Natural Breast Growth – Hormone Control


Many women in today's world desire a larger, firmer and fuller set of breasts. Be it for the look, the self esteem that comes with it, or sex appeal, many women today are looking into non surgical methods of natural breast growth. Many women think the only way to breast enhancement is via surgery, as well as think of surgery as the traditional way to achieve larger breasts. The actual traditional way women have been achieving larger breasts throughout history is by life style changes and diet.

The foods we eat have a direct impact on our body's, including our breasts. There is a traditional saying that goes "We are what we eat". Never is this more true with natural breast growth or the lack there of. Sure genetics play a hand, yet diet also has a direct impact on natural breast growth. You see, the foods we eat actually effect the hormone levels in our body's. Too much of certain types of food can either inhibit our natural breast growth, or speed it along. Countries in the orient have long since known the effects of food relating to the growth of the breasts.

First let us cover the hormone that can hinder our natural breast growth. That hormone is Testosterone. All women produce some Testosterone, and it is natural for our body's to contain some. The problem is when our body's produce to much Testosterone due to imbalance, or process foods which encourage Testosterone production within our systems. Many women unknowingly have diets rich in foods which encourage Testosterone production, and hamper their natural breast growth and development.

The foods which encourage Testosterone production are:

• Asparagus
• Avocado
• Bananas
• Beef
• Broccoli
• Brussel Sprouts
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Celery
• Cottage cheese
• Eggs
• Figs
• Garlic
• Oysters

The second hormone to cover is estrogen. We need a healthy level of estrogen in our body's to promote natural breast growth. If your estrogen levels are to low, that can inhibit breast growth. For some its a hormonal imbalance not related to diet, however for others, diet plays a key role in reduced estrogen levels in the body. Again it all goes back to we are what we eat. Certain foods will inhibit estrogen production within the body. Avoiding foods which interfere with your body's natural process of creating estrogen can aide you on your journey to larger and firmer breasts.

Foods that inhibit estrogen include:

• All fruit except: apples, cherries, dates, and pomegranates
• Overly refined foods such as confectionery sugars
• Broccoli
• Buckwheat
• Green beans
• Millet
• Onions
• Tapioca
• White rice

Improving your diet and hormone levels will possibly help you achieve your goal, however their are other life style changes that can also help you achieve that goal such as exercise, hypnosis, massage, yoga and more. Dietary changes are but one key to larger fuller breasts.


Source by EJ Wisher

How to Grow Taller – 7 Super Foods to Explode Your Growth


Growing taller is a dream of many men as well as women. There are many drugstore food supplements or multi-vitamins that can be used to get good height but all these options are un-natural. With these fantastic natural ways of growing taller, there is no need to be taking expensive supplements. Here are seven super foods which can be enjoyed and at the same time help you to boost your growth without any side effects of medications.

  1. Eggs: These are a most important and wonderful source of getting protein. As known, eggs contain protein in a very large quantity and protein is important for hair, nails, as well as bone growth. White albumins in eggs contain 100% protein, which helps a person to grow taller. To grow taller, it is recommended to use three to six eggs on daily basis.
  2. Milk: All of us know that milk contains calcium, which is not only good for bone growth, but it also provides strength to bones. Milk is a food, which is easily digestible and also helps to assimilate proteins. Two to three glasses of milk are a must to help you grow taller.
  3. Soybean: Soybeans are said to have the highest quantity of proteins of all types of vegetarian foods. It consists of pure proteins which help to improve both bones and tissue mass. Fifty grams of soybeans on a daily basis is the prescribed quantity to be helpful in growing taller.
  4. Oatmeal: It is also rich in proteins like soybeans. It is good for those people who are diet conscious as it has a very low fat content. Same quantity of oatmeal like that of soybean is also recommended to achieve an ideal height.
  5. Coral calcium: It's a natural source of calcium and is derived from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to gain bone mass and so helps to grow bones.
  6. Chicken: High protein content is found in chicken. As a lot of us know, chicken soup is often recommended as a remedy for all kinds of ailments. It is likewise a fact that the high protein in such broth, or perhaps in the actual chicken meat as also helpful to achieve your maximum height.
  7. Beef: Similar to chicken, beef also has a high quantity of proteins. One hundred grams of beef on a daily basis is a good way to receive a significant quantity of proteins for your body.

While all of the above super foods have been found helpful by most people in trying to gain maximum height, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor first before embarking on a diet routine to maximize your growth.


Source by Vladislav Shel

Present and Expected Future Growth of Catering Services Business


Catering services business is a rewarding option with huge potential of growth. Considering the importance of social celebrations and events, corporate cultures and social lifestyle, you can consider the catering industry to expend its status and profitable nature further.

Catering service providers are finding recognition at small as well as big levels. The catering industry is not only favorable for home based businesses; it is helping the social caterers to make big profits. Though, it is obvious that only those service providers in the industry succeed who are able to withstand this demanding business option.

As far as the current trends of catering services industry are concerned, it has attained status among top industries with an ever-increasing demand of various services offered by it. Social caterers in the United States, for example, make sales of over 6.5 billion dollars every year. This figure should significantly increase if the sales generated by home-based and unknown caterers are added to it.

The restaurant industry came up with good figures even when other industries were struggling during the period of recession. The consumers in the United States spend about 50 percent of their total food budget in the restaurants. This clearly indicates how the establishments like restaurants, cafes and other types of eateries are growing their profits year after year.

The catering services industry in the developing countries too is enjoying the favorable period of growth. The countries like India has its people adopting to the new lifestyles which include better food preparations for different types of social and cultural functions and increased habit of people to eat in restaurants regularly.

The main promising factors that ensure that the catering industry is going to maintain its consistent growth for the years to come include:

  • Household with higher income are helping the catering industry to flourish. In the developing countries as well, the household income is increasing at a fast pace. So, more and more people are attracted towards the catering industry and the services offered by it.
  • Corporate culture that holds a number of meetings, conferences, business lunch and dinner parties are becoming greatly dependent upon the catering industry services. The trend might not be that new for the developed countries, but the countries that have recently discovered the corporate culture are helping in the industry to attain popularity.
  • Birthday parties, wedding receptions and other types of family events are more and more relying upon the catering service providers. This is mainly because of the increase in number of working mothers that give them less time to do preparations in the kitchen.
  • Finally, people are getting more attracted towards the fashion of eating out with families and friends. This type of lifestyle is again new for the developing countries.

As you can have an idea from the discussion above, the catering services industry is one of the best options for those planning to have their own business. Start with a good business plan and keep an eye on the existing competition to have a successful catering business.


Source by Vaiv Jais

Ultra Growth Hair Loss Treatment


Hair loss is a condition that affects billions of both men and women across the globe. Recent scientific advances have now made it possible to not only stop balding, but to completely reverse it. I know this because I have experienced this reversal first hand with a product known as Ultra Growth.

Best Hair Loss Treatment?

Ultra Growth has established itself as America's Number 1 hair regrowth product. They have developed this reputation over many years of trading and are now seen as the only obvious choice in the industry, due to a great many satisfied customers.

What makes Ultra Growth so different from the competition? Well I'll start by asking another question; what makes the others so bad? There are pills one can acquire that will promote follicle regrowth in men. The main product is known as Propecia. Propecia was advertised fairly heavily in the past decade, unfortunately, scary and mostly undocumented side effects have been found in regular users (which you need to be, if you want to maintain a full head of hair). Side effects include: impotence, low libido and erectile dysfunction, mainly because the drug in Propecia interferes with male sex hormones.

The only other option is a hair transplant, however these are very painful, expensive and not guaranteed to work. There's a long road ahead of you if this is your choice.

How is Ultra Growth different? Well it's all to do with how it is made. It contains 100% natural ingredients, which means no dry, itchy, red, flaky scalps. Rather than pills, Ultra Growth works through a topical application to the scalp, working right the way down into the hair roots where it starts to promote thickening and growth. It also works on both men and women. Probably the very best thing about using Ultra Growth is that once you see the re-growth, the hair is there to stay, it does not fall out once the round treatment is over. This means that the treatment does not have to be continued for the effects to stay, which will save a patient literally thousands of dollars.

The Catch?

I guess there's always a catch with a quality product such as this and it's price. Well unless you were expecting it for free … You can pick up your first bottle for a very reasonable $ 9.95, which I think most people will be pleasantly surprised by. Depending on the level of growth required, you can expect to be applying the solution for anything between 3 months to 1 year for a person with total baldness. A bottle gives you one month's supply of the solution and from this you can work out how much the total cost is going to be fairly easily.

Ultra Growth Reviews

How can you be sure that Ultra Growth is going to work? Well, be careful because the internet is littered with useless sites and information. Unfortunately many unscrupulous individuals have set up websites when they have never actually used it. It makes me really angry actually.

There's only one proper site I've managed to find where you can view actual reviews and peoples experiences with using this product (it's mine, so I'm a bit biased …). It's a shame because it puts some people off and denies them the possibility of reversing their balding.


Source by Daniel Dixon

Quick Vitamins and Minerals For Penis Growth


No one wants to be embarrassed about their penis size or stamina. There are vitamins and minerals for penis growth that one can use to help with his problem. The best thing about these are that they are natural. This is excellent and runs down the risk of abnormal side effects. The last thing you want is to start taking something and it cause a bigger problem then what you already had. Read on to learn exactly what you need to get your results fast!

First, one thing you should know right off the bat is that your penis is just like any other part of your body. You need to treat it with care by eating the right things and exercising. All the secrets to enhancing your sexual organs are null and void unless you know how to take care of your body as a whole.

Second, know the things you should avoid. These may seem obvious but I will mention them anyway. Do not smoke this will lead to a reduction of blood flow to your penis. This will mean less than hard erections and mediocre stamina in bed. Stay away from steroids these can lead to a reduction of testosterone which is the main hormone in males that help create their sex drive. Steroids also can lead to the shrinkage of the testicles.

Thirdly, vitamins and minerals for penis growth would include calcium, iron, and vitamin E. These are all responsible for giving you energy and endurance in all sections of life. This would include your time in the bed room as well. These are just a few of them. There are many more that will help you kick things into over drive, if you are looking for more. The main focus should be doing whatever you can to increase the flow of blood to your sexual organs.


Source by John Card

How to Use Bhringraj to Promote Hair Growth


The Bhringraj plant is well known for its hair growth properties, but it's easy to become confused by the numerous names that it is also known by. If you are looking for natural products that contain extract of the Bhringraj plant, then look out for the following names, as they all refer to the same plant.

  • bhangra, bhringaraj or bhringraja
  • Eclipta alba
  • Eclipta prostrata
  • False Daisy
  • kehraj
  • karisalankanni
  • yerba de tago
  • maca

The Bhringraj plant by any of these names is a member of the large Asteraceae family of plants. It can be found growing in the wild in most countries, where it can be seen growing in damp soil, usually at the side of rivers or plantations. It is recognisable for it's small white flower, and for growing to a height of up to 200mm. The leaves are green but have an unusual red tint around the edges and also on the branches of the plant.

When grown commercially, seeds are planted in a fertilizer rich soil and can be harvested after around 12-13 weeks. Subsequently the Bhringraj plant can be re-harvested around every 8 weeks. Its reputation as a treatment for hair loss originates from India. Indian Ayurvedic medicine attributes many beneficial properties to the Bhringraj plant and its leaves; however it is its effective use as a hair loss remedy that is making it popular more recently in Western culture.

There is a growing selection of hair loss products becoming available that rely on the hair growth properties of the Bhringraj herb. There are many ways of preparing the Bhringraj plant for application or ingestion, but either Bhringraj powder or Bhringraj oil is favoured for hair loss treatment. One method of applying to hair is to boil the leaf juice of the Bhringraj plant and mix with some coconut oil before applying to the hair. This not only adds body to the hair and natural nutrients to the scalp, but also adds a nice black sheen to the hair. The powder too can be used in place of the leaf juice.

Alternatively, sesame oil mixed with Bhringraj powder can also be applied to the scalp and hair, conditioning the hair and leaving it beautiful, dark and lustrous. It is this effect of darkening the hair that makes Bhringraj treatments of particular interest to adults who find their hair starting to grey. By using Bhringraj oil adults can make their hair darker and more beautiful, but also benefit from the Bhringraj plant's hair growth properties. Users of Bhringraj oil usually find that their hair is easier is thicker and healthier.

Some : other hair Unlike loss treatments, Bhringraj is a herbal product and color : as color : such is truly a natural way to grow hair, Prevent hair loss and KEEP your hair looking beautiful without using Harmful chemicals. This absence of artificial ingredients in Bhringraj products makes it the preferred choice for many consumers looking to find the best product for hair loss. Some people have even reported that their hair regrowth has continued after they have stopped using Bhringraj oil.

Bhringraj is sold in both powder and oil form. There are also herbal supplements available for people not so keen on making tea out of the Bhringraj powder. The oil and powder are excellent treatments for hair loss and thinning hair and can continue to be used to keep the hair strong and healthy. The oil can be used as a pre shampoo treatment or massaged into the scalp the night before washing the hair. The powder can be added to conditioners and deep hair conditioning treatments.


Source by Danielle McLoughlin

Human Growth Hormone – For Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)


Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack the soft bone cartilages surrounding the joints. It is a disabling and very painful condition that often times lead to immobility caused by severe pain, or at the very worst, destruction of the joint itself. Furthermore, RA is a systematic disease. This means that from one afflicted joint, the disease tends to attack surrounding tissues and even far-off situated organs like blood vessels, heart, lungs, muscles tissues and skin. That is also the reason why RA is considered as a multi-system autoimmune disorder.

RA causes painful discomfort and soft tissue swelling which can inflame nearby or surrounding tissues as the disease progresses. Pain generally improves or lessens when the person starts using the affected joints, but there is usually stiffness in the joints especially in the morning. RA is therefore at its worst in the early hours of the morning, or at least, when the person wakes up. Incredibly, after a while, RA patients also tend to suffer from other medical conditions like anemia, cystic fibrosis of the lungs, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver and spleen,) leukopenia (steady decrease of white blood cells in the system) and lymphocytic infiltration that may affect salivary glands and lacrimal glands or the tear ducts.

Unless detected and treated early in its development, RA is not only crippling, but can cause deformity as well. In the US, it is estimated that one in three Americans are now afflicted with RA. It is even predicted that this number will grow in an alarming rate as time goes by. Although this medical condition is usually associated with the onset of old age, these days children less than 18 years of age are also suffering from the ravaging effects of the disease. As of yet, there are no treatments available to cure or eradicate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, but there are ways to alleviate the pain, and maybe help stop the disease from making satellite "infection" to other organs of the body.

Some of the more "historic," if not, controversial forms of treatment include acupuncture, being stung by bees or nettles, going on an apple diet (taken literally from the adage, "an apple a day …"), going on a rhubarb diet, fasting, ingestion of gold salts or honey or insulin or nutmeg or vitamins, wearing copper bracelets, undergoing magnet treatment, and even the extraction of teeth (possibly on the thought that one pain can overcome the other, but just how many teeth can be exchanged in favor of relief?) The very controversial mode of treatment before was called ECT or electric convulsion therapy or electric shock therapy; it has long since phased out for its obvious lack of success versus the battle with RA.

Usually, doctors prescribe nothing more than pharmacological treatment for RA like anti-inflammatory agents and analgesics. These days, however, scientists are turning to more unconventional route – especially in the form of human growth hormone treatment. You see, human growth hormones contain the substance IGF-1 which in healthy dosages is responsible for healing damaged cells and helps in developing new ones. IGF-1 is also responsible for strengthening and promoting bones, including the soft connective tissues in the human joints called ligaments. There are recent studies that show that re-introduction of prescribed dosages of IGF-1 actually lessens the symptoms of arthritis and helps reinforcing the joints, making mobility easier and achievable with less pain.


Source by Jes B

Plant Growth Factors – How to Make Plants Grow Healthy


Growing a beautiful and fruitful garden takes more than a green thumb. There are several plant growth factors that effect your garden, including the soil in your area and the climate of your region. You may even have different conditions than your neighbor, so it is important that when you want the best garden possible that you take into account all of the factors of your property.


The soil on your property is perhaps the one thing that can make or break a great garden. Before you plant anything, you can have your soil tested to make sure the pH balance is going to work for the garden you have planned. For example, herb gardens need a balanced pH that is between 6.0 and 7.0 on a pH tester. You can pick up a pH tester at your local gardening center, or you can have your soil tested for a small fee through your local health or water department.

Your soil can easily be adjusted, if necessary, using oyster shell lime for more acidic soil, or sulfur for less acidic soil. You can simply mix the recommended amount into your soil to promote plant growth.


Climate is one of the plant growth factors that can not be controlled easily, and can change depending on the location of your property in a certain region. For example, living on a hillside can be cooler and windier than surrounding areas. The best way to prepare your garden for the climate of your property is to choose plants that grow well in your specific area.

Planning your garden according to your soil and climate will help you have a beautiful and productive garden. It may take a little time to find the right combination of plants, especially in extreme climates, but it is worth the effort to add a little beauty to your property.

Space for Plants

When you are planning your garden, you may want to determine which plants you are going to use, and then determine how much space you are going to need. Some plants, such as squash, need a larger space than other plants, such as tomatoes. If you are growing a combination of flowers, herbs, and vegetables or fruits, then you may need to consider grouping these plants and treating the soil according to each groups needs.

Space is one of the plant growth factors that is easily controlled by you. Each of your plants will need enough room for their root system to grow undisturbed, and you will need enough space between each plant to work in your garden. When you are planning your garden, taking the time to find out how much space each type of plant needs will help your garden become more productive.


Lastly, you will want to use some kind of fertilizer in your garden. If you want an organic garden, then you can consider using manure to fertilize your garden, or you can use a commercially prepared fertilizer. Either way, fertilizer is one of the plant growth factors that can improve your chances of a bountiful garden.


Source by Wendy Pan

Penis Growth Exercise – Build Up Your Penis Size, Strength, and Sexual Stamina in One Go!


Want to get a bigger penis? Why not make that a physically larger, stronger, and sexually fitter manhood for life! What may surprise you though is, no amount of tool or pill can help you achieve all these enhancements to your sexuality. Instead, the ONLY way to attain that gain in size, strength, and stamina to your male organ is through doing some penis growth exercises – using only your own pair of hands!

That's right! While male enhancement products such as penile enlarging pumps, extender tools, and growth pills may cost you an inexplicable amount of money, they mostly only concentrate on growing the size of the organ. But we both know that in order to attain a better experience during sex, size matters BUT is NOT everything.

How strong and able your penis is to achieve and sustain an erection, and how to control yourself from reaching climax too early – these are 2 similarly important factors that determine whether you can genuinely satisfy all your woman's sexual desires, or leave her in distress time and time again.

"Exercising Your Penis Results In An Increase In Its Size!"

Exercising firstly helps give your penis that all-natural bigger physique. The stretching actions performed in the exercise works by increasing the blood flowing into the Corpora Cavernosa (main blood chambers of the organ). Because the chambers each have a limit as to how much blood it can hold inside, the rush of blood breaks down the cells in them, allowing newer and stronger cells to develop.

Over time, this action of breaking down and growing new cells results in the Corpora Cavernosa having a higher capacity of storing blood in them. What does this mean? Of course, with more blood in the chambers, the internal surrounding tissues get to expand further in size, giving your penis that vital extra length and girth!

"Exercising Also Enhances Your Penis Strength and Stamina!"

As I said before, a large male organ is nothing without strength. Imagine a long penis that still remains flaccid no matter how sexually aroused the person is – what good would that bring?

By practicing the exercises, especially the massaging routines involved, you have the power to improve the blood circulation going to your organ. And based on science, having an improved blood circulation results in a physically stronger penis which is able to grow into a rock-hard erection when aroused, and stay hard for as long as you wish to … a definite visual stimulant for your woman in bed.

At the same time, properly exercising the essential muscles in your pubic area enforces your control over your ejaculations. This means you could go on having sex and reaching multiple orgasms, without even shooting off your load! Let me tell you, she would definitely appreciate how you can last longer and reach sexual climax together with her!


Source by Bill Waterman

Choosing The Best Growth Enhancer


Many height increasing products promise growth over night with no effort at all. But be wary of these claims for the fact is growing taller is a process that takes effort and time.

It is still possible to grow taller when you are an adult given you have all you need and the right information. Growth supplements are on the market but finding the right one is another thing. Growth supplements play a crucial role in height increase. How? Better read on.

There is a basis why many of us assume that we can no longer grow taller once we passed our puberty. Indeed, this is the case for many years until trusted team of researchers came up with growth supplements that can conquer this height dilemma. It was found that growth supplements can in fact stimulate growth hormones to be produced so that growth will happen. These growth hormones are the ones responsible for body growth, cell reproduction and regeneration. It can be understood that the level of growth hormones is proportional to how tall we will be. Thus, once you boost these hormones you will also boost your height. This is what an effective growth supplement can do.

But as stated earlier taking supplements will not be enough to achieve height increase. One needs to integrate a healthy and active lifestyle when using growth supplements. One of the most effective methods that support height increase is exercise. Exercise pumps our body to produce more growth hormones when done with great intensity in a long period of time. Stretching exercises when done correctly and targets the right area can also contribute to height increase. How is this so? When you stretch you allow gap to build up in your bones so this gap will cause your body to signal more bone tissues to fill up. Thus, it will make you grow taller. But exercise without proper nutrition is still futile that is why one needs to maintain a healthy diet particularly including calcium and protein. Calcium is necessary for stronger bones and for the body to properly absorb it; you must need to get Vitamin D as well. Protein, on the other hand, is essential for your muscles. Remember in height increase one needs to have strong bones and muscles. It is also helpful if one does not smoke and drink alcohol during the process of becoming taller. For doing these two will cause nutrients in your body to be eaten by substances found in cigarettes and the like, as well as alcohol.


Source by Anne Whitefield