Using Dietary Supplements For Muscle Growth And Strength


A skinny frame is not pleasing to the eyes, especially for boys. Women like their men to look strong and a set of ripped muscles induces awe and admiration. Weight training is one way to build muscle mass. The other way is to eat right. However, if you are looking to gain muscle within a given time frame, for instance, if you have a modeling assignment coming up, you might need a quicker solution.

This is where muscle growth supplements come in. They support the body's natural ability to build a muscular, toned physique.

What are the key ingredients?

There are a variety of ingredients used in muscle growth supplements. The most popular and most effective are those with protein-based constituents. These include whey protein, soy protein and casein protein. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and consuming supplemental food sources therefore adds to your muscle mass.

Creatine and glutamine, the amino acid compounds, are also very useful muscle growth supplements. They not only increase the size of your muscles, but also build strength and endurance thereby increasing your capacity for high intensity training. They enable faster recovery from exercise as they increase the production of nitric oxide which increases blood flow to the muscle tissues. While a lot of supplements use L-Arginine as a constituent of Creatine, a few muscle growth supplements are formulated with blends of Arginine alone.

They are available in three main forms:

• Powders

• Pills

• Shakes

Are they safe?

The use of muscle growth supplements has been a debatable issue for a long time. Buying supplements from a reputable manufacturer is one way to guarantee safety. You should read past customer reviews to better know how the product has worked for them. It is advised to be cautious of steroidal testosterone-boosting hormone supplements as they can produce negative effects in the long run without proper knowledge and extensive guidance.

Maximize the Results of Muscle Growth Supplements

• Every supplement for muscle growth has a dosage. Some can be taken in a single dose while others are broken up over the day. Take the supplement in the prescribed dosage to obtain the best results and to avoid side effects.

• Timing matters when it comes to using muscle mass enhancing supplements. After a workout, the muscles are busy repairing and rebuilding themselves, thus need to absorb all the nutrients they can get. It's a good idea to take the supplement after training.

• Opt for a natural muscle growth substance or at least those that guarantee purity. Artificial substances and additives increase the risk of unwanted side effects.


Source by Raj Khedun

Specializing at a Young Age Will Stunt Your Growth, Not Improve It


According to USA Hockey, colleges and universities all across the nation are recruiting talented and skilled ice hockey players before they are even starting high school. Verbal commitments are being made between prospects and perennial powerhouses like University of Wisconsin. Talented players who do not want to take the college route are opting for the major junior system in Canada and then going pro at the young age of 18 or 19. There is an increasing number of very young players in the National Hockey League, with a handful of them being made captain of their professional squads like Jonathan Toews and Sidney Crosby. The emergence of young athletes assuming key roles in the elite circles of Division 1 and professional sports makes it appear to younger players that specializing is the way to go. Ice Hockey is not the only sport identifying talent at unusually young ages. Major football universities are finding players just beginning high school. A lot can be said about the physical and mental development of an athlete in high school and college. Schools like Yale University will not consider a young recruit for their varsity sports because they realize how much can change mentally for a teenager between the ages of 14 and 18. For them, academic integrity is as important as athletic performance. Therefore, making a guarantee four years early is not appealing to them. They want to see where that candidate will be down the road before they make any commitments. What happened to waiting around and shopping for the best? We do not elect Presidents 4 years before they are to take the oath, why should we choose what jersey an athlete will wear before they get there? If you keep the competition to play close to the actual time they will be doing so, the road to get there will be more about the process and development.

Ten years ago, it was thought that athletes needed more time to develop and gain the competitive edge. In ice hockey, post graduate programs (PG years) at prep schools and junior teams were common staples to get noticed by competitive college hockey programs. It was thought that in order to have the edge, you needed the time to develop physically and mentally as well as gain the experience of playing with other like-minded athletes. When you knew you had a long road ahead of you to make the college and professional ranks, specializing in your sport at 12 was not the smartest thing. Parents, coaches, and experts worried that applying too much pressure at a young age to perform and excel would cause players to burn out prematurely.

Performance development coaches like myself believe that while players should focus primarily on two sports, that their programs should incorporate skills and abilities required to perform well in as many as 10 other sports or activities. Even if you do not play baseball, ice hockey players who have the ability to go to a batting cage and hit a high percentage of the pitches. Hockey players who can play baseball well will have better reaction times on the ice and will be better able to react to pucks in flight from a high shot or at fielding a bad pass. Likewise, playing soccer is great developmentally for a budding ice hockey player because a lot of very skilled players are very good at carrying and handling the puck with their feet. Whether your main sport is baseball or ice hockey, you can learn a lot from playing other sports like tennis, soccer, football, etc.

The spectrum is vast regarding what parents think their children should do. Some want their children to be like Sidney Crosby and will force them to specialize at 8 years old and others want their kids to just have fun and will them do anything they want for however long they want. Both approaches are bad. Specializing or being aloof is bad. The key is to keep the intensity, attention, encouragement, and vigor high with the expectation and pressure low. Young athletes should be taught discipline, passion, a love for training and the sport, and heart. The road to intercollegiate and professional sports is long. The people who make it and stay there are the ones who love the unglamorous aspects, the long road trips, the sweat, the low pay (the pay for most professional athletes is not like ARod), the unforgiving schedule, and the inherent uncertainty that comes from a profession that is so fluid – where one day the best team wants you and the day the other team that will look at you is the farm club of the worst team.

Success comes from a love in what you do, whatever it is. The day it becomes work is the day you know it might be time to consider a new path. Athletes who play for the glory will be in store for a rude awakening. The athletes who can weather adversity and overcome it through hard work and staying focused are the ones you know really love what they do. The turnaround for the Tampa Bay Rays Baseball team shows outstanding determination, will, and passion for improving and bettering themselves. They did not worry about playing as well as the perennial powerhouse teams like the Boston Red Sox. They played the game the way they knew best and defined their run to the World Series their way and on their terms. The way they went from the worst team in professional major league baseball to the World Series runner-up is an example of how individual athletes should approach their development. You can not go out there and just be in it for the win. Unfortunately, the raw desire is not enough to get you there. You need to be willing and able to put in the unappreciated and under valued hard work. By doing so, you put yourself in a better position to start doing well.

As a sports development coach, I am useless to the person who just wants to play in a recreational league and get the fanfare when they score. When someone is ready to work hard, put in long hours, and sweat – I am the perfect person for them. I will help them get to where they want. What I do has no glamour, other than the satisfaction in myself, knowing that I had a role in helping an athlete demonstrate their capabilities to an audience. I do what I do because I have a love and passion for sports.

The key to professional bliss is to specialize in a commitment to working hard. Whatever else you do to get ahead will come after. Do not worry about what nods you are getting at 14 to play college sports. Keep your head down and stay focused on getting better. A lot can happen in high school. If you keep your options open at 14, you will have more to fall back on when you are 18.

If you specialize at 14 in football and it does not work out for you, there will be nothing else for you to fall back on. If you play several sports and perform well in a couple of them, if one does not lead to a paycheck or fame, maybe the other will. The more options you have the less pressure you will feel on you to excel on at one, thereby making it more enjoyable. Nobody wants to think that everything hinges on how you do in one thing.

Keep your options open and have fun, but remember you will not improve without putting in hard work. So decide what your priorities are and then go from there. If you do not want to sweat or do the necessary things to improve your game, then do not expect to play at the next level. There is nothing wrong with playing pick-up games. You have to be honest with yourself regarding your skill level and desire to put in the time required to make it. Sidney Crosby, Eli Manning, Tom, Brady, Michael Jordan, and like company did not get to where they did just by coasting through life. They assessed their abilities and accordingly set their mind on where they wanted to go. Once they did that, they worked tirelessly to make sure they got there. That due diligence is why they all became standouts in the professional arena.

The key thing to take away from this article is that you need more determination than skill. And more importantly, you need more love than determination. Therefore, you need more love than skill. If you do not enjoy what you do, it will not matter how much skill you have because you will not want to do it anymore. Being focused is different than specializing. Play a lot of sports. Stay active in many different things. Do it because you love it. You can decide later which one will let you do it in college or professionally. You will benefit more from playing other sports and training for those sports than you will spending all that time training for one sport. My program is so effective because despite your focus, I expose you to movements and drills common to other activities, thereby making you a more complete and well rounded athlete.

Stay tuned for more articles by DSWAthletes, owned and managed by Derrick Wong. We write about all things sports. We want to help you get to wherever you want to go and enjoy both the process and the outcome. We will help you stay focused and in great shape.


Source by Derrick Wong

Principles Of Church Growth In The Early Church



This article presents the concept of 'church growth' alongside evangelism mainly in the book of Acts. Whereas the Old Testament depicts evangelism as people coming to God, the Lucan perspective demonstrates that God's servants will go to His people. Blauw's thesis is that "a centripetal missionary consciousness becomes in Acts a centrifugal missionary activity …" (1974, 34). In George Orwell's Animal Farm, the pigs looked from pig to man and vice versa but could not differentiate them in the very last page of the text which by extension shows what could happen if the church wants to imitate the world. One can not replace the methods or the principles that brought church growth in the New Testament in our own era.


1. Internal: This is the spiritual growth of Christians. Right relationship is established with God and man. Many Christians quote John 3:16 which demonstrates God's love for man without taking into consideration I John 3:16 which focuses on man's love for his fellow man.

2. Expansion: This is accomplished by the evangelization of non-Christians within the area of ​​the operation of the church or ministry.

3. Extension: This is the growth of the church by the establishment of daughter churches within the same general homogeneous group and geographical area.

4. Bridging: This focuses on the establishment of churches in different cultural and geographical areas.


1. Biological growth- children of existing members who come into the church.

2. Transfer growth- members of one church who unite with another church.

3. Conversion growth- the coming into the church of people of the world who are converted by receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.


Evangelism: Evangelism in Acts is the communication of the good news of Jesus Christ through verbal proclamation and lifestyle witness, with the intent of leading a person or group to salvation in Christ.

Church Growth: This is the quantitative and qualitative development of the church. It is different from 'swelling' which is common and dangerous in the contemporary church. The African Church is dismissed as a mile wide and an inch deep which implies that other parameters other than numbers account for church growth. Church growth could also be seen as an application of Biblical, anthropological, and sociological principles to congregations, denominations and their communities in an effort to disciple the greatest number of people for Jesus Christ. Believing that it is God's will that His Church should grow and His lost children be found, church growth endeavors to devise strategies, develop objectives and apply tested principles of growth to individual congregations, denominations and the worldwide body of Christ.

Church Growth Eyes: This is a characteristic of Christians who have achieved an ability to see the possibilities for growth and to apply appropriate strategies to gain maximum results for Christ and His church.

Church Growth Principle: According to McGavran and Ann, this is "a universal truth which, when properly interpreted and applied, contributes significantly to the growth of churches and denominations. It is a truth of God which leads his church to spread his Good News, plant church after church, and increase his body "(1977, p.15).


1. Prayer or Spiritual Warfare

Prayer is indispensable to church growth. John Stott comments that following Jesus' ascension, the prayers of the disciples had two characteristics which "are two essentials of true prayer, namely that they persevered, and were of one mind" (1990, 10). The principle of unified prayer, or prayer with one mind and purpose, is a thread that runs throughout Acts. Luke's initial description of the 120 (1: 5) shows that they followed Christ's command to wait for the Holy Spirit by obediently praying as a group WITH ONE MIND. See also Acts 4:18 (Sanhedrin); Acts 12: 5 (Herod); Acts 11:11 (Peter's rescue).

2. A clear and unique vision

In the King James Version, Proverbs 29:18 is rendered, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Vision is God's dream of what he wants to accomplish in and through our lives and the lives of our churches. Several churches have vision statements they never use. What God blesses with success in one place is not necessarily His plan for any other. Every growing church has a sense of unique vision and purpose – a clear sense of direction. The church planter and the laity share a common vision for what God wants that church to accomplish. In most cases, the church planter and the people can clearly describe and articulate their vision. This gives the people a sense of direction. They are moving toward an objective. They are not merely existing.

3. Leadership

A vigorous growing church is catalyzed by dynamic leadership that draws the entire church into action. For the church planter to function as a good leader, s / he must have certain specific character qualities and carry out certain specific leadership responsibilities. The church planter must truly desire growth for the church and must be willing to pay the price in hard work. The leadership must lead the work to organize the mission, set goals, develop plans, and mobilize the people to accomplishment. S / he must be creative, innovative, and assertive with regard to the vision and mission God has for His work.

4. The recognition and importance of the laity

The people of the work must be equipped to discover and use their gifts. They must be ready to assume new responsibilities and willingly hand over various leadership positions to other new people as the church continues to grow or expand.

5. Strategic Planning

The idea is to develop ongoing strategies that will help achieve the mission of the church. These should move the church toward realizing the accomplishment of its vision. With specific instructions from the Saviour, the apostles established a strategy to reach Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth (Acts 1: 8). Nehemiah positioned his people in areas of interests. Paul went to the synagogue and then the agora which was both a market place and centre of public life (Acts 7:17). A good church website can help your church to grow. Unfortunately there is an on-going war in this technological age: Technophilia vs. Technophobia. Many Rip Van Wrinkles exist in contemporary times. Several church leaders are yet to realize potential of a website for church growth. Yet a church website, specifically designed to reach outsiders, integrated with other appropriate outreach strategies, could be a major key to drawing non-Christians to your church.

6. Life Development Groups

This could be stated as the principle of assimilation. Perhaps the most important aspect of this principle is that the church must be structured in a way that develops an organizational base for growth. The larger the base, the greater the possibilities for growth. Life development groups provide a critical function that facilitates a church's growth eg Sunday School groups, Youth Fellowship, Ministries (Men, Women, Youth, Children) etc.

7. Indigenization

Paul and Barnabas left the indigenous churches with leadership that would provide the direction after the apostles departed. Though the forms of church government vary in the New Testament, they appointed elders to continue their leadership roles. The elders were within the church ( "in each church" Acts 14:23) completing the indigenization process.

8. Open Gospel

In the early church, some regarded Christians as Jews who have received Jesus as the promised Saviour. Consequently, any Gentile desiring to become a Christian must first become a Jew. This 'closed' gospel was a major concern for Christians like Paul. The Jerusalem Council became a pivotal point in the history of the early church. Neither circumcision nor adaptation to the Jewish community would be a requisite. Christians today should discover the same attitude to the unbelieving world. Is the gospel open today, or does it carry the baggage of cultural expectations, idolatry of tradition etc? One should not necessarily become a member of your tribe before he is a Christian.

9. Follow-Up

The mission of the church is to win souls. Therefore, evangelism is not treated as a single principle since that is the primary mission of the church. The related concept of 'follow "is crucial for young Christians. According to Acts 15:36," some days after, Paul said unto Barnabbas, let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord , and see how they do. "Follow-up could be regarded as a motherly instinct. It is a deliberate focus on young and new believers for the purpose of spiritual guidance and counseling.

10. Discipleship

According to John Wesley, leading souls to Christ without a discipleship programme is to beget sons for the devil. Church growth is enhanced when each member becomes a part of the body (Eph. 4:16; Rom. 12: 3-8; I Cor.12: 12-22 etc.) and is endangered when they do not identify with the body . What we have learned must be committed to the faithful to teach others also. The importance of Bible Study, Sunday School Classes etc. can not be overemphasized.

11. Sovereignty (Supreme Authority of God)

Despite the abundance of conflicts and setbacks in the early church, Luke communicates clearly that God is the final victor. Acts, in one perspective, is a narrative of the sovereign work of God in the midst of external and internal forces that would thwart any 'normal' movement. Though we are the vehicles to communicate the Gospel, our strength and power come from God. He gives the increase after the 'planting' and 'watering', He makes every thing beautiful, not in our, but in His time. One sows, another waters but God gives the increase. The clay does not question the Potter's intent.


Blauw, J. The Missionary Nature of the Church. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.

McGavran Donald A. and Winfield C. Arn. Ten Steps for Church Growth. New York: Harper and Row, 1977.

Stott, John. The Spirit, the Church and the World. Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity, 1990.

Wagner, Peter C., ed. Church Growth: The State of the Art. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1986.


Source by Oliver Harding

Growth Coach Franchise Review


Most self-employed professionals and business owners tend to be overstressed and overwhelmed. Some lose focus and do not succeed to take full advantage of their skills and time. Many times it is a matter of just focusing on working smarter. It is during these times that coaching and guidance can be powerful. There is great opportunity to earn money by coaching such people with a proven system. Growth Coach is a proven coaching process which helps these individuals increase their effectiveness so that they can concentrate on their talents. This Growth Coach Franchise review will help you decide if it is the right opportunity for you.

History: established in year 2002, Growth Coach started franchising in 2003. This can be a very worthwhile and potentially lucrative business opportunity where you can share business experience and enjoy a flexible lifestyle while helping others. The company has the expertise to ensure the success of their franchisees. The founder and CEO of the Growth Coach Company has developed several National Franchise Systems. This foremost business coaching company plays an important role in motivating self-employed professionals as well as owners and managers of small to medium-sized businesses. As a Growth Coach franchisee, you can guide people to balance their life while achieving success in business. Besides this, it helps improve their leadership skills.

Advantages of Growth Coach:

· Access to National Accounts Network

· Recession-resistant

· 5-day, on site training

· Low start-up costs without any overhead

· Proven and powerful marketing program

· On-going operational support

· Exclusive territory

· In-house financing available

· Huge profit margins

· No travel

· Record of Success

· Cash business without any account receivables

· Operate from small office or home

· Interactive intranet

· Regional and national meetings

· National and local public relations

Investments needed for starting the Growth Coach Franchise

Term of Agreement: 10 years

Total Investment: $ 46,200 to $ 75,400

Initial Franchise Fee: $ 36,900

Advertising Fee: $ 200 / mth

Royalty Fee: $ 500-2K / mth

Growth coach offers a flexible and easy to operate business model. It is possible to run franchise as a full-time or part-time business. You can have a small office or work from home even. Further, you can do this business with or without employees. You can set your working schedule. There is no need of experience for becoming a Business Coach. You will be assigned a business-launch coach as your personal mentor. You just need to have the determination and passion to succeed.

Growth Coach offers a comprehensive training program with best ongoing support and unsurpassed marketing systems.

Those who are passionate about teaching others can take a chance to make a difference in the lives of others. You can earn a good amount of money while fulfilling your own ambitions with Growth Coach. It is essential that a person should enjoy helping others. Though there experts will teach you everything you need to know about coaching, marketing and operating your business, it is essential to have true aspiration about teaching and helping others. It is essential to do thorough market research before you start the quest.


Source by Joshua Valentine

The Growth and Development of the Automobile Industry – A Deeper Insight


The word "Automobile" has its origins in Greek and Latin and it has become an integral part of every man's life. It has become so indispensable that on an average, a person spends at least 3 hours in his vehicle every day. Automobile was once thought of as a luxury and only a select few could indulge in. Now, the times have changed and automobiles have become a means of transportation catering to the vast majority.

The transformation from luxury to inevitability

Automobiles, in general, refer to the humble car and the estimates suggest that there is a car for every eleven persons on earth amounting up to 590 million passenger cars. There are various variants of automobiles that cater to every cross section of the population. There are variants that could set you back by a couple of million dollars and other models that cost you a few thousand dollars.

The technological advances in the automobile sector have been tremendous in the last 100 years. The century's greatest invention or advancement should definitely belong to the automobile industry. One of the earliest pioneers of the automobile Industry was Ransom Olds from the Oldsmobile factory. In the early 1900's, he introduced the Production Line concept, thus churning out vehicles every few minutes. This idea was greatly revolutionized and implemented by Henry Ford, who elevated automobile industry to the next level. Ford quickly grew in the first half of 20th century and slowly but steadily spread globally.

Growing along with time

With advancement of age, the automobile industry gradually grew in continental Europe and England. Japan introduced quality initiatives that further enhanced the industry. Toyoto from Japan were the pioneers of Total Quality Management and Six Sigma, which have been the guiding principles of the automobile industry for the last 50 years. Today, Toyoto are the world's biggest automobile company according to recent market estimates.

The global boom of the 1980's was largely because of the automobile revolution. Ford, General Motors and Chrysler, the big 3 automotive giants of America, had a huge say on the country's economy. They decided the health of the economy and the recent global economic recession has affected them badly. This has made them approach the government for loans and benefits, which have been fulfilled by the government after placing appropriate clauses.

Advent of technology and innovations

Automobile has transcended from being a medium of transportation to a medium of entertainment after the advent of super fast cars competing against each other. NASCAR and F1 races are huge crowd pullers every year. People have made fortunes and drivers of these machines have made their name in history. The fact that automobile racing involves huge costs has made the racing industry reel in these uncertain economic times. The sport has seen tragedies with loss of life in some instances. This has made room for strict safety regulations, which are now mandatory for all the automobile shows.

The negative part

Although man has made a huge leap forward with automobiles, there is a downside to this technological wonder. The emissions from these machines have raised serious environmental concerns with calls for more eco-friendly vehicles. Automobile companies have invested hugely in research and development of eco-friendly vehicles. Except for this single downside, there is slightest of doubts to say that automobiles have been the find of the previous century.


Source by Brenda Williams

Growth Equity vs Venture Capital – What's the Difference?


Private equity is used to broadly group funds and investment companies that provide capital on a negotiated basis generally to private businesses and primarily in the form of equity (ie stock). This category of firms is a superset that includes venture capital, buyout-also called leveraged buyout (LBO) -mezzanine, and growth equity or expansion funds. The industry expertise, amount invested, transaction structure preference, and return expectations vary according to the mission of each.

Venture capital is one of the most misused financing terms, attempting to lump many perceived private investors into one category. In reality, very few companies receive funding from venture capitalists-not because they are not good companies, but primarily because they do not fit the funding model and objectives. One venture capitalist commented that his firm received hundreds of business plans a month, reviewed only a few of them, and invested in maybe one-and this was a large fund; this ratio of plan acceptance to plans submitted is common. Venture capital is primarily invested in young companies with significant growth potential. Industry focus is usually in technology or life sciences, though large investments have been made in recent years in certain types of service companies. Most venture investments fall into one of the following segments:

· Biotechnology

· Business Products and Services

· Computers and Peripherals

· Consumer Products and Services

· Electronics / Instrumentation

· Financial Services

· Healthcare Services

· Industrial / Energy

· IT Services

· Media and Entertainment

· Medical Devices and Equipment

· Networking and Equipment

· Retailing / Distribution

· Semiconductors

· Software

· Telecommunications

As venture capital funds have grown in size, the amount of capital to be deployed per deal has increased, driving their investments into later stages … and now overlapping investments more traditionally made by growth equity investors.

Like venture capital funds, growth equity funds are typically limited partnerships financed by institutional and high net worth investors. Each are minority investors (at least in concept); though in reality both make their investments in a form with terms and conditions that give them effective control of the portfolio company regardless of the percentage owned. As a percent of the total private equity universe, growth equity funds represent a small portion of the population.

The main difference between venture capital and growth equity investors is their risk profile and investment strategy. Unlike venture capital fund strategies, growth equity investors do not plan on portfolio companies to fail, so their return expectations per company can be more measured. Venture funds plan on failed investments and must off-set their losses with significant gains in their other investments. A result of this strategy, venture capitalists need each portfolio company to have the potential for an enterprise exit valuation of at least several hundred million dollars if the company succeeds. This return criterion significantly limits the companies that make it through the opportunity filter of venture capital funds.

Another significant difference between growth equity investors and venture capitalist is that they will invest in more traditional industry sectors like manufacturing, distribution and business services. Lastly, growth equity investors may consider transactions enabling some capital to be used to fund partner buyouts or some liquidity for existing shareholders; this is almost never the case with traditional venture capital.


Source by Kenneth Marks

Methods to Increase Human Growth Hormone Naturally


Would not you love to feel like you did when you were a teenager? You could look and feel at least 20 years younger using a few techniques, but they do need a little work.

Though not instant, when you increase the amount of human growth hormone (HGH) in your body, it will produce both physiological and psychological changes that make you look and feel years younger.

Increasing your HGH levels not only helps you feel much healthier, but another benefit is it can help burn away your unwanted 'spare tire' plus other fat that is hard to target.

If you, or someone you know, is trying to burn fat, increasing the level of human growth hormones in your body is one of the best way to carry out this. A great deal of evidence shows a sturdy relationship with the HGH levels and body fat. That shows our ability to burn fat increases when our body produces more HGH.

It's no secret there is the right way and the wrong way to increase HGH levels, but here we're going to keep it clean.

Weight Loss Benefits of Human Growth Hormones

* Sleep and Mood Improvement

* Improvement in sports performance and recovery time.

* Bone density increases

* Energy level and endurance increases

* Enhances ability to burn Fat

* Promotes Lean Muscle Mass

Knowing such benefits exist, it's understandable that a professional athlete maybe tempted to unethically increase their HGH levels.

It's nice to know this can all be done naturally. There is no doubt in my mind, that by using these techniques, we can lose body fat and reach weight loss goals.

When prompted to do so, our pituitary gland will release human growth hormones naturally. What does it take to encourage the pituitary gland to release enormous levels of HGH into the blood stream, or even a slight bit more?

It has come to my attention that the pituitary gland does not speak English, so we'll need to communicate in a language it understands. Do not worry, you already know the language.

It is; Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Actions speak louder than words is what my wife always tells me. So we'll use our actions in order to communicate with our pituitary gland.

The 5 actions listed below will help your HGH levels increase and drill into your fountain of youth …

1- Get plenty of sleep.

This is especially important for men. It is understood that in the first 90 minutes of sleep for men is the time the highest levels of HGH is released, however extended sleep sessions showed a higher increase of HGH. It is suggested to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep.

2-Keep Away From Sugar

Glucose will limit the regular spike of human growth hormone in our system because it acts as an inhibitor, even more if you had an intense workout. Sports drinks will work against you more than with you, unless you have been heavily exercising for over an hour, or if you are training for an elite level competition. Gatorade and other sports drinks contain glucose, which decreases the flow of HGH, especially after your workout when you need it the most. Drink more water during and after a workout and forget the Gatorade if you really want to loss fat.

3-Intermittent Fasting

Even though intermittent fasting has a lot of benefits as well as an effect on HGH, you can enhance the results when used strategically. Due to the fact intermittent fasting has a good relationship with the pituitary gland, the action will be heard loud and clear and will help increase HGH levels all by itself.

You will reinforce the effect when combining fasting and exercise, (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts). You'll soon be on the road to getting ripped and losing body fat when you exercise in a fasted state. Remember to take measure to maximize your HGH response when you exercise in a fasted state.

4-High Intensity Interval Training

The fact is, you are trying your best if you're working to lose weight and have not heard of HIITS. There is no better way to increase Human Growth Hormones in your body plus burn off fat than the High Intensity Interval Training exercise routine. HIITS helps to increase HGH during and after your workouts.

Review: More Human Growth Hormone = Better Ability to Burn Fat

People just do not realise how important the rest is. Rest is what you need to insure you can have intense work outs. To help us reach our lactate threshold fast, high intensity interval training is necessary. A message is delivered to our pituitary gland to release a boat load of HGH when we reach the lactate threshold. What's good about this is we can finish these intervals with any exercise. Simply try out your favorite exercise.

My own favorite is the treadmill, so my usual routine would look like this:

Walk 1 minute, 30 seconds power walk, session is 15 minutes.

To see if you are getting the HGH Flush you want, look for

* Skin is warm to your touch

* You are perspiring

* You are short of breath when you complete your workout

5- Cold Shower

I could not tell you how much of an increase of HGH you'll get when you take a cold to hot alternating shower, but I do know it helps with recovery. Not knowing if these are true stories, but I've heard a lot of body builders and other athletes insist that an ice bath, and or a cold shower play a major part with recovery and help delay soreness of muscles. If you take it to the extreme, I believe that rotating a hot and cold shower could have close to the same effect as High Intensity Interval Training, but either way will help with a workout recovery. If I have the time, here is what I do before I workout.

Cold Water (as cold as I can take it, you might want to scream) for 30 seconds.

1 minute of hot water

Repeat for 10 minutes.


Source by Jordan Figueiredo

Small Business: The 5 Major Problems in Growth


Planning for growth is the key to business development. Dealing with growth is a crucial issue for all developing companies. Successful company development depends upon profitable growth.

The problems in the growth of small or start-up companies can not be tackled in isolation because they are interdependent. Companies which grow without considering the key areas will eventually run into problems. This will result in crisis management which will hinder the company's development.

The 5 key problem areas

1. Lack of financial resources.

2. Management problems.

3. Inadequate systems.

4. Inappropriate marketing.

5. Lack of planning for future.

Lack of financial resources:

Under capitalization is one of the key reasons for failure of small business ventures. Lack of financial resources is a major problem for small companies. The small companies generally have four possible sources of funds which are:

1. Internally generated profits.

2. Overdraft and loan funding.

3. Additional equity financing.

4. Corporate venturing.

Cash is a key resource because, as well as being profitable, companies must be cash-generating to survive.

Management problems:

Any growing company must undertake a process of management development to ensure that the organization has a suitable management team which will meet its present and future needs. Management problems, in terms of lack of quality, experience and depth of management, have always been one of the major reasons for company failure.

The following areas must be explored:

1. Development of existing management.

2. Additions to the existing management.

3. Complementary relationships with external advisers.

Inadequate systems:

Small companies particularly in the start-up phase are characterized by a number of informal systems which rely on the direct involvement of the management. Control systems are set-up to provide information to the management. Information is needed for control and until you have control you can not increase performance. Major areas in which adequacy of the existing control systems should be examined are:

1. Financial systems.

2. Production systems.

3. Marketing systems.

Inappropriate marketing

Marketing problems are one of the main reasons for failure of business start-ups. Before a company enters into the expansion phase there has to be re-examination of the marketing approach. The marketing strategy will have to change as the company grows.

Lack of forward planning

The most crucial step in success is proper planning for the future. But total lack of planning or inadequate planning is the major problem of small business. This means that there is no systematic, analytical investigation of the business, its environment and options available to it in determining the way ahead.


A proper analysis of these key areas and adequate planning along with proper management will lead to assured success and growth of the company.


Source by R Suganya

Determinants of Population Size and Growth-Birth Rate, Death Rate and Migration


There are three main factors which determine the population size and growth of a given country. There three factors are birth rate, death rate and migration.

Birth rate

The birth rate 9or natality rate) of a country refers to the rate at which children are being given birth to in that country. Generally, high birth rate may lead to increase in population or over population while low birth rate can lead to low population. Birth rate can be influenced by:

1. Early marriage: In many communities in the developing nations or Islamic regions, people encourage early marriage and this gives rise to increase in population as many children being given birth to.
2. Desire for large families: In most communities in developing nations and some races making up a facet of the American population, people tend to have many children as this places them in a special class or gives them better grounds of residency. Some men even go ahead to marry many wives just to achieve this.
3. Religious belief: While certain religion, eg, Christianity discouraged polygamy, others like Islam encourage marrying of many wives that will give birth to many children.
4. Improved medical services: as a result of improved medical services, death rate has reduced while birth rate has been boosted.
5. Government aids: Where the government increases the aids it gives to people, families are encouraged to have more children thereby increasing the population.
6. Improved standard of living: This encourages men to marry more wives in favorable communities thereby increasing birth rate.

Death rate

Also known as mortality rate of a country and it refers to the rate at which people (both adult and children) die in a country. Generally, high death rate leads to population decrease or low population, while low death rate leads to increase in population. Death rate can be influenced by:

1. Ratio of male to female: When there are more males than female, there will be a low child-bearing rate, which will reduce the population.
2. Poor medical services: When medical services are poor, death rate tends to increase.
3. High rate of infant mortality: High rate of infant mortality leads to decrease in population.
4. Poverty: High level of poverty among the people leads to high death rate, as such people may not have the means of taking care of their families.
5. Natural disasters: Natural disasters like earthquakes, flooding can lead to high death rate.
6. Man-made disasters: The occurrence of man-made disasters like wars, conflicts, pollutions etc, is capable of leading to high death rate.


This is the movement of people from one geographical area to another, involving permanent or temporary residence or settlement. In migration, the region where people are leaving is called the source region while the region where people are entering is called the receiving or destination region. There are two major types of migration. These are emigration and immigration. Emigration is the type of migration in which people leave their own countries, ie movement out of a country. Immigration is the type of migration in which people enter into another country, ie, movement into another country. Migration from one place to another takes different forms, these include:

1. Rural-urban migration: This is the movement of people from rural areas.
2. Rural-rural migrations: This is the movement of people from one rural area to another rural area or from one ghetto to another ghetto.
3. Urban-rural migration: This is the movement of people from one Urban center to rural areas (especially the missionaries or for creating establishments).
4. Urban-Urban migration: This is the movement of people from one Urban center (Town or city) to another.
5. International migration: This is the movement of people from one country into another.
6. Seasonal migration: This is the movement of people from one place to another at a particular season, maybe going abroad during summer holidays.

Stabilzing these three factors can contribute to a very strong economy. The United states of America is a good example of a nation which has created an equilibrium between these three factors and still find huge success. It has been estimated that immigrants now contribute to 30% of the nation's economy. Definitely, the United states visa lottery is not just there for a game-it has a purpose in which it is realizing.


Source by Funom Makama

The Growth Patterns of Land Should Be Your First Priority


When we start looking for parcels of land, we need to determine the growth patterns in our area. This is very important as you do not want to become involved with a parcel of land that you can not resell. You want to be in the areas of high growth trend in order to make a ton of money on your resells, right? Look for the high growth areas so that you can resell the parcel of land quickly. However, you may want to be in the areas of slow growth if you are looking for parcels of land for your personal use and you're concerned about congestation.

One way or the other, you need to know the growth patterns in your area. If you have lived in a particular area for a number of years, you are probably very much aware of the growth trends for parcels of land in your area.

If you are not familiar with the growth trends, ask experienced real estate agents and appraisers. Plus there are others in your area that are aware of the growth trends such as engineering firms, (survey companies).

Plus you can talk with people who work at title companies or at the county tax assessor's office. The people who work at these offices are working with new sales constantly, with their closings and recordings, and are aware of the growth patterns. Simply call them or visit their office and ask them. If you happen to get someone on the phone who is not very cooperative, call someone else.

As I have mentioned, I feel that it is important that you know the growth trends in your area and it's not too hard to determine this.

A couple of years ago, a gent read my materials and decided that he wanted to get involved with parcels of land. Since he lived in a very populated area of ​​California, he decided to go to an area where rural acreage was available. For some reason he decided on Jackson, Miss. and even though he knew nothing about Jackson, he flew to Jackson, rented a motel and a car and started looking for a good deal in land.

He determined the growth patterns and the more desirable areas of Jackson and set out looking for parcels of land. His experiences are quite a story but basically he had a really great land deal, that he made a lot of money on, in only three days in Jackson!

Vacant land can be very intriguing and offers many more opportunities than most people realize.


Source by Huey Walsh