctors on regular basis because their doctors must know the progression of their cataract growth. If the cataract grows rapidly, the doctors can advise their patients to undergo intensive medical check-up because as we have said the growth and development of cataracts can be influenced by many health issues. Wearing glasses can not actually help in preventing the development of cataracts but only medical procedures and the doctors' intervention. The patient may be advised to change his or her lifestyle or get away from sources that contribute to the rapid development of the cataract.


Source by Edward Joseph

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) Research


Human Growth Hormone (HGH, also known as Somatotropin) has a beneficial effect on every cell of our body. On command from the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland produces Human Growth Hormone, but as we get older, the pituitary gland does not release it. Science once believed that HGH was only required while the body grew to maturity; research now indicates that at any age, HGH is necessary in almost all functions of the body. But once the body matures, the levels of released HGH lowers, by as much as 80% from age 21 to 61. As HGH dimishes, so does the youth of our bodies.

The pituitary gland releases Human Growth Hormone in minute amounts, during the hours of sleep. During sleep, HGH helps repair the body, stimulating the growth of new muscle, bone and to replenish the cells with amino acids. With plenty of Human Growth Hormone, the effects of aging are reduced.

The Director of Geriatric Medicine at the Chicago Medical School University Of Health Sciences, Dr. Daniel Rudman, produced the results of his experiments with HGH in the New England Journal Of Medicine. He injected a group of 12 men, ages 61 to 81, with human growth hormone, During a six month period, and reversed their biological ages by 10 to 20 years. Dr. Rudman's experiments produced a reduction in body fat by 14%, and lean muscle increased by almost 9%. Skin grew more youthful, and the test subjects reported more energy, and an increased sex drive.

Dr. Edmund Chein, MD of the Palm Springs Life Extension Institute, created an HGH regime that involved restoring levels of human growth hormone with low dose, high frequency injections. Dr. Chein assures his patients will experience increases in bone density of 1.5 to 2.5% every 6 months, as well as 10% loss of body fat, and increased muscle, and that this may continue until the patient attains the body of a 25 year old. This HGH regime is highly effective, but also very expensive; more than $ 1,500 a month!

Dr. LE Dorman presented research to the American College For The Advancement Of Medicine. Dr. Dorman's research found he did not need to inject Human Growth Hormone. Dr. Dorman found that secretagogue compounds, taken orally, acted as stimulants or precursors for the production and release of the body's own HGH. These secretagogues consist primarily of amino acids, which are compounded to stimulate the brain and pituatary gland to release Human Growth Hormone.

Releasing HGH with Sound: Binaural Beats

Studies have shown that Binaural Beat Brain Wave Entrainment can also release (HGH) Human Growth Hormone. Aerospace engineer Michael Herculese used delta brainwave entrainment of 1.05 Hz to stimulate HGH, and measured significant increases in HGH, as well as increased Testosterone and Serotonin levels. Dr. Norman Shealy, noted a release of HGH in response with a 7.8 hz photic stimulus.

Delta is the brain wave frequency of deep sleep, and also of deep healing. In Delta, our brains release HGH. Brain wave entrainment using binaural beat sound also promotes brain wave the balancing of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Dr. Robert Cosgrove, MD, a biomedical engineer, stated that brain wave balancing is "an excellent neuropathway exercise that promotes optimal brain performance." Dr. Cosgrove believes that brain wave balancing "could delay deterioration of the brain due to aging for decades."

A study by ex-President of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, Dr. Vincent Giampapa, showed that Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwaves increase the production of Human Growth Hormone. These slower brainwaves also increase the production of melatonin and DHEA: DHEA by as much as 90%, and melatonin by as much as 300%.

The use of brain wave entrainment to produce Human Growth Hormone has many benefits not found in HGH dietary supplements, including an improved ability to learn, stress relief, and increased awareness.


Source by Jane Maati Smith

How Fear Inhibits Self-Expression and Personal Growth


"The thing I fear most is fear," said De Montaigne.

This sentiment is echoed by other great writers.

"Nothing is terrible except fear itself," said Francis Bacon.

"The only thing I am afraid of is fear," said the Duke of Wellington.

"Nothing is so much to be feared as fear," said Henry David Thoreau

Fear is the ultimate limiting emotion. It overthrows reason. It paralyzes action.

In very rare times, in an emergency, fear may help us to act to save ourselves or someone else, but for the most part, it ruins all initiative, growth, and spontaneous right action.

Shakespeare commented that "Of all base passions, fear is the most accursed."

The number one fear most people have is of public speaking. Yet, this fear has no survival value at all. The worst that can happen is that you are not articulate and people disapprove of your ideas or your way of delivering them.

Fear is simply the nauseating sensation in your abdominal area that over-rides any good sense you might have about anything. If allowed to persist, the surge of adrenaline causes your body to break down at a cellular level. We call it stress, but that is only the name we give for a body that is taut with fear.

Yet when you examine the cause of any fear, it is usually nothing more than a highly-charged negative opinion.

Unfortunately, it is in those areas that we must grow that we feel the most fear. In fact, beyond the boundary of your fear is your next greatest opportunity.

The result of this fear is that we stay trapped in limiting realities – poor paying jobs that barely allow us to survive, relationships that whittle our self-esteem to mush, educational opportunities that could expand our perception and massively improve our lives.

The most ironic thing is that those who push themselves to deal with their fear – find nothing there.
Someone, for example, who is afraid to speak up will find when he or she does that nobody is shocked, appalled, or indignant. In fact, things seem to improve because of it.

Fear left unchecked can lead to all kinds of neurosis and inhibitions. An extreme fear, which has no basis in reality, leads to paranoia.

The whole thing about fear is that unless your life is being threatened, it makes things far worse than they need to be.

The aggressions of governments, the escalation of nuclear armaments, express individual fears magnified a thousand-fold.

And the reaction to fear is so extreme that something is actually created to fear.

On an individual level, fear is partially or completely debilitating. It is the misuse of the imagination to create horrible scenarios. As Michael Pritchard once said, "Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed."

Understanding that fear is a False Estimation About Reality is one step toward eliminating it. The final step is to do the thing that you fear, either all at once or through baby steps, and discovering that the monster in the closet was only your own imagination run amok.


Source by Saleem Rana

13 Factors That Affect the Rate of Hair Growth


Generally, the hair grows about half an inch per month. However, there are variety of things can affect the rate of hair growth. By knowing these factors, we can have the most control to help us maximise how fast hair grows.

  1. Age. Generally, the incidence of hair loss in both males and females corresponds to chronological age. The older you get, the greater your chances of losing hair. People usually experience slower growth as they age.
  2. Climate. It is said that our locks grows faster in warmer weather. On the other hand, the sun can damage the scalp and hair. So it is recommended to protect your locks against UVA and UVB rays with a hat or a sunscreen especially in the summer months. Cold can also affect growth. Cold air can make the hair dry, fragile, and more brittle.
  3. Diet. The rate of growth also depends on the health of the scalp and follicles. To ensure faster hair growth, your diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables. Good nutrition means the best possible condition for building strong, radiant locks.
  4. Vitamins and Minerals. The B vitamins are especially helpful in having healthier hair growth. Important minerals are iron, zinc, iodine, and silica.
  5. Rest and Sleep. Having adequate rest is important to the body and even to our hair. Lack of sleep can negatively affect various bodily processes, including growth of hair. Make it a point to rest when you are tired and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep daily.
  6. Exercise. When you exercise, there is an improvement in your general health. It also increases blood flow to the scalp for better oxygenation and nutrient distribution.
  7. Stress. Learn how to control stress since this is one of the more common reasons behind sudden hair loss. When you are under pressure, this puts more follicles in the resting phase of the hair cycle.
  8. Genes. Genetic factors are responsible not only for hair color but also on density, texture, and growth. In people who are genetically prone to hair loss, DHT or dihydrotestosterone initiates miniaturization of the hair follicles. In time, the hair becomes thinner and the overall volume of your tresses decreases. Eventually, the hair follicle can cease to produce hair completely.
  9. Hormones. Certain hormones can affect the growth of hair. Among these are thyoroid hormone, estrogen, and testosterone. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can lead to loss of hair. The female hormone estrogen increases the number of follicles in the hair growth cycle as seen in pregnancy. After childbirth, the level of this hormone drops and the hair starts to shed. The male hormone testosterone, on the other hand, combines with 5AR or 5 alpha reductase to form DHT. DHT is identified as the main cause of balding in men and women.
  10. Health issues. Various medical conditions such as thyroid problems, scalp infections, lupus, lichen planus, and alopecia areatea can adversely affect the general condition of the hair.
  11. Hair and scalp condition. There are a number of factors that can contribute to slower hair growth. These are ringworm infection, folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicles, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Hair that is dry is prone to breakage and hair loss.
  12. Lifestyle. Various lifestyle factors can affect hair growth. Smoking has been linked to baldness and premature hair ageing. Living healthier and taking everything in moderation is key to promote a fit body and healthy locks.
  13. Hair products. When choosing a shampoo, opt for an organic and herbal based blend that promote and maximize healthy hair growth.

To ensure healthy hair and faster hair growth, caring for your hair should be part of your daily routine.


Source by Michael Sean Scott