Why Soil Aeration Is Important for Healthy Plant Growth


Healthy soil supports plant growth and ability to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Plants and trees are able to withstand adverse climatic effects such as extreme hot or cold weather, drought, floods and frost, if the soil supports a healthy root system. An ideal soil consists of an equal proportion of air and water (constituting half of the soil structure), 45% of minerals and 5% of organic matter. Soil composition may be improved by human intervention to achieve improved yield or better landscaping results.

A well aerated and free draining soil improves availability of nutrients to be absorbed by the plants. Sufficient oxygen supply to the roots and CO2 removal are two essential requirements to grow healthy plants. Carbon dioxide accumulation hinders root growth and poorly developed root system is unable to absorb adequate amount of nutrients and moisture from the soil.

Soil aeration is also necessary for the growth and activities of the microorganisms present in the soil. Some of the important microbial activities include sulphur oxidation, decomposition, nitrification and more. These activities are dependent upon the presence of oxygen in the soil. Important microbial activities necessary to maintain soil fertility also slow down in absence of sufficient oxygen. For example, organic matter will not be decomposed if favourable microbes are not active due to oxygen deficiency.

Soil compaction occurs due to heavy traffic or larger farming equipment size, tilling operations and lack or minimum crop rotation. Since the pore-size is smaller in compacted soil availability of water to the plant roots is also lesser.

Soil structure may be improved by introducing organic matter in the soil by adding compost and stimulating biological activity. You may improve aeration in the soil by creating holes in the soil surface and allow air to travel back deep below. This method also makes the compacted soil to collapse into a better structure of loose particles. Clay soil is easily compacted than sandy soil. Therefore experts suggest biannual aeration activity in clayey soil whereas sandy soil may derive similar benefits through annual aeration procedures. Simple tilling and turning of the soil is enough to loosen up the soil particle and improve air presence in the soil structure.

Well aerated soil offers ample room to the roots to grow and expand along with better infiltration of the rain water hence maintaining the moisture balance in the soil. When the land is able to soak up rain or irrigation water there are lesser chances of runoff including harmful substances such as pesticides and fertilizers.

Homeowners and commercial property owners invest huge amount of time and money in landscape plants. Landscaping requires careful planning therefore homeowners or landscape managers often look for fool-proof methods to reduce or control diseases in plants and take every preventive measure to get desired results. Huge plant replacement Buying is always more expensive than taking precautionary steps to get healthy plants .


Source by Amy Willims

Pros And Cons Of Human Growth Hormones (HGH) You Should Know


Human growth hormone (HGH) is the important hormone in the human body that is responsible for stimulating cell growth. HGH is secreted by the gland called the pituitary, which can be found near the base of the brain. The pituitary gland, a smallish gland, is actually considered the king of all glands in the human body.

Note that HGH is also present in animals . The secretion of this hormone in children and teenagers is high compared to that of adults. This is because as we age, the pituitary get a signal from our brain to secrete less of the HGH hormone. The proteins found in HGH hormones (in the form of amino acids) help children grow taller and bigger. On the other hand, the HGH growth hormones, when present in adults, help make us look more youthful and feel more energetic.

HGH human growth hormones must be available in moderate levels in order to be effective and safe for the body. In excessive amounts, HGH can cause diseases like pituitary tumor, pituitary gigantism or even type ii diabetes. If pituitary tumor occurs, the symptoms include frequent head aches, impaired vision and deficiency in other hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. This kind of tumor usually affects adults aged 40 and above. Surgical treatment and radiation therapy can be used to cure the tumor.

Secondly, pituitary gigantism – in this case HGH growth hormones are excessive resulting in excessive growth of the cells and thereby a gigantic body. For children, this normally means they are too tall or too fat for their age.The third case is that of type two diabetes. Symptoms of this diabetes type are painful nerves, muscle weakness and insulin resistance.

On the other hand, if HGH is secreted less, then this is considered as a human growth hormone deficiency syndrome. In adults, this is because the pituitary becomes less active. If the deficiency occurs in children then failure of growth and short stature are the results. Other symptoms of this deficiency are a weaker bone structure and mass and also lower energy levels. The main cause of this HGH human growth hormone deficiency is an injury to the pituitary gland. Another cause could be an injury to the part of the brain that acts as the "pacemaker", called the hypothalamus.

One of the better way to treat the deficiency of human growth hormones is the substitution of HGH by identical hormones through injecting it into the blood stream. This method should not result in any negative side effects as it is substituting HGH with an identical compound. A safe and less expensive option is to consume HGH releasers or presursors that can induce a higher level of natural growth hormones being produced by the gland.

Injectable HGH human growth hormone can used in the following treatments even if there is no deficiency: –

1. It can be used as an anti ageing substance

2. Injections of HGH can also treat obesity, shortness in height, chron's disease and multiple sclerosis

3. Helping body builders and other sportsmen improve their performances.

It is important to note that human growth hormones also have negative effects such as they help in the growth of cancerous cells in breast, colon and lung cancer. It can also increase the risks of diabetes and cause joint and muscle pain. HGH human growth hormones are also used to increase the milk production in cows and buffaloes.

In spite of its possible negative side effects, HGH human growth hormones can burn body parts and produce new cells which will keep a person active and refresh all day. In other words when produced in the right amount by our body, this is something that keeps us fit and beautiful.

One of the best and most natural way to increase the level of HGH in your body is to take HGH releasers or precursors. These are pills or supplements that will enhance the ability of the pituitary gland in producing the human growth hormones needed for youthful energy, looks, etc. There are lots of such pills in the market today so you need to so your own research and find out which ones are the best for you.


Source by Gary T

The Amazing Hair Growth Secret – The True Story


I think if you are reading this then you must be going bald and want your receding hairline to stop, right. Then that is great because I really want to give you some simple hair growth secrets that will get your hair growing back in a real short time. The first thing I am going to tell you may be hard for some and real easy for others. It just depends on if you like water or not. For hairgrowth you will need to drink eight 12 ounce glasses of water per day to flush out your system of all the toxins we carry that might be the culprit for frontal fibrosing alopecia.

Another thing that will help alopecia regrowth is to eat a good diet and exercise. See, if you are healthy then what you put in will be what comes out and that is a healthy body and healthy hair. There is an herb that also helps with the process of growing healthy hair and it is called biotin. Biotin is a great herb for this purpose of growing healthy and strong hair. There is another herb called saw palmetto that also will build and cause massive hair growth when used with minoxidil. Minoxidil is the only FDA approved treatment for alopecia regrowth that you can get with out a prescription and it works great for kicking DHT to the curb.

DHT makes the hair follicles go into their resting phase faster, which causes the hairs produced by those follicles to become thinner and thinner and then just die and stop growing and then they just fall out. So with that being said, if you follow the tips I posted above you should be well on your way to growing back your hair and finding that alopecia hair loss treatment.


Source by Anthony Nelson

Male Breast Enlargement – 2 Tips For Getting the Breasts You Want


Male breast enlargement is on the rise these days for men who wants to express who they really are. It does not matter if you are a transsexual or a cross-dresser, you are in search of a way to express your femininity without the high cost and dangers of surgery.

There are some other ways you can increase your breast size without having surgery. One of the ways you can develop your breasts is using female hormones for breast enhancement. These hormones are used for breast growth in teenage girls and a lot of men have found them to help with male breast growth.

It is important for you to understand that there are risk you will be taking when using these hormones. Some of the risks are depression, breast cancer, and mood swings. This is just a few of the things you should be aware of if you decide to try these hormones.

Luckily for you, natural herbs is another alternative to growing your breasts without risking your health. There are a lot of herbal plants with phyoestrogenic that have been known to increase the hormonal balance in men bodies.

This does not mean that your breasts will grow just because you are taking these herbal products. You will have to take some time out of your busy schedule to do an exercise to promote the growth of your breasts and that is, massaging your breasts.

Male breast massage is very important for men who wants to enlarge their breast.

1. To increase the blood circulation in your breasts you have to massage them

2. In order to stimulate prolactin production you need to massage your breasts

If you are thinking about taking some of these herbal products you have to realize that it will take some time for these herbs to take effect. They first have to be digested in order for them to get into your bloodstream and only then will they start to have an effect on your breasts.

Once the herbs have been delivered into your bloodstream you should begin massaging your breasts which will help to increase the blood flow to the breasts. Since this is the part of your body that you are trying to develop it is very important that you massage your breasts throughout the day.

Believe it or not, massaging your breasts is the best way to get your breast hormones going. In order for your brain to produce prolactin you will need to stimulate your breasts and your nipples. Male breast development can be achieved with a good herbal product and breast massaging.

Back in the day it was dangerous for men to increase their breast size, but times have changed. There is a safer way for men to have breast enhancement without all the risk involved. You can have fully developed breasts by simply massaging them and using an all natural herbal product.


Source by Angie Hairston

4 Tips That Will Increase Your Growing Height – Tips That Will Help You Get Taller


A majority of the people in the world are not excited about how tall they are. They desperately want to learn the techniques to growing taller, increasing their height, and maximizing their growth potential.

Forget about what anyone has told you, because you can do all of this regardless of your age and any other factors. Just follow these 4 tips and you will have no problem growing taller and increasing your height to it's full potential.

  1. Focus On Your Spinal Column: Your spinal column is a very important component of height and growth. Focus on specific grow taller stretching exercises that will stimulate the discs in your spine. These exercises will also keep the muscles and ligaments in your spine strong and flexible, which will promote more growth. Some people also have problems growing because of the curvature in their spine column, but these stretching exercises will straighten out this curvature.
  2. Posture: Good posture will provide you with some physical benefits such as your back health but there is no doubt about it, good posture will maximize your height potential. So to keep the structure of your body in a height increasing state you must make sure you keep your body from slouching and slumping. Instead, you should keep the posture of your body straight and upright.
  3. Nutrients: Eating a good amount of quality foods will effect your height in a positive way. The type of nutrients you need to focus on are omega 3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, amino acids, and proteins. You should also increase your water intake and stay away from alcohol, smoking, and anabolic steroids which will stunt your growth.
  4. Sleep: Believe it or not, sleep is one of the most important tips involved in growing and increasing your height. It is recommended that you get a full 9 hour uninterrupted sleep if you want to grow taller. the longer you sleep the more growth hormones is released into your body.

These tips will keep your body in a growing state so your height can continue to increase. It does not matter how old you are because you can still grow if you want to.


Source by Frank Moses

Does Vinegar Cause Yeast Infections Or Cure Them?


As medical researcher and former yeast infection sufferer I am often asked about the connection between vinegar and yeast infections. Most experts agree that eating certain foods encourage the growth of yeast and increase the chance of an infection. But what about vinegar? Vinegar has been proven to improve the health of many people. So, does vinegar cause yeast infections or cure them?

Yeast infections are caused by the overgrowth of a fungus called Candida. Candida lives in small amounts inside everyone's body. In small amounts it is beneficial to the body and certainly not dangerous. Candida becomes a threat to the body when it grows out of control in the digestive system and then enters the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream it circulates throughout the body attacking wherever it finds an opportunity.

Certain foods can create an environment within the body that encourages the yeast to grow. White sugar, refined white rice and flour, and some highly processed foods encourage Candida growth and damage the body's ability to fight off the infection.

The pH level of the body also affects the growth of Candida yeast. The pH level, which stands for "potential hydrogen" is a measurement of the amount of acid in the body. The scales runs from 0 (high acid) to 14 (low acid). The pH level of human blood should be between 7.35 and 7.45. Pure water has a pH of 7 which is considered to be neutral. Even a small change in the pH level can have a significant effect on our health.

The higher the acid level the easier it is for yeast to grow. Anyone who suffers from yeast infections should everything possible to maintain their body's pH level at the lowest healthy point possible.

Several factors that contribute to high pH levels are:

1. High stress level

2. Lack of exercise

3. Excess fat in diet

4. Excess consumption of dairy products

5. Not enough fresh vegetables and fruits in diet

White vinegar is extremely acidic with a typical pH level between 2.4 and 3.4. This extremely high acid level makes an idea environment for Candida yeast to grow out of control. White vinegar should be eliminated from the diet of anyone who has a yeast infection or is prone to getting them. Most other types of vinegar including balsamic, red wine, and rice vinegar are also highly acidic.

The only exception to the rule is apple cider vinegar which has a pH of 7.5. Often sold at health food stores, organic apple cider vinegar that is unfiltered and unpasteurized can actually lower the acid level of the body. Many researchers believe that a teaspoon or two each day will help to prevent yeast infections as well as improving overall health.

The answer to the question, "does vinegar cause yeast infections?" is yes and no. White, balsamic, red wine, and rice vinegar will definitely cause yeast infections. Natural organic apple cider vinegar will not. This is an example of how important it is to only trust a knowledgeable and respected source such as YeastFreeLife.com for your natural health information.


Source by Sarah Lea Rhodes

Growth Of Communalism In India


Communalism is a modern phenomenon. It had its roots in the modern colonial socio-economic political structure. Communalism emerged as a result of the emergence of new, modern politics based on the people and on popular participation and mobilisation. It made it necessary to have wider links and loyalties among the people and to form new identities. This process was bound to be difficult, gradual and complex.

This process required the birth and spread of modern ideas of nation, class and cultural-linguistic identity. These identities, being new and unfamiliar, arose and grew slowly and in a zig-zag fashion. Quite often people used the old, familiar pre-modern identity of caste, locality, sect and religion to grasp the new reality, to make wider connections and to evolve new entities. This has happened all over the world. But gradually the modern and historically-necessary identities of nation, nationality and class have prevailed.

Unfortunately, in India this process has remained incomplete for decades. In particular, religious consciousness was transformed into communal consciousness in some parts of the country and among some sections of the people. In particular, modern political consciousness was late in developing among the Muslims. As nationalism spread among the Hindus and Parsis of the lower-middle class, it failed to grow equally rapidly among the Muslims of the same class.

Hindus and Muslims had fought shoulder to shoulder during the Revolt of 1857. In fact, after the suppression of the Revolt, British officials had taken a particularly vindictive attitude towards the Muslims.With the rise of the nationalist movement the British statesmen grew apprehensive about the safety and stability of their empire in India. To check the growth of a united national feeling in the country, they decided to follow more actively the policy of 'divide and rule' and to divide the people along religious lines, in other words, to encourage communal and separatist tendencies in Indian politics.

For this purpose they decided to come out as 'champions' of the Muslims and to win over to their side Muslim zamindars, landlords and the newly educated. They also fostered other divisions in Indian society. They promoted provincialism by talking of Bengali domination. They tried to utilize the caste structure to turn non-Brahmins against Brahmins and the lower castes against the higher castes. In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, where Hindus and Muslims had always lived in peace, they actively encouraged the movement to replace Urdu as the court language by Hindi.

In other words, they tried to use even the legitimate demands of different sections of Indian society to create divisions among the Indian people. The colonial government treated Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs as separate communities. It readily accepted communal leaders as authentic representatives of all their co-religionists. It permitted the propagation of virulent communal ideas and communal hatred through the press, pamphlets, posters, literature and other public platforms.

This is a very vast issue. We should think about it deeply and use our own mind to come to any decision.


Source by Md Riaz

Ten Factors That Can Make Your Penis Smaller – Learn How To Prevent It From Happening to You!


There are many factors that can cause a man to have a small penis. Some factors can not be helped, while some factors can be prevented. Here's a list of some factors that can decrease penis size:

1) Circumcision – Circumcision is a big cause of a smaller penis. The reason for this is that when the foreskin is removed from the penis, it usually leads to scarring. Skin and penile tissue that has been scarred will be less elastic and will typically "shrink" up (and get smaller) when a scar is formed. Some estimates are that men who are circumcised lose an average of 5% of their penile length. Strangely enough, the companies and industries that profit from circumcision state that there is no scarring nor loss of penis length when a man's penis is circumcised.

2) Scarring Due to Injury or Burns – Getting your manhood caught in your zipper, excessive masturbation, and other injuries can also make the penis smaller. Because of the sensitive nature of the penile tissues and skin, they can be easily injured. I had a friend who stepped on his dog's tail in the dead of night. The dog jumped up, clenched down on his penis, and bit into it. After a trip to the hospital (no stitches), and once he healed up, what was the result? His penis was shorter in length and the area that was injured resulted in a scarred depression in this area of ​​his penis.

We mentioned masturbation already, and it's something to definitely keep in mind. Excessive masturbation, especially when a man is young and masturbating over aggressively, can damage the skin and other penile tissues. If this happens, stop masturbating and let your penis heal 110%. This type of scarring, too, can make your penis smaller.

Burns, as one can imagine, can make your penis smaller, too, and they are more common than most people realize. The most frequent cause is usually from scalding liquid being accidentally poured onto the penis. So, guys, if you like to cook, do not do it in your boxers.

3) Low Testosterone or Growth Hormone – Low levels of testosterone while the male is still in the fetal stages can result in a smaller penis. In fact, it is one of the causes of micro-penis. When puberty rolls around, the same effect can happen if low-testosterone levels are present.

4) Hormones – Exposure to the wrong hormones can also greatly impact the size of a man's penis. Such hormones can impede its growth (if the child is exposed) and can also make the penis grow smaller in an adult man, if he is exposed.

5) Smoking – Smoking destroys the fine capillary-bulb networks in your body, especially in your distal extremities and your penis. If you smoke, it's wise to stop, as it will have an effect on your penis size and your ability to create and maintain an erection.

6) Genetics – Your DNA is the template for the size of your penis. If your genetic code dictates a bit smaller penis, then it's your genes which may be the culprit.

7) Fetal Exposure to Chemicals – Many pesticides, chemicals, pollutants, and even poor diet can impede proper penis size. Especially if the mother is exposed to such chemicals while she is carrying the male fetus. Infants exposed to certain chemicals can also alter normal penis growth.

8) Radiation Exposure – Some scientists believe that exposure to excessive amounts of radiation, in the penile region of the male child or infant, can hamper penis growth. In the adult male, excessive radiation exposure can make the penis shrink in size and impede its function, too.

9) Penile Trauma – Penis fracturing and penile valve prolapse can be causes of a decrease in penis size and function.

10) The Angry Wife or Girlfriend – Most people have heard the tale of John and Lorena Bobbitt. To provide a short recap, she cut his penis in half with a knife. It was surgically reattached but his penile size was reduced from the trauma.

So, men, take care of your penis to ensure that you do not lose any "inches." Of course, also take steps to ensure that no one else does it for you.

Georg von Neumann


Source by Georg Von Neumann

Want True Penis Growth? – Use This System to Get a Bigger Penis, Fast!


Alright guys, I am going to call on my own personal experiences for this one. If you really want true penis growth there is only one proven method to get it. In fact, the system I am going to recommend is so confident in the results you will achieve that most companies selling this system (there are several) offer a 100% money back guarantee. You really need to use this system to get a bigger penis, fast.

I know what you are thinking. Guaranteed penis enlargement? There must be a catch, right? How can any company guarantee penile growth? Is it one of those magic pills? Do I have to wear a stupid stretching device for hours at a time?

I will answer each question in order. Yes, I said guaranteed penis enlargement, and it is a 100%, no bull guarantee, too. The only catch is you have to actually use the program. It obviously will not add any size to your manhood if you just toss the program aside and never bother to follow it. This system is guaranteed because it works. Period! They have over 97% success and have added up to 4 inches of penis growth for thousands of men. That kind of success makes it easy to offer such a guarantee.

No, there are no pills, no patches, no topical creams … none of that worthless junk that is designed to keep you ordering month after month, waiting for some kind of growth to begin. Patches and pills do not work for adding true penis growth. Please, do not be like me! I wasted close to $ 1000 on those darned pills before I realized the only thing that was growing was old Smilin 'Bob's bank account.

Same thing applies to stretching devices, pumps, and weights. They do not work for any permanent penis growth. They can actually do more harm than good! Prolonged use of these products can damage capillaries and soft tissue in the penis, leading to permanent impotence. They are not worth the risk, stay away from them.

My experience taught me that exercise was the only thing that produced any significant growth at all. No, not jumping jacks and push ups, but specific penis exercises. I reluctantly bought a program of exercises in August of 2006. I was desperate, since my erections were only about 5.5 inches long, and I had already wasted money on the pills, pumps and stretchers. I needed something to work.

To my amazement, my penis actually began to gain thickness with a couple of weeks. It took about a month and a half to see a 1/2 inch gain in length. Not bad, considering all the other products combined had not done anything except shrink my wallet. Today, a little over 2 years later, I am proud to boast of my 7 1/2 inch pride and joy! All thanks to a simple exercise routine. It is easy for me to see why it was advertised as a method of guaranteed penis enlargement. The program I use is called PenisAdvantage, but there are others that offer similar guarantees, and actually work pretty well, too. PenileSecrets is another one of the good ones.

Guys, if you want true penis growth, and want to have more self esteem and get more out of your sex life, then I highly recommend you get a good natural penis exercise program to get you started. I can honestly say if you will use this system for penile enlargement you will not be disappointed. All natural exercise have been medically proven as an effective method for increasing penis size in over 90% of the men tested. Neither the pills or pumps and stretchers can make such a claim! Find a good exercise program online and get started growing today! Believe me when I say, a good system of all natural penile exercises is, by far, the best way to gain true penis growth.


Source by William Lee Stevens

Personality Traits & Personal Growth – Understand Your Temperament to Accomplish Life Goals


No two people are exactly alike. Even identical twins can have very different personalities, and different definitions of happiness and success. Each of us has a unique temperament; a set of personality traits that reflect our attitudes, values ​​and talents. Temperament is the interaction of communication and action – what we say and what we do. Tapping into these traits, and the traits of others, can help to improve personal relationships, find a dream job, and accomplish life goals. Whether striving for financial success or looking for a soul mate, recognizing unique qualities, shortcomings and strengths is a valuable tool. This self awareness inspires personal growth and improves relationships with others.

Through extensive research of human behavior, we identified mankind's four basic temperaments as the Artisan, the Guardian, the Rational, and the Idealist. Which one fits your personality? Are you a loyal, cautious Guardian, on whom everyone relies to keep things running smoothly? A free-spirited Artisan, living in the moment and believing anything is possible? Or a warm-hearted Idealist, who prizes meaningful relationships and seeks self awareness? You may even be that rarest of temperaments, a Rational. Making up as little as 5 percent of the population, a Rational personality thrives on analyzing how systems work, then striving to make them work better. Influential thinkers such as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Walt Disney may be rare, but they are fearless innovators.

Communication style is determined by temperament, influencing both professional and personal relationships. A Concrete Communicator is most comfortable discussing tangible reality; family, home, facts and figures. An Abstract Communicator is always asking, "Why?" or "What if?" If this describes your personality traits, you are more concerned with theories, philosophies and possibilities. In short, Concrete people talk about reality, Abstract people talk about ideas.

Temperament also dictates actions; how we overcome challenges and accomplish goals. Again, there are two distinct types of actions. The efficient Utilitarian personality does not get bogged down by rules and paperwork; he makes a pragmatic beeline for those actions that get results. The Cooperative personality is more concerned with right and just behavior; an action's effectiveness is secondary.

These two behaviors can overlap, certainly, but as they lead their lives, Utilitarian people instinctively do what works; Cooperative people do what's right. Recognizing the difference is key to self awareness.

As Concrete Cooperators, Guardians speak of duties and responsibilities. They obey laws and follow the rules. Concrete Cooperators prize experience; they know what worked in the past, and see no reason to fix that which is not broken.

As Abstract Cooperators, Idealists speak mostly of possibilities, always trying to reach their goals without compromising a personal code of ethics.

As Concrete Utilitarians, Artisans speak of things that are in front of them, doing whatever works, even if it means bending the rules.

As Abstract Utilitarians, Rationals are problem solvers who might ignore arbitrary rules and conventions in order to achieve a goal.

This is the first in a series of articles to help accomplish goals and gain self awareness through understanding of personal temperament. Next time: Guardian personalities


Source by Dr.