Three Quick Steps To Personal Development And Growth


The steps involved in personal development and growth are actually very simple. The actually doing the steps is where the real problem will typically come from. I'm going to go over the three steps that are the basics of personal development. I'll be honest with you the first one can sting a little bit and the third one is the hardest one to actually do but like any good thing in this life this comes with challenges.

The first step is to find out about yourself. This is the one that I said can hurt a little bit. Most people that do not reflect on themselves on a regular basis are going to find out some things about themselves that are probably going to hurt them a little bit. It is best if you do this for yourselves and then have one or two people that really know, and that are going to be honest with you, do it as well. Once you have done this step it is time to go onto step number two.

The second step is to make a plan of attack for what you are going to do. This is the easiest step but it is also one that most people forget about. Another often forgotten step that will greatly increase your success rate is to post it somewhere that you are going to see it. I think you should put it somewhere that you see it first thing in the morning. Once you have it written out make sure you refer back to it often, especially if you do not hang it somewhere, and make sure you keep it in mind.

The last step is the real action step in the process. This is where you put the deep insight and plan into action and achieve your goals. I am a huge believer in the baby steps approach. If you are not familiar it is where you take small actions that move you progressively forward towards your overall goal. This is how I tackle personal development and growth issues in my personal life and what I recommend to my family and friends when they ask me my opinion on the topic. It is important to do it this way because if you go for the end to quick and fail many people lose focus and go back to their old ways. If you can get some small successes under your belt first a little setback is less likely to get you to quit.

If you forget something the first couple of times do not worry just keep going and change it the next time. It is better to keep going and finish one goal then to keep going back to the beginning every time you see one little part. These are obviously a lot harder to do successfully in real life then on paper but I know personally that it can be done. If you follow these three simple steps to better personal development and growth you will be a lot farther down the road to success.


Source by Steven Tikas

Five Elements Of Insurance Agency Growth: How The Performance Management Process Just Got Better


A good performance management process is no longer enough to ensure insurance agency growth. What can ensure it, though, is a good performance management process rooted in the five core elements of commitment, business process, sales training, skills training and accountability. Before we review these core elements, let's first look at what is status quo in the industry.

If company owners and agency principals were asked to define their performance management process, not a one of them would agree or have the same understanding of what those three words mean. Furthermore, very few of them would see insurance sales as the cornerstone of performance and how they manage that process of selling as a key determinate of agency growth. Many insurance agencies operate on the firmly held belief that the insurance business "is what it is" and that's how "we've always done it". They have not committed their agency to any concrete goal and do not really have a goal-setting process in place for their producers. There are no performance standards set either and no real consequences for not meeting those standards.

Many agency principals have only a linear view for producer and agency growth. Write more policies, book more business, grow and make more money. Write less policies, lose accounts, do not grow, make less money. Proof of this limited mind-set toward growth is found in the number of 50+ year old men in agencies who have been there for years and are still just making $ $ 40- 50K a year in an industry where they could be making double that because the money in insurance sales is there to be made. These agency principals are content with the status quo. They're okay with how things are working and do not want to change a thing. They claim they're too busy to implement a new process to improve the performance of their producers or help them better their performance management process.

Then there are those agency principals who want to grow. They want to create an agency that's motivated, focused and productive and one that fosters a sales culture that puts more money on the bottom line, revolutionizes growth to the top line, creates wealth for the shareholders and provides the mechanism, the process, the system that generates better income for themselves and for their producers.

I believe there are five elements to extraordinary growth and they center around the following precepts: 1) commitment; 2) a business plan or process; 3) sales training; 4) skills training; and 5) accountability: I espouse to this belief because it delivers on its promise. These core elements create extraordinary, unprecedented growth in the agency.

Commitment. Commitment starts with the agency principal. If the agency is to grow and prosper, the agency principal must be willing to make a commitment to the agency itself and to every producer who works there. Start by making a promise to your producers. Make it a powerful one, a dramatic departure from the way things have been. Think outside the box. Create a commitment that's concrete, measurable and compelling enough to drive both you and your producers to greater growth. Tell them that you are committed to helping them double their income rapidly. Not only would you motivate the bottom 80% of your producers, but your passion for helping them grow financially would fuel the drive toward greater growth for you, for them and for the agency.

Business Process. Most insurance agencies do not have a business process. They have a process for how policies get underwritten, how prices are quoted and how client billing procedures are set up. They have a system to keep track of their book of business. But what most of them do not have is a process by which new business gets generated and new opportunities for growth emerge.

In order to grow, agency principals have to have a business process, a flight plan, a playbook that spells out step by step who is going to play the game, who needs what to play it and where every player is going to be on every play. The playbook defines the rules of play and teaches agency principals and their producers how to play by the rules. And it starts with the prospect. When you develop a rock-solid business plan like this, it is reliable and repeatable.

Sales Training. Of the five core elements of extraordinary growth, none is more important than training. Nothing gives a greater return on an agency principal's investment than training producers to master the skills that will better equip them and the agency to reach its goals and experience real growth. Without training, how can you execute the plays in your playbook? How effective can you be with the business process?

So what do you train them on? First, teach them how to meet with their best clients and ask for those introductions. Give them the ability to leverage all the people in their book of business and all the people they know. People are the hidden asset an agency has to generate new business, make more money and create a greater net worth. Secondly, train them in pre-call strategy. Teach them how to develop rapport with the client and build a relationship with them. Train them to differentiate themselves and their proactive services from the competition or "incumbent". Teach them how to wedge out the incumbent on a consistent basis so that they improve their closing ratio and win more business. Lastly, train them on how to negotiate a written service agreement with their clients. And, do all this, not only to give them a high level of competence, but also the confidence to go out and use these skills effectively.

Skills Training. Skills training is about converting sales skills into action, into learned behaviors. The best vehicle an agency principal has to bring that conversion about is a sales meeting. But not the kind of sales meeting we're all accustomed to, not the kind that starts with the agency principal going through last month's numbers and the sales manager calling on producers to share success stories. It's not the kind of meeting where everyone discusses what's new in the pipeline and the sales manager asks what the chances are of winning that account. In these sales meetings, producers learn how to work introductions, do pre-call strategy and figure out how to bust the incumbent. They learn to use agency resources to quote a piece of business, prepare a presentation and create a written service agreement and they learn how to develop contingency plans.

Accountability. There are two elements of accountability. First, agency principals have to be able to count. They have to have a system to keep track of both prospects and existing clients. They have to be able to create pipelines for their producers. Secondly, there must be consequences. If they do not have well-defined consequences for things like high performance and low performance, it will be hard to create accountability, and without accountability, nothing gets done.

The biggest problem agency principals have in creating accountability is fear. They are afraid to commit. They are afraid to set up consequences. They do not want to commit because they fear it will upset the status quo and ruffle feathers. In order to grow, however, producers have to be held accountable for their performance and agency principals have to adopt a mind-set that speaks to the belief that they are creating accountability for the greater good and for the bigger cause – helping producers double their income and creating greater profitability so that with those profits, the agency can invest in new producers and in proactive services that will continue to give it its competitive advantage.

As I've said, a good performance management process is no longer enough to ensure insurance agency growth. A good performance management process rooted in these five core elements can, however. Mastering the elements of commitment, business process, sales training, skills training and accountability takes the performance management process in an insurance agency to a whole new level and virtually guarantees not just growth, but extraordinary growth, for the agency and for the owners, managers , and producers who work there.


Source by Lynn V. Hayes

Puppy Growth Chart – How Big Will My Dog Get?


One of the first questions anyone asks when considering purchasing a dog or puppy is how big will it get? This is a very relevant and important question considering your need to ensure your puppy is cared for appropriately in your home.

If you are looking for a large or small sized dog and end up with an animal much larger than anticipated, this clearly is going to give you problems within the household. It is therefore, extremely important to understand the size of the dog you are thinking of getting and also importantly, the development stages of the dog within the first 18 months which is considered to be the primary growing period. Other considerations to take into account in terms of your puppy and eventual size are his or her exercise regime, its grooming requirements, and it's likely personality or temperament.

Puppy weight estimates are most effectively understood by looking at both the dogs parents wherever possible. This will give you an extremely good idea by looking at the puppy's family to ascertain what its end size and weight are likely to be. It is, however worth noting that mixed breed puppies are more difficult to assess in terms of size and growth. This is particularly relevant in situations where neither information around the size or the greed of the puppy's parents is available this is not an uncommon situation and can be overcome with a little research.

Here are some important considerations to give you an idea as to what the puppy's potential growth may be in the future;

1. Pay particular attention to the breed and the size and weight of parents

2. Look at the paws of the puppy, are they large? If so, it is likely that the puppy will develop into a much larger sized dog.

3. An unscientific formula which some believe is a good indication of eventual size is known as the 'double' formula, this, in essence, suggests that whatever the puppy weighs at around 14 weeks of age is doubled to provide an understanding of its final weight. This of course is not an exact science and the above methods should be used wherever possible.

So, what are the growth chart points of your puppy from 1 month to 18 months?

1 Month – puppy begins to wean and the teeth start to appear.

1 to 2 Months – your typical puppy begins cheering and playing with small items.

3 Months – your puppy enjoys chasing things in responding to his or her name.

4 Months – puppy begins to respond to simple commands and will heed when beckoned.

5 Months – Vaccinations and training regime to begin (Near adult height and weight for smaller breeds up to 25lbs)

6 Months- your puppy should fetch and understand simple commands and will be reaching sexual maturity for some small dogs.

7 Months – permanent teeth are cutting through which is a good time to schedule dental checkups with your veterinarian (near adult height and weight for medium breeds up to 55lbs)

9 Months – puppy training should be completed.

12 months – your dog will now be reaching adult height and weight for larger breeds over 55lbs.

18 months – your dog has now reached sexual maturity and the majority of large breeds over 50lbs – all dogs at 18 months will be approaching social maturity.

I hope the above puppy growth chart information and details around how to assess how big your dog will get has proven to be useful to you. Please visit my website for further dog training ideas and information.


Source by Kate Brielle

Grow Taller Quickly – A Few Tips To Boost Your Height Effortlessly


If you are one of those people who are always looking for ways to grow taller quickly then you know that it is a tough thing to do, trying to figure out the correct methods to use that will give you at least an inch or two in height as fast as possible. However in this article you will find some tips that will go a long way to your cause just as long as you do not expect these changes to happen to you overnight, it will take time and hard work but it will give you the results but time is also an essential part of that equation. So without further ado let's get into some tips that will help you add at least an inch to your current height.

The first thing that you want to be able to do to achieve your growth is to increase the production of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) that your body will normally produce. You MUST AVOID falling into the trap of buying pills that say they can increase your HGH because they are pure rubbish! If you really want to boost the production then you can actually do this naturally through the proper exercises and stretches that target your body correctly! Nutrition is also something that you need to aim to sort out too as it too can boost the production of this hormone, a good nutrition and exercise plan combined can push your HGH into overdrive therefore enabling your body to be ready for growth and recovery which is exactly where you want it to be.

When it comes to the exercises that you want to look for kicking is a great one to start off with. Kicking will help lengthen the legs a little to give you a bit of extra height, the same goes for running too.

There are sports which you can go through as well such as cycling, basketball and swimming, each of those 3 having different effects on different areas of the body to help you grow taller quickly but all giving some great benefits.

For example with swimming you are helping your spine as you are relieving the pressure that it has to go through during the day by being in the water and therefore helping correct your posture which is something that you want to look into when increasing your height.

The next part mentioned is the nutritional plan that you will want to follow. Your food intake is essential to the growth that you are seeking, foods such as vitamins, minerals, milk and vegetables are the basic that you should start with and most of you will know that protein is an essential building block that you will need as well !

Just by following these tips you can simply grow taller quickly in just a matter of months or maybe even weeks. It all depends on how much effort that you put in, the more effort you put in, the bigger results that you will reap!


Source by James Pswarai

Manage The Growth Of Your Goldfish Using Green Water


Goldfish hobbyists are turning to green water due to the benefits shown on the natural ecosystem of their tanks. Green water used by the more serious goldfish keepers, can deliberately influence the evolution and expansion of their fish. Whilst a really good strategy it must be watched carefully until there is an abundance of strong green algae developed in the tank.

The Effects Of Green Water On Your Goldfish

For goldfish keepers that are trying to manage the rate at which their fish grow, one of the most powerful tools is green water. Where the tank sports substantial green water, the fish will be more tranquil and less energetic. This in turn sees the protein from their diet directed to their wen, which is the aided in the growing cycle. Should the goldfish keeper wish to control wen growth or encourage other areas of growth they simply need to dilute the algae and the fish will become more active again and the protein will then go towards the growth of body mass and size.

Warning Signs To Keep Your Eye On

If the plan is to cultivate the green algae in your tank, you should note that it will take time and trial and error to create the correct formula of green water supply. The first problem could be that the green algae may grow too quickly. This will result in the tank becoming too murky which will result in behavioural defects in the fish. An abundance of algae is best treated by controlling the amount of light received by the tank. Tanks that are constantly exposed to the light will grow algae that soon fill the entire tank. The recommended lighting as stated by the experts would be 8 – 12 hours per day for a green water tank. However some hobbyists have gained success by reducing the lighting to 5 hours a day.

If your tank does become overrun with algae then you may have no alternative but to change the water. The experts recommend that this is only necessary when the tank has become so cloudy that you are unable to see the fish swimming in it when looking from the top. Due to the speed in which the algae reproduce too high population should be offset with 90% water change. Although over populated it is important to leave a minimal amount of algae to promote the regrowth of the necessary organisms required.

Apart from the green algae there are other forms of algae that can grow under the same type of conditions but these have no benefit on the goldfish. Most commonly is the blue-green algae, this is difficult because it is not actually an algae; it is a bacteria that is represented as a blue coloured slime coating throughout your tank. It will grow on the glass, gravel, rocks or any plant life you have in the tank. The only way to rid the goldfish tank of these bacteria is thorough cleaning and water changes.

A good combination of green water and natural water is the best way to control and maintain healthy growth of your goldfish. High concentration of algae will lead to larger wen and other visible changes to your fish. By lowering the green algae in the water the fish will be more active and develop more length and body mass. Remember though, when using a green water tank you must always keep an eye out for the harmful types of algae growing and constantly control the light to the tank to regulate sudden spurts of algae growth.


Source by Tun Win

Can Yeast Infection Cream Really Help Your Hair Grow?


The active ingredients in yeast infection medications are usually miconazol nitrate (MN), trioconosol, or clotrimazole. Now, most people are using creams that contain miconazol nitrate (MN) as the active ingredient. I did find some cases on different forums of people using clotrimazole cream for growth, but did not find much about the use of trioconosol creams for hair growth. Those that have used the creams are calling it a miracle hair cream. Many have noticed their hair is growing faster. Some people experience an additional 1-2 inches per month as well as thicker hair. There are some cons however. Some people have mentioned that they notice increased shedding of the hair, have experienced headaches, and some scalp irritation.

Why yeast infection creams may work

Now for those of you who have done extensive research on hair loss … using an anti-fungal for hair growth will not sound all that groundbreaking. As a matter of fact it is often recommended that an anti-fungal shampoo be added to your hair care regimen. Some of the popular recommendations include: Nizoral, Head & Shoulders, Selsun Blue, and T-Gel. Some dermatologists are even prescribing anti-fungal creams to those experiencing hair loss.

There are two reasons why an anti-fungal cream may help those suffering from hair loss. These creams have anti-fungal properties as well as anti-androgen properties. Let's start with the anti-fungal properties. Hair loss can be caused by a number of different factors. One of them being fungal infections. One of the most well known fungal infection to cause hair loss is ringworm. Though, some health care practitioners believe that hair loss can also be caused by a chronic yeast (fungus) on the body and scalp also commonly called candida. If you browse through some different candida sites and forums and you'll see countless people stating that they have noticed a link between their candida infections and hair loss.

Now, when most candida sufferers talk about their yeast problem, they are talking about an overgrowth of the yeast that is normally found in the intestines. It would be hard to imagine that using yeast infection cream on the scalp could somehow help the overgrowth of candida in the gut. No, but it would not be hard to imagine that if systemic (an all-over chronic infection) candida can cause hair loss, some yeast present on the scalp could certainly contribute to thinning over time. I will not go into the mechanism of how candida can cause hair loss in this article but I will simply state that candida can infect the hair follicle, cause folliculitis which can contribute to thinning hair.

Some anti-fungals are known to also have anti-androgenic properties. Ketoconazole is one such anti-fungal. It is the active ingredient in a popular anti-dandruff shampoo, Nizoral, which has also gained some popularity in the hair loss world. There is an even a study that suggest that Nizoral might be as effective as minoxidil, the active ingredient in Rogaine, at increasing the thickness of an individual strand of hair.

For now, we can not be sure whether yeast infection creams also have some anti-androgenic properties. What we do know is that many women (and men) have been using the creams to successfully thicken their hair and speed up growth. Now, keep in mind the side effects that were mentioned earlier.

If you're intrigued but still not keen on applying yeast infection cream on your scalp, you may be happy to know that some hair loss sufferers are using dandruff shampoos with similar results. Dandruff has been shown to be caused, in part, to Malassezia yeast- a type of fungus. Dandruff shampoos contain different anti-fungal medications that target yeast, decrease dandruff, and as a side effect may also help your hair grow. Before you run out and grab just any dandruff shampoo, read through the below list of dandruff shampoos that may promote growth; some have a better reputation than others.

Head & Shoulders: A study has shown that the active ingredient, zinc pyrithione, in Head & Shoulders can modestly increase hair growth. In the study, the anti-fungal was compared to ketoconazole and piroctone olamine. Those who used the zinc pyrithione shampoo saw a decrease in hair shedding and an increase in the amount of hairs in the growth phase; but the other users in the study had more of an improvement with the ketoconazole and piroctone olamine shampoos. Additionally, many have commented on forums that they've had negative reaction to Head & Shoulders. This may or may not be from an allergic reaction to the zinc pyrithione. In any case, there are better options out there and Head & Shoulders would not be my first choice among this list of shampoos.

Nizoral: The active ingredient in Nizoral is ketoconazole. It is probably the most popular of shampoos in this list to be used specifically to help grow hair. Not many people complain of allergic reactions to the shampoo. In the study mentioned above, the ketoconazole shampoo outperformed the zinc pyrithione shampoo in decreasing the amount of shedding hair. If you have experienced hair loss, I would recommend adding Nizoral to your regimen to help slow any further shedding.

Selsun Blue: The active ingredient in this shampoo is zinc pyrithione, which we've already covered, and selenium sulfide. Selenium sulfide has been documented to cause hair loss. Obviously, this shampoo is not one that I would recommend trying if you are experiencing hair loss.

T-Gel Shampoo "Greasy Hair: This particular version of the shampoo contains piroctone olamine which has been shown to be even more effective than ketoconazole in increasing hair shaft diameter and about as effective in reducing hair shedding. Many users have also said that this shampoo is less drying than Nizoral. I would also recommend trying T-Gel, but only the version with piroctone olamine as the active ingredient. Other versions of the T-Gel shampoo have different active ingredients.

A Natural Alternative

Some of you may be more interested in a "natural" product. There are many herbs and oils that have anti-fungal properties. One natural alternative would be to apply emu oil to the scalp 2 to 3 times per week. Emu oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antibacterial.

So yes, you can use yeast infection and jock itch cream to help grow your hair. If you are hesitant, try Nizoral or T-Gel, they both can work. If you are looking for something natural, emu oil is a good option.


Source by Donna L. Palmer

What is Chlorella Growth Factor and Why is it Beneficial?


Chlorella growth factor is found in a single-celled algae that contains vast amounts of nutrients that scientists are beginning to discover have great health benefits. This algae is believed to have been around for over 3 billion years, providing it's nutritional benefits throughout the ages, and now we get to take part in that with chlorella growth factor, which is taken from the nucleus of this power packed algae. This growth factor is considered something of a "super food" because it has such a high nutrient density, containing amino acids, RNA / DNA, carbohydrates and vitamins.

The health benefits that come about from the Chlorella algae are many and include dietary supplements to help complete your overall nutrition as well as helping you ingest more chlorophyll, which has been shown to help cleanse the blood, along with immune support and stress reduction. When the Chlorella growth factor is extracted it's made up of several nucleic acids including several different natural sugars, xylose, which is a source of natural energy and amino acids, which are beneficial in providing support for the body's cells. Children that are given CGF are shown to grow faster without having any negative effects.

The biggest benefit of Chlorella growth factor is that it can be compared to a protective covering for the entire body and something of a mobile workshop too, one that can help to detoxify the body, fight disease and help to slow premature ageing. If we want to keep our bodies healthy, then the key is to build up our immune system. Most viral infections can be successfully fended off if our cells are healthy and Chlorella is a great booster of the immune system, helping to keep pathogens in check and fighting off illnesses.

Chlorella is considered a well balanced package of complete and essential nutrients and its growth factor works to directly nourish and stimulate each of the over 60-trillion cells that make up our individual bodies. Taking chlorella growth factor daily can provide critical nutritional support that could be lacking in some diets, and it's also an ideal supplement that the entire family can take since it has been proven safe for both children and adults.


Source by Phil De Fontenay

Food Safety Bacterial Growth Requirements


As food safety bacteria are very similar to us they need similar conditions in order to grow. The main conditions are food, moisture, warmth and time.

Food and Moisture.

There are four main food types:

· High risk foods

· Raw foods

· Low risk foods

· Ready to eat raw foods.

High risk foods are common in food poisoning outbreaks. They are usually composed of protein, are ready to eat, stored under refrigeration and no further processing such as cooking is required. Examples include pates, sandwiches, filled rolls, fresh cream and artificial cream cakes, pies and cold cooked meats.

Raw foods are a major source of food poisoning organisms. High risk foods must be kept away from raw foods at all times or cross contamination will result, compromising food safety and food poisoning will occur.

Low risk foods do not pose a food safety hazard mainly because they lack one or more of the requirements for bacterial growth. They could be acid foods with a pH of less than 4.5, they may have a high sugar, salt or fat content which are good natural preservatives. They may be dried products or preserved foods not requiring refrigeration. They may be foods that require ambient storage.

The last category of food is ready to eat raw foods. These include fruit and salad vegetables and they must be thoroughly washed before consumption to minimise the risk from low-dose pathogens.

High risk food contains sufficient moisture for bacterial growth.


The next thing to consider is warmth. If we control warmth then bacterial growth will not occur.

The maximum recommended temperature for freezers is -18 ° C. At this temperature there is no bacterial growth, bacteria remain dormant. Although some bacteria are killed during the freezing process, many remain alive.

Fridge temperatures should be between 1 and 4 ° C. Although the maximum legal fridge temperature in the UK is 8 ° C. At fridge temperatures some bacteria will grow very slowly including Listeria and C botulinum.

The next range of temperatures is the temperature danger zone. This is between 5 and 63 ° C. Once food is being prepared it must be kept out of the temperature danger zone. If food is left in the temperature danger zone bacterial growth will occur, affecting food safety and food poisoning will result. As bacteria enter the temperature danger zone at 5 ° C they start to grow slowly. As the temperature increases the bacteria will grow more profusely. Bacteria grow best at 37 ° C, which is body temperature. As temperatures increase from 37 ° C bacterial growth slows down. Most bacteria are killed by 52 ° C. The UK recognised safety cooking temperature is 75 ° C, although foods can be cooked at a low temperature over a longer period of time.

The hot holding temperature is 63 ° C, which is the top of the temperature danger zone. If food is to be served hot, for example in a carvery situation it must be retained above 63 ° C. If the food is above this temperature, there is no time limit to how long the food can be served for and there is no food safety hazard.

If cold food is refrigerated, it must be retained at 1 and 4 ° C. The time limit would depend on the food product. The food could not be retained without time limit as eventually there would be mould growth (mould can grow at very low temperatures).

The two hour hot rule allows foods that had been prepared and are meant to be served hot, to be served at ambient temperature for no more than two hours. For example if food is being retained at 63 ° C and suddenly the heating equipment breaks down then that food which is losing temperature can be sold for a further two hours. After two hours the food is allowed to be chilled and reused at a later occasion after refrigeration.

The four hour cold rule allows foods that are normally sold at refrigeration temperature to be served at ambient temperature for no more than four hours. For example if sandwiches are prepared and refrigerated, and the refrigerator breaks down, the temperature will rise. The sandwiches must be sold within four hours. After four hours any remaining sandwiches must be disposed of.

In order to check temperatures of freezers, fridges, cooking temperatures and delivery of foods, a temperature probe must be used. It must be a thermocouple temperature probe which is able to be calibrated. You can calibrate with boiling water, when the probe should indicate a temperature of 100 ° C. The bottom range of temperatures can be checked with mixture of ice and water. The probe should indicate a temperature of 0 ° C. Probes must be cleaned and disinfected between use. This can be achieved by using alcohol wet wipes or simply boiling water. The temperature probe must be inserted into the thickest part of the food which is known as the core temperature.

Further information and For details of food hygiene training courses to go The : Food Safety Training .


Source by Dave Summers

The Effect of Caffeine on Plant Growth


The effect of caffeine on plant growth has been studied by the experts for some time now. People believe that exposure to caffeine would cause the plant to grow at a much faster rate and that this is a positive effect for plants. But this is just a myth and make-believe, not to mention, a total waste of perfectly good caffeine. While it does not do anything for the growth speed of the plants, research is still on progress about the real effect of caffeine on plant growth.

There are a lot of theories regarding that subject but nothing in particular seems to be the real deal. All are just theories that lack evidential support and therefore can not be considered as factual truth about the effect of caffeine on plant growth.

One theory mentioned above says that the caffeine can help in the growth of the plant. The believers of this myth argue that the potassium found in caffeine helps the plant to grow faster. As this theory can be true and that caffeine can possibly help plants grow, there is still no factual evidence that it really was the caffeine that helped the growth and not other elements present. It really is hard to say without eliminating all possibilities.

Another theory is that caffeine's effect on plant growth can make the plants abnormal and retarded. That they make the growth of the plants slow down and also make plants tend to be small in size, abnormally small in size. So again we have a group of people who believe that their theory is the right one. They claim that the caffeine added to the plants stop the plants from growing. There really is no telling whether what they claim is true or not.

There are a lot of elements to consider in finding out the effect of caffeine on plant growth. It would require controlled environment, day and night observation, and total focus to the subject. The weather is also a factor and the environment on which the plant was grown. There are factors and elements to take in consideration first before even attempting experimentation with caffeine and plants.

The effect of caffeine on plant growth is really a hard one to call. It can be that the plants are growing slower because of the caffeine and it also can be a possibility that the potassium and phosphorus can cause the plant to grow much faster.


Source by Robert Grazian

Growth of Online Degree Programs in the Philippines


Online degree programs were first offered in the Philippines in the early 90's during which there was a recorded continuous growth in the number of state and private institutions in the country. Also during this period was when the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), one of the three government organizations handling the education system in the country, encouraged many educational institutions to offer distance learning programs. This move was triggered by the increasing population and rise of tertiary enrolments over the past years.

1990's – Rise of Open Universities

One of the well-recognized Higher Education Institution (HEI) offering online degree programs in the country is the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), which was established in 1995. OPOU is the pioneer of open learning and distance education in the Philippines . Another prominent open university in the country is the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University (PUPOU). PUPOU began offering online degree courses in 1990. The Asian Institute for Distance Education (AIDE) is one of the only four government-recognized distance learning providers in the country offering full academic degrees. Other pioneers of online degree programs are the University of Santo Tomas (UST), Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) through the e-Learning Access Program, and Dela Salle University (DLSU). The online programs offered by these online universities include undergraduate programs, graduate certificate programs, post-baccalaureate programs, masters program, and doctoral programs.

2000's – Technological Advancements in HEIs

The eLearning market starts to emerge in the Philippines in the early 2000's. However, the online courses offered by that time are limited only to certificate and vocational training. The government agency that helps facilitate these online programs is the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Today, TESDA is offering various online courses in the fields of IT, Tourism, Electronics, Automotive, HVAC, and Agriculture under the so-called Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Although these programs only provide Diploma and Certificate courses, TESDA has ladderization programs from these courses to the degree courses.

At the turn of the millennium, internet technology starts to gain momentum in the education system of the Philippines. This technological milestone gives way to the emergence of more public and private HEIs offering online courses. According to a study, the number of internet users increased by about 291% during the period of 2000-2006, which is equivalent to 7.82 million people. According to Philippines ICT Statistics Portal, the mobile phone subscription was more than doubled from 2006 to 2011 and the fixed broadband subscription was more than quadrupled within the same time frame. According to, various public and private websites have also surfaced to provide online programs and services to students in the higher education. Among of these institutions are the Advanced Science and Technology Institute, Kodiko Online,, Education for Life Foundation,, FAPENET, Gurong Pahinugod, and

2010's – High Economic Growth Impacts Higher Education Programs

According to Business World Online, there are nearly 2,300 HEIs in the Philippines and 1,259 of them were offering business degrees in 2012. According to CHED, tertiary enrolment reached 3.3 million in the same year. Based on, there are lots of postgraduate courses in the Philippines that can be taken online from various public and private HEIs today. These are online courses in education, management and public administration, agriculture, media and communication, health and allied sciences, computer studies, business, and architecture and engineering.

The Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) can be considered as one of the major breakthroughs in improving the offerings of online degree programs in the Philippines. Under this program, students aiming for bachelor's degree can complete their studies in about a year or so and they also have the option to take the program online from the accredited online colleges and universities.

Fueled by the growing economy, more and more HEIs are offering online degree courses to both Filipino and international students across the country today. And with education programs offered by TESDA and CHED, it is expected that online degree programs in the country will continue to experience more growth in the coming years.


Source by Paul B Hata