Your Fingernails May Reveal Diseases in Your Body


It is important to examine our nails regularly and check for any discolorations and changes in nail shape and structure. Our nails are seldom the first clues to disease, but it is nevertheless valuable to know that certain diseases manifest in our nails. Being able to discern between the serious and less serious signs in our nails will enable us to know when to seek advice and when we can take measures to resolve the problem ourselves. Overall, nail health remains an important part of a healthy body.

In order to notice abnormalities, we must first be acquainted with what a normal nail should look like. A healthy nail is semi-transparent, light pink and intact on the nail bed. The white half moon (or lunula) is visible just above the cuticle. Examining the nails may not provide an absolute diagnostic tool, but if the changes below are noticed and you have any concerns about them, speak to your doctor.

What Do Changes In Nail Color Reveal?

  • Yellow Nail Syndrome is a yellow discoloration of the fingernails and may indicate respiratory conditions and lymphatic conditions. Other characteristics of yellow nail syndrome include thickening of the nails, stunted new growth and there may even be detachment from the nail bed in some instances.
  • Terry's Nails manifest in opaque-looking nails with a dark band at the tip of the nail. Although the condition may just be due to aging, it may also indicate more serious conditions eg congestive heart failure, diabetes, liver disease or malnutrition.
  • Dark spots on the nail may indicate something as serious as skin cancer (melanoma). Get medical advice on this condition as soon as possible.
  • Deep blue nail beds or pale blueish nails may be indicative of asthma, emphysema or anemia as it points to a decrease in oxygen supply
  • Green nails may point to a fungal infection
  • White spots on the nails do not point to zinc or calcium deficiency, but rather to injury. As the spots show up to 5 weeks following the injury, it may be hard to recall the incident causing the injury. The injury can be minor trauma such as excessive pressure on the nail or it may even indicate an allergic reaction to certain nail products, for example nail polish or hardeners. The white spots eventually grow out and in about 7 months they may disappear.
  • White nail color can possibly reveal liver or kidney disorders. However, by the time these symptoms show up in the nails, there may have been other symptoms you may have noticed.

What Do Changes in Nail Structure Reveal?

  • Pitting nails have small depressions in the nail and is common in psoriasis which is a skin condition causing scaly patches. Therefore, symptoms will have been seen in the skin as well. Nail injuries may also cause pitting and the condition may sometimes cause the nails to crumble. It is generally associated with conditions that damage the cuticle such as chronic dermatitis of the fingers or an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.
  • Nail clubbing is characterized by enlargement of the tips of the fingers and the nails curving around the fingertips. It results from a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood and could be a sign of lung disease. It has also been associated with inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease and liver disease.
  • In spoon nails the nails are soft and appear scooped out. The depression in the nail is usually large enough to hold a drop of liquid. This condition points to iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Beau's Lines are horizontal indentations which may appear when growth under the cuticle is interrupted either by injury or diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, circulatory diseases, pneumonia or other illnesses associated with high fever, or malnutrition. Nail growth may be interrupted by other factors too such as the weather, pregnancy, age and stress. Infections of the digestive tract may also affect nail growth. In rare cases the lines may point to poisoning.
  • In onycholysis the nail separates from the underlying nail bed. May be caused by injury, thyroid disease, reactions to drugs or nail products. The condition has also been associated with psoriasis.
  • Vertical ridges on fingernails can be both superficial or deep. The superficial ridges may simply be due to a lack of moisture or due to the normal aging process. The deeper ridges may indicate arthritis or decreased circulation to the base of the nail.
  • Split finger nails that are dry and brittle have been linked to thyroid diseases. If also combined with a yellowish color, it may be due to a fungal infection. Exposure to harsh detergents may also cause the nails to split.

Interesting Facts about Your Fingernails:

  • They grow four times faster than toenails.
  • Your middle finger nail grows the fastest while the thumbnail grows the slowest
  • Your fingernails grow at a rate of about 3 mm (1/8 inch) per month
  • Nails grow faster during pregnancy
  • Nails on your dominant hand (the writing hand) grow faster since writing stimulates blood flow
  • Nails grow faster in warmer climates
  • Men have faster growing fingernails than women

See how pictures To on how these changes in nail color and structure look, click here .


Source by Ula Berggren-Gillion

How to Increase Your Growth Rate


We have more bones in our body when we were infants than we do today as adults. As babies, most of our bones were made of a soft tissue called cartilage. As we grew older, this cartilage began to fuse together and harden into solid bone. During our growing years, there are cartilage growth plates at the ends of our bones. These growth plates are the cause of our growth.

What many do not realize is that a good diet can enhance growth tremendously during this period of natural body growth. Eating foods that are rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, and calories will help you realize your full potential when it comes to your height. Such nutrients are plentiful in dairy products, red meats, green vegetables, and fruit.

Our bones are largely made up of calcium (with a small amount of phosphorus). Needless to say, a diet rich in calcium is vital to increasing your height. This is the reason why children in developing countries tend to be much shorter than children in developed countries: they do not get an adequate supply of nutrients like calcium in their diet. The best source of calcium are dairy products like milk and cheese. Calcium supplements are also a great way to add calcium to your diet.

Exercise is also very important in determining your growth rate. Regular exercise releases height growth hormones, which help in making you taller. A slender and muscular body frame also helps you to look much taller than you actually are, especially when combined with height flattering clothing, shoes, haircut, and a good posture.

Most importantly, the effects of a good diet and exercise regimen can be felt for years, especially in your old age when it helps to delay the onset of bone related diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.

So not only can you grow faster during your growing years, but also prolong the health of your bones by exercising regularly and maintaining a proper diet.


Source by John Newcomb

Penis Growth Exercise – Stretch and Massage Your Way to a Bigger, Healthier Penis in 6 Weeks!


Want to grow your penis bigger in size realistically? Your male organ is one of the most important part of your anatomy, and it is only right for you to care and find ways to enhance it. Because not only is a bigger and healthier manhood more visually appealing and gives you the assurance of being masculine, your woman will also appreciate how well taken care of you are and how you can better satisfy her sexually than any other men she has known before. But the question is, how can you possibly make those desired changes to your penis?

There are always artificial ways to enlarge your reproductive organs by means of forcing it to grow bigger. Vacuum enlarging pumps make use of a suction force to draw huge amounts of blood into the organ, and almost instantly makes it appear larger than it is supposed to be. Amazing results … only problem is, the increase in size is never permanent. Even worse, regularly making use of the pump can cause blisters on your penis or burst the blood capillaries inside!

Needless to say, you should stay away from such product – or any other penile enlargement product, for that matter. Post why? Because the truth is you only need your own hand to physically grow your penis bigger through some simple daily stretches and massages. And even though the results may not be as instantaneous as you would like them to be, you can be sure whatever gain in size you achieve sticks with you for the rest of your life!

In a typical penis growth exercise routine, what you actually do is to stretch and massage your male organ in specific ways and with pre-determined sets of pressure for about 10 to 20 minutes a day, to stimulate more blood to naturally flow into it. Blood rushes into the 2 internal main blood chambers called the Corpora Cavernosa and breaks down the cells walls in them. As a natural reaction, your penis then grows larger cells which are strong enough to hold a higher amount of blood in the chambers.

Repeatedly doing the exercise on your manhood results in the Corpora Cavernosa chambers having an increased capacity to hold blood at any time. More blood in the Corpora Cavernosa expands the erectile tissues surrounding them and hence gives your penis that added physical length and thickness, as well as the crucial strength needed to achieve a harder erection!

Exercising your penis with your hand is way better than making use of any expensive gadget or tool as it results in your penis appearing much more healthier-looking, apart from being significantly bigger in size. And I can assure you THAT is what your woman, and any other women out there, are looking for in her man!


Source by Bill Waterman

Does Castor Oil Help Hair Growth? Steps in Using Castor Oil For Hair Growth


Does castor oil help hair growth? A lot of people are asking this question especially among the ones who are facing hair loss and thinning problems. People who usually encounter this kind of issue are those who are in their late thirties and early forties onwards. This is also common among those who are regularly taking medicines like anti-fungal and antidepressants; as well as for women who are taking contraceptives on a regular basis.

Hence, if you belong to one of these categories, then you are more likely to be facing this kind of problem and you will eventually ask the question: does castor oil help hair growth? The answer to that is "yes, it can help a lot," in fact many people are using it to treat their hair loss problem by following some procedures in using it; which I shall be discussing further on.

Does castor oil help hair growth? Yes, it does; in order to do that, just follow the following procedures: in order to create your own treatment solution, mix this oil with grape seed oil in equal proportion; apply the mixture to your scalp by gently massaging it and covering the entire scalp including the areas around your ears and above the back of your neck. After doing this procedure, completely wrap your hair with a towel and leave it covered for at least 15 to 20 minutes in order to allow the oil to fully penetrate your scalp and maximize it's effects.

Afterward, you can rinse your treated hair with warm water and completely wash out the solutions. If you do not like the smell of your hair, you can use shampoo after an hour to allow the effect of the solution to be fully optimized. Repeat this procedure for at least twice per week for the next few months and you shall observe great improvement on your current condition.

This is just one aspect of the whole program; the other part is to regularly take essential vitamins and minerals that will develop hair; such as those containing vitamins A, B, C and E. Additionally, try to modify your meal plans to include fruits and green leafy vegetables because they are good sources for the nutrition you need for this purpose. At this point, your question on does castor oil help hair growth is already fully discussed and you already know the answer.


Source by Mike Darwin

B12 Hair Loss Vitamin – The Key To Hair Growth


All over the globe, hair loss has been a very common and familiar problem of people nowadays. And it has always been a query if diet could really affect hair loss and other hair conditions. But because of the fact that nutrients are transferred to our hair through blood circulation, it indicates the deficiency of important vitamins in our body. Moreover, hair loss vitamin is indeed essential in having a healthy hair and avoiding hair loss. A balanced diet is essential in providing sufficient amounts of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to every part of our body. Without proper nutrition, it can result to hair loss. Now what could be the best source of vitamins for the hair that could, if by any chance, act as a hair growth spell? Consequently, hair loss can be managed by taking in dietary supplements, like vitamins, minerals and especially vitamin B12 which is also known as Cobalamin. Normally, people who suffer from hair loss have vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 hair loss vitamin is available almost everywhere nowadays that are being recommended by leading dermatologists and hair-care doctors to supplement the necessary amount of vitamin B12 in our body.

There are several forms of B12. Methylcobalamin is a biologically active coenzyme form of Vitamin B12. It comes in a sublingual tablet and is body friendly. It does not require complicated metabolic steps in order to get it flowing in your bloodstreams, you just have to take it as it is. Cyanocobalamin is an inactive form of vitamin B12. It is synthetic and requires several metabolic processes to having it working for the body but nonetheless, it is the easiest form of vitamin B12 to be found in the market. Hydroxycobalamin is a non-active form of Vitamin B12 and could be commonly used via injections. Adenosylcobalamin is also a biologically active coenzyme form of Vitamin B12. It only comes with a prescription and usually taken through injections.

Primarily, this vitamin B12 contains cobalt and a member of the vitamin B-complex family. It is solely produced by microorganisms such as bacteria, moulds, yeast, and some algae and could be found primarily in meat, eggs and dairy products. However, there are occasions when the body loses the ability to absorb necessary nutrients from the food. In cases like that, additional supplements (eg B12 hair loss vitamin) of these vital nutrients should be taken for the body to have the necessary amount. B12 hair loss vitamin could be taken in the form of oral supplements or through injections. For a hair growth spell effect, you need 2 micrograms of vitamin B12 a day. It is inexpensive, safe and reliable. But along with the B12 hair loss vitamin, you have to carefully watch your diet as well and avoid junk foods as much you can. Too much sugar and salt in the body can definitely promote hair loss. It could also be helpful to use a complete vitamin B supplement

We do not need to pray for a hair growth spell miracle in order to stop hair loss, vitamins such as the B12 hair loss vitamin has benefits you'll find most fulfilling when taken. DHT (di-hydro testosterone), which slows down the growth of hair and has dreadful effects on hair follicles, can be hindered in production with hair vitamin intakes. B12 hair loss vitamin also nourishes the scalp and heals the scalp thus promoting hair growth. And since vitamins regenerate damaged hair follicles, it will definitely trigger hair growth as well.


Source by Djoanna Tanji

Acupressure Massage – A Natural Way To Promote Hair Growth


Acupressure massage is a regimen that has been practised since Chinese medicine originated in 1600 BC. The ritual has many hair benefits that include:

  • Health of the blood
  • Circulation of the blood to the scalp and face
  • Bringing oxygen to the scalp
  • Removing toxins
  • Removing dandruff, dead skin cells and debris
  • In turn, these benefits lead to stimulated hair growth and the strengthening of existing hair. To boost the overall benefits of acupressure massage it is recommended that you use olive oil when massaging the scalp as it neutralises DHT, a hormone that is connected with hair loss. Olive oil contains natural ingredients that reduce the formation of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) on the scalp; so by using it when practising massage you're helping to promote hair growth on the outside as well as internally.

How To Do It:

1) Start by twirling a lock of hair around your finger and give a gentle tug on the roots, just to stimulate nerve endings.

2) On the scalp is the place referred to as "the seat of bliss", located about 6-8 finger widths above your eyebrows- start here. You'll be able to feel that it's slightly softer than the rest of your skull.

3) Begin by using circular strokes, massaging gently at the seat of bliss before branching out over the rest of the skull; allow your strokes to get firmer as you move away from the seat of bliss.

4) As you branch out pay special attention to the occipital ridge, this is the attachment point where muscle joins to the skull- just on your hairline above your neck. Here you will find a powerful acupressure point. If you feel any tension around here apply pressure with your thumb or fingers and hold there for a few moments; you can hold this point up to a couple of minutes if you want a deeper release. After releasing you'll feel the blood circulation beginning to flow easily and traces of tension will be gone.

5) Draw a line with your finger down the middle of your scalp. There are acupressure points located all the way down this line; stimulate them by applying gentle pressure with your finger pads. Stopping when you reach the bottom of your hairline.

6) Pay attention to the edge of your hairline that frames the face. Not only will massaging these points stimulate hair growth, they are perfect spots to stimulate for stress relief.

7) There are acupressure points found all over the scalp so make sure that your finger pads massage the entire area. Repeat the process of applying pressure and letting go until you feel the points loosen.

8) This concludes your hair growth massage. After following these instructions the blood flow along with nutrients and oxygen is propelled towards the scalp. This will nuture growing hair from the inside while the olive oil will get rid of DHT build up on the outside.

Other powerful acupressure points include the jaw attachment points, temples, behind the ears and the inner corner of your eyebrows. Add these points to your daily massage to compliment hair benefits. Here is a quick guide on those points and the benefits of manipulating them.

Inside of the brow bone:

If you've spent too many hours on the computer or you're stressed then there's an easy way to fix that tension headache. Gently press your thumb or forefinger against the inside of your brow bone and move it in a circular motion.This point can be very tense and sore at first. Generally, if you press hard enough, you will be able to feel the pain spread from your eyesocket down your neck. The good news is that after you've worked this point for two to five minutes the relief follows the same pattern. You will feel your tight head loosen and the feeling often spreads down around the eye socket and along the jaw and neck.

The Occipital Ridge:

This is the region located at the back of the head where the base of the skull meets the spine. Muscle is attached along this point that often becomes tense and cramped when we are sat for long periods of time or become stressed. A slow and rhythmical circular massage or a firm stroking motion on tense points of the occipital ridge will ease neck, shoulder and head tension. Massaging this area often alleviates headaches so well that there is no need for painkillers. When using the stroking motion, spinal fluid is often helped along into the spine; this promotes general wellbeing and is a wonderful stress reliever. Stimulation of points along the Occipital ridge also encourages blood flow to the scalp which promotes hair growth.

The Temples:

A circular massage of the temples is a well known cure for a headache; but what most do not know is that it also brings blood to the face and scalp. This promotes hair growth and encourages the skin to obtain a healthy glow. The increased blood flow towards face also encourages muscle tone and prevents premature aging. Rhythmical massage around the temples will loosen tension and aches around the head and often the neck as well when done right.

The Jaw:

Many are left surprised when they find the muscle attachments on the jaw can be stimulated during acupressure massage. We hold an immense amount of tension around our jaw; the sad thing is that many miss out on the amazing results stimulating this acupressure point can produce. Massaging the jaw increases blood flow to the facial muscles which gives them a concentrated dose of nutrients; this is turn promotes good muscle tone, a healthy glow and prevention of wrinkles. The best method of massaging the jaw involves letting your mouth drop open and feeling for areas that are tense. Once you identify tense points along the muscle attachments begin a soft, circular massage. It's often very tender on a lot of people, so be careful when starting. Be gentle.

It is important to note:

  • All the points listed above can have consistent pressure applied to them for a couple of minutes at a time. "Holding" points for an extended period of time provides a deeper release.
  • Massage releases a lot of toxins in the body so it is essential to drink a substantial amount of water afterwards. This prevents cramps, headaches and muscle fatigue.
  • Alternate between long, relaxing strokes and massaging acupressure points for a stress relieving experience.
  • A one time massage of the scalp will not produce new hair, you must do this on a daily basis to really see results.


Source by Danielle KE

From an Alternative to a Preference: Growth of Ayurvedic Treatment in India


With the United Nations declaring June 21 as International Yoga Day and celebrations across the country in full swing, the impact of India's traditional science and culture is vivid. Yoga, Ayurveda and other natural therapies are few such practices that pose far reaching effects on physical health and mental peace.

Ayurveda, in particular, affects the cell-mediated immunity! The medicinal techniques used, take the remedies to the cell interiors, thereby facilitating healing. More than 5,000 years old and in constant practice since then, Ayurveda is rapidly spreading from the rural community to urban population. A 2014 survey in Uttar Pradesh's state Ayurvedic hospital revealed that more and more patients are opting for Ayurveda in order to:

• protect themselves from the side effects of allopathic medicines
• bring down cost incurred on medicine
• get benefits that modern medicine does not offer

Similar surveys conducted in other parts of the country showcase an increasing shift towards Ayurveda, especially because it heals diseases from the root. Diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, arthritis, and various other chronic ailments have been cured in a large set of patients.

Growth of Ayurveda

When we say there is a growth in Ayurvedic treatment in India, it also largely means that the preference is more public now. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, promoting traditional medicines; and the election of Shripad Naik as the minister for yoga and traditional medicine, are apt examples of the boom Ayurveda is experiencing. In consequence to the ongoing governmental push, India aims to expand its presence in the $ 100 billion global market for alternative medicine; of which Ayurveda is a big part. In real sense, this is the growth of Ayurveda!

Why the shift?

One of the primary causes behind Ayurveda's wide acceptability is the adversity of modern drug reactions and economic burden patients need to helplessly bear with. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has also joined the bandwagon, with one of its studies confirming that certain Ayurvedic formulations are effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which causes irreversible joint damage.

Ayurveda market is growing at a rate of 10 to 15 percent annually. Stressing on the impact, Dr. VM Kumar, president of the Central Council of Indian Medicine, at a press conference this month, said that Ayurveda-based Amritadi Guggulu will replace antibiotics in India. The $ 20 billion global stake of herbal health care products is estimated to reach 5 trillion dollars in the future. In the light of such scope, Experts at the National Arogya Expo 2015 advocated that Ayurveda should not be considered an alternative and its reach must be expanded beyond India. The need of giving more importance to Ayurveda in the state's public health system also came up. A small but significant step in this direction was seen when the Chief Minister of Goa announced the inclusion of Ayurvedic treatment in the universal medical scheme, Deen Dayal Swasthya Seva (DDSS).

The Facilitators

Talking about the promoters, Jiva Ayurveda is one influential example. With the aim of 'taking Ayurveda to every household', Jiva plans to add 25 more centers across India, including Mumbai, Bhopal, Indore and Mujafarnagar. The health care provider also has the world's largest telemedicine center, which is offering Ayurvedic consultancy and treatment services to patients in 1500 towns and cities of India.

With increasing consumer awareness in terms of health services and proven benefits of Ayurveda, it is quintessential that the focus on traditional sciences is amplified so that the benefits can be availed by the masses.


Source by Nitika Sawhney

Export Processing Zones (EPZs) and Their Effects on the Growth of the "Globalization Project"


Allow me to begin this article by simply introducing some basic definitions. In general, the globalization project is referred to as the actions taken place by the government to participate in the world economy, usually through liberalization; giving out freedom of trade and cutting off custom restrictions. The process of expansion of international trade and financial flow, as well as flow of production factors for an economy such as foreign direct investments are the main acts under the globalization project in an economic sense. Some statistics available show that this global movement -the globalization project -has raised the living standards for many, benefitting people all across the world. But I would have to mention that at the same time, it also has promoted poverty across the globe (which will be discussed in this article as it continues). The globalization project has many aspects to itself which one in particular could be defined as the development of EPZs, the neoliberal economical approach towards the global market and adjustments plans such as the ones used at the time of debt crises.

Since the economic crisis in the west in the 1980s (will attend to this point as we continue with the rest of the article), export processing zones have become a very important part of neoliberalism development strategy, which once again falls under the globalization project. Entry to the global market appears to be a very tempting opportunity for many countries since it attracts foreign markets and raises the GDP, the income of the government through attraction of foreign currencies and the number of sales of the domestic goods on a greater scale. The improvements in sales of a country are relevant to the supply and demand figures for domestic products. The fact that the consumer demand rises when the market is expanded helps a country to increase its exports. EPZs are a well known method for the governments to gain easy access to the global market. Export processing zones are defined areas of a country that are designed to attract foreign investments accordingly; based what explained previously. The efforts start where government regulation, taxes and trade tariffs are lifted or are reduced. It is believed that through the entry in the world market, the economy of any country would benefit impressively without any losses, but when examined, globalization has some negative aspects towards the such nations. Such examples could be mentioned as: downgrading the social goals of the national development of a country and favouring the rich in order to help them earn more profit while the poor suffer even more. Thus, one could simply say that the acts of globalization promote poverty indirectly.

Practically, export processing zones (EPZs) are used as a strategy to promote economic development; therefore, EPZs are connected to the globalization subject through the elaboration of such developments. The goal of globalization is more varied that what it seems it would be. It could have been addressed to as the development of economy on the global scale, while the internals, national developments of a country are not much affected by the project. EPZs are helpful in order to achieve this goal and they allow countries reach out into the international market despite the negative aspect of employment and wages that EPZs might bring for the nations involved. The role of the state in labour-management relations and the type of workers employed in these export zones is another factor that could relate the growth of globalization project to EPZs. These roles are some critical variables which might affect the state's capability to maximize the economic potential of EPZs, resulting in earning more money / profit. Then again the lack of regulations in these trade zones comes at a great cost to workers, affecting their rights, health issues and security, environmental standards of the workplace and social protections. Governments might increase their profits, but they may face some internal issues in the future instead. People at the EPZs are hired through short term contracts (example would be like three months contracts) which increases the amount of employee turnover is such regions. Companies in the EPZs also deny additional trainings for the workers. Not only this would increase the rage among the employees, but it would also create unrest; workers would more likely go on riots, especially since they want to obtain permanent jobs in comparison to a job that could let them off at any time. Ergo low-grade jobs are created at these countries. The solution to such a problem would be creating a production line. If manufacturing takes place, a need for high skilled employees and personnel would appear that demand higher wages. In this scenario, a multiplier effect on employment is taking place which expands the domestic market. This helps out such nations to develop much quicker and better, just like what the western nations did in order to achieve independency in their development stage / project.

The export processing zones / free trade zones tend to be an attraction for the capitalism ideology. They have minimal custom control and domestic taxes which help businesses benefit much more from their sales. Another attraction of EPZs is the negotiation option available to the employees. EPZs allow labour forces to organize themselves freely and bargain collectively, but mostly in the favour of the business though. Another factor would be that multinational firms involved in the globalization project benefit by collection of large sums of money earned as profit and are provided immense wealth through EPZs. EPZs encounter countless opportunities of trade with no limits that corporations could use for their benefits. As mentioned in "Development and Social Change" by Philip McMichael, EPZs mean more freedom for the business, but less freedom for people.

Sometimes EPZs are involved in exportation of resources and raw materials, a factor that makes the poor countries involved in the globalization project remain poor. Such nations are forced into exporting their commodities due to many factors which some of such reasons are argued about and are mentioned in this article as the audience follows on reading.

This ideology of neoliberalism uses a factor called debt. Many developing nations are in debt and poverty nowadays, partly due to the policies that some international institutions such as the World Bank or IMF have developed and spread around the globe. Debt is used by the rich nations around the globe to get in touch with the poor countries in order to gain access to their raw materials for cheaper prices. Basically debt management is being used by the wealthy nations as a tool to take away the poor nations independencies, and to make the unfortunate regions dependent on loans. When tariffs are in place, countries focus on the development of internal industries and they compete in order to increase their sales, but when in debt, tariffs and other controls are removed which results in increscent of cheaper exports (especially raw materials) and imports of finalized products from the other nations. When a country is in debt, it is forced to sell its products in mass amounts and for cheaper prices to be able to a pay certain portions of the loan payments as soon as possible. This strategy has affected the living standards of such nations for decades. An example of this trend would go back to the 1970s and 80s, during the "Lost decade". The world experienced a debt crisis in which highly indebted countries, mostly developing Latin American nations were unable to repay their international debts. Mexico was the first to declare inability to pay off its debt, and the scandal spread to the rest of the world in a blink of an eye. To counter this, "structural adjustment ideology" (liberalization and privatization) was administered, run by IMF and the World Bank. Long-term commercial debts were involved in this situation which was accumulated in the public sector. The governments of such developing nations such as Mexico were not able to repay the money, so financial rescue operations were given priority to and became necessary. The crisis of 1980s was mostly caused by long-term loans that governments took from foreign forces / banks along with some official grants and loans that could have assisted out their nation's private sector.

Also by the beginning of 1980s the world economy faced recession, and the inflation days were over. USA's anti-inflation campaign was able to increase dollar's interest rate in the 1979; therefore, debt service payments rose rapidly. Change in exchange rates was not the only reason behind the crisis though. As mentioned the world was facing a recession, so the demand for exports fell and lower terms of trade was faced. Highly in debt countries faced payment difficulties as the result and the crisis took place. Banks stopped lending out money and loans were terminated. That was where the World Bank and IMF started to financially rescue such nations from their debt problems. New lines of loans were introduced which later on led to the adjustment programs. The assumption was that the private sector would grow strong and would cover up for the debt payments if the role of the state was removed and industries were privatized. Instead such strategies led governments to drown further in debt. The crisis of 1980s was eventually solved though. One factor contributing in solving the dilemma was the discovery of Latin American niche products in the global capitalism. The other solution to the crisis was mostly reduction of the amount of debts owed, or simply cancellation of debts or rescheduling the payment dates by the World Bank.

When countries are highly in debt, they are forced to cut off the money supply on health and other services in order to pay off the debt. Such behaviour is not recommended since it has negative effect on the living standards of such nations. But on a second glance at the situation, the results of such actions seem to favour the western world, so not many people oppose against them. Prevention of such behaviour would cost the advanced countries their positions in the global market along with the other benefits which they may obtain such as enormous amounts of money they earn; therefore, such systematic strategies are still being used in the globalization project.

When countries are in debt, they have limited options to choose from. The IMF and the World Bank tend to provide financial assistance to the nations seeking it. Their debt management plan is to apply a neoliberalism economic ideology in order to retrieve the money loaned. They have come up with structural adjustment plans such as "liberalization" of the economy and resource extraction / export-oriented open markets. They have minimized the role of the state and the have encouraged privatization. The protectionism over domestic industries is revoked. In some cases even currencies are devalued. Even at times, EPZs are constructed and introduced which leads to deregulations, while the standards are reduced or removed. The impact of such conditions on the poor countries could keep them in debt forever, leaving them dependent on the developed countries. Such behaviour towards the poor nations leaves them with no options except for raising more money through more exports, even though they may not be ready to enter the global market yet. In this situation, when a country's insecurity is high, they may apply for another loan after another. This leads us to observe price wars on a large-scale. The insecurity also leads the poor regions to sell off their resources for cheaper. In such a stage, inspection of the situation reveals that high numbers of exports are also done in order to keep the currencies stable and earn foreign exchange which would help to pay off the debts. The results of such actions leave the government facing such disasters such as social unrest, decrease in the labour value and even depreciation of capital flow. In the worst case, such nations' economies collapse and the poor country remains poor, or even becomes poorer.

One of the effects of structural adjustment programs on the developing countries is the increase of their exports. Usually commodities and raw materials are exported by the poor nations in such situations. This would lead them to lose out in the global business market when they export such commodities (that are cheaper in comparison to finished goods which they'll end up importing). Also these nations are effectively blocked or denied from industrial capital and real technology transfer; therefore, not only they lose their raw materials, they do not have the technology to make domestic products neither so they'll end up importing rather expensive finished products from other nations (due to the added labour costs to make the product from those commodities that they, themselves have sold for cheap). In general, this leads in a low turnover of money for the nation and the country loses cash. The factors mentioned are some of the main reasons that differentiate between developed independent economies and poor dependent regions. The former winner of the Nobel prize for economics and a well-known professor at the Columbia University – USA, Joseph Stiglitz talks about the structural adjustment programs as the following: "the World Bank, at the time of frustration, hands every minister of any poor country the same four-step program described as the following:

1. Privatization. Some politicians are corrupted; therefore, they go ahead with some state sell-offs: "Rather than object to the sell-offs of state industries, they use the World Bank's demands to silence local critics-happily flogged their electricity and water companies. 'You could see their eyes widen 'at the prospect of 10% commissions paid to Swiss bank accounts for simply shaving a few billion off the sale price of national assets. "

2. Capital market liberalization. Stiglitz talks about the capital flows which may ruin economies as being "predictable," and says that "when [the outflow of capital] happens, to seduce speculators into returning a nation's own capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest rates to 30 %, 50% and 80%. "

3. Market-based pricing. "A fancy term for rising prices on food, water and cooking gas which leads, predictably, to Step-Three-and-a-Half: what Stiglitz calls, 'The IMF riot.' After such bloody riots, foreign corporations … can then pick off remaining assets, such as the odd mining concession or port, at fire sale prices. "

4. Free trade. "As in the nineteenth century, Europeans and Americans today are kicking down barriers to sales in Asia, Latin American and Africa while barricading our own markets against the Third World's agriculture, under the guiding hands of IMF structural 'assistance'. These adjustments have made africa's income drop by 23%. "

Seems like the well industrialized countries are forcing open markets on the poor nations, and these attempts are not helping the global market to develop much; instead the rich countries are gaining access to gather cheap raw materials while they are selling off cheap products for higher prices in the poorer regions, making up false promises of their aid and assistance in economic development for such areas instead.

This report indicates that some global institutions such as the World Bank encourage the growth of EPZs since it helps them dominate the countries that are in debt. Although EPZs eliminate the trade barriers and allow countries to exchange goods and money more freely in the global market, they also allow IMF, World Bank and such institutions to gain power on a larger scale. Such actions appear to be problematic. Especially since exports of the poor nations are increased in huge amounts while they do not tend to benefit the nations as they are intended to. These exportations must become cheaper because of all the loans and debts that the poor have gathered over time, to assist the nations to pay off their debts. As a part of structural adjustment programs, the poor regions are globalized against their will and are being used by the advanced nations for their needs. In the conclusion, this kind of scenario benefits the western world and that is why the governing institutions in the globalization project encourage the growth of such acts. They also tend to show their support for the expansion of globalization ideas such as creation of export zones.


Source by Soroush Nazari

Simple and Powerful Hair Growth Stimulants That Grow a Healthy and Long Mane


One bad news about hair growth advice is that it is very difficult to obtain a universal formula that works the best on everyone's hair. That being said, there is a bright side to it all. Despite the fact that trial and error will be the best method for you to discover what best affects the rate of growth of your mane. The most important things when it comes to growing a healthy mane are a healthy diet and hair products that are specific for your hair type. In this article I will show you simple hair growth stimulants you can use to grow a longer mane fast

A proper diet is named the number one. When it comes to stimulating hair growth. What is universally advised is that you should have a high and daily intake of protein, lots of water and vitamins in order to support the growth of your mane. Protein is the only thing that constitutes our hair, so if you eat foods that are rich in protein your hair is likely to benefit from it. For vegetarians, tofu and soybean are invaluable protein sources which are equal to the more common meat and eggs.

There are several vitamin sources that are natural hair growth stimulants. The most commonly recommended are fresh vegetables and fruit. In addition to these, multivitamin juices will provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals you need. S

The best synthetic vitamin products to use are prenatal vitamins. These contain a host of vitamins and minerals needed to encourage faster growing tresses.

As for water, the optimal amount you should drink a day is about eight glasses. Water works to clean your system out of toxins and encourages better immune system function which results in a longer and healthier mane

The list of beneficial hair growth stimulant and treatments continues with the addition of scalp massages and appropriate herbal products. Scalp massages improve scalp blood circulation. As for the hair products, you can use some of the commercially available ones. Make sure you use conditioners suited for your hair type, such as dry hair conditioners. Be sure to use all natural products if possible. One of the naturally-based shampoos is Mira, which speeds up hair growth.

Furthermore, you can use herbal oils to improve hair growth. The most used ones are rosemary and sage oil, excellent hair growth stimulants. If you apply them regularly, their effect will show in a short period of time.

On the other hand, some things should definitely be avoided when trying to grow a longer mane. The number one candidate is combing your hair while it is wet. This can cause breaking of hair. Also, avoid blow drying your hair without a hair protector and avoid washing your hair too frequently. All these things will adversely affect your hair if you do not stay clear of them.

Other stimulants that negatively affect hair growth include some chemicals that are contained in shampoos, such as lauryl sulfate, petroleum and sodium lauryl sulfate.

The most important thing is that you lead a healthy lifestyle that is free from drugs and alcohol. Remember that nothing will help your hair if you let these things ruin your overall health. You should also make it a point to use a good herbal oil as discussed above. The best one being Mira oil. Use it twice a week for a faster growing mane.

To sum up, your hair will bear the consequences of your overall body and health treatment. Proper nutrition, abundant in hair growth stimulants, leads to enhanced hair quality. With that in mind focus on finding the best possible way to treat your hair because it is worth the trouble.


Source by John Mentis

Pros and Cons of Human Growth Hormone Treatment


Human Growth Hormones, also popularly known as the acronym HGH, is one of the most important hormones found in the human body. Responsible for the proper growth of the human body, the lack or absence of this hormone on someone's body can have some serious consequences for both the young and old. This is why hormonal supplements are often incorporated to people who have a lack of HGH. However, as we all know, this treatment, just like any other hormone treatment, is not perfect. And when not used properly, it could result into some very serious complications. In this article, you are going to discover the pros and cons of using Human Growth Hormones as a form of treatment.

Of course, practically all the pros on the use of HGH lie on its functional abilities. Incorporating HGH to people who lack the production of Human Growth Hormone provides these patients the opportunity to grow normally. In fact, this treatment is super effective as most patients have recorded rapid normal growth almost immediately after treatment commences. And with consistent treatment, continued normal growth is observed. But the benefits are not limited to those with HGH deficiency.

It is a fact that Human Growth Hormone production, which is at its peak during a person's younger years, starts to tail off, resulting in declining physical appearance and performance as the person grows older. By undergoing HGH treatment, it allows the person to regain the conditioning he / she has when he / she was younger. Among the benefits include increased bone density, muscle mass, hair growth, as well as improvements in cardiovascular health and immune system. Finally, overall vitality is improved. This has led people to think that using HGH has anti-aging properties. And as a result, more people want to get their hands on this hormone.

However, there are also cons in the use of HGH. First and foremost, availing of HGH treatments can be quite an expensive experience. This is mainly because the techniques used to produce HGH, particularly recombination, can be quite difficult. As a result, it is expected for people to spend 10,000 to 30,000 dollars annually to have a full HGH therapy.

In addition to that, there are risks involved in having too much Human Growth Hormones in the body. First of them is the presence of pituitary gigantism. The direct opposite of dwarfism because of lack of HGH, pituitary gigantism is reflected by the person being too tall, being overweight, or both. Type II diabetes is also observed on people with so much HGH. And on severe cases, the pituitary gland can get damaged, resulting into a pituitary tumor that can proceed to develop into a potentially deadly situation. This is why alternative treatments such as HGH precursors have emerged on the market.

Used in the right amounts and in the right conditions, treatments using the Human Growth Hormones can save a life. As long as it is taken with discretion and according to physical limits, emergence of health problems should never be a problem.


Source by Richard Jarvis