The Golden Rules for Faster Hair Growth: Hair Help 411


A great black hair care regimen will include the following: a high quality shampoo, preferably an all natural one, a high quality conditioner, natural hair oils for a healthy scalp, and an all natural daily moisturizing lotion, cream, or serum. For added perks, a hair healthy black hair care routine will also include a monthly hot oil treatment and protein treatments. Yet, many individuals with African American Hair do not employ such hair care regimens. In fact, African Americans often only shampoo their hair once or twice a month and left the rest of their hair care maintenance to the application of petroleum based hair "greases" and mineral oil based hair lotions. Unfortunately, bi-weekly washes with poor shampoos and the application of traditional black hair moisturizers that are mineral oil or petroleum based will only lead to hair breakage, splitting, and thinning for African American hair.

Here are The Golden Rules to Growing Long African American Hair:

African American Hair Growth Golden Rule # 1: Keep Your Hair Moisturized.

African American hair needs moisture and deep conditioning, especially when the hair is exposed to chemical relaxers, stressful styles, and heat appliances, like blow dryers and flat irons. You must deep condition Black hair, at least once per week for it to thrive. A conditioner is nothing more than a cream that is applied to the hair to smooth the cuticle, soften the hair, add sheen, and restore moisture. Although conditioning your hair can not make it grow — it can reduce shedding and breakage. As a result, your hair will actually become longer.

African American Hair Growth Golden Rule # 2: Find the Right Conditioner

Instant or Leave In Conditioners are great for African American hair, because they coat and give the hair body and shine rapidly. However, they often contain silicones, which make the hair look shiny, but also seal the cuticles and coat the strand so much that additional moisture is unable to penetrate the hair strand. That's why I recommend that you use hair lotion or leave in conditioners. Try to choose an all natural hair lotion that has EFAs and natural oils, such Beauty 4 Ashes GodHead hair care products (wwwdiscoverb4acom) .. If you can not find an all natural hair lotion then definitely try Carols Daugther (wwwcarolsdaughtercom).

African American Hair Growth Golden Rule # 3: Deep Condition Your Hair.

Deep Penetrating Conditioners: A conditioner that is absorbed into the hair shaft to improve the health and appearance. Usually made from keratin and amino acids. Beauty 4 Ashes GodHead Silky Smooth is an excellent conditioner for African American Hair. It contains amino acids and essential fatty acids, two necessary components for healthy, longer African American hair. It also has almond, jojoba, coconut, olive, shea, and a host of other hair shaft penetrating moisture rich oils, which contain protein and vitamins to reduce breakage and splitting in African American Hair. You can find it at wwwdiscoverb4acom. Make sure your thoroughly rinse your hair after using a deep penetrating conditioner.

African American Hair Growth Golden Rule # 4: Shampoo Your Hair Regularly.
As an African American you must protect against dry hair, but you also have to protect against an unhealthy, clogged, and dirty scalp. You need to wash your hair at least once per week. However, you can not do this with cheap shampoos or high priced shampoos that contain the same harmful ingredients as the low priced, disguised under better brand labels. As an African American, it is best to use all natural hair care products that contain natural oils. If you purchase quality products like Aubrey organics or Beauty 4 Ashes Super Hair Growth Products, then your scalp can be healthy and your hair will not be dry. Just remember, dirty scalp equals short hair. Remember, that after shampooing and rinsing your hair, gently ring your hair to remove excess water. Towel blot your hair dry, and use a quality hair lotion before applying heat. Do not rub the towel up and down your hair. This will result in breakage and splitting. If using a deep penetrating conditioner, just gently remove the excess water from your hair.

African American Hair Growth Golden Rule # 5: Style Your Hair from Home Section your hair into even parts.
Apply Olive or Jojoba oil directly to the scalp. Then follow with a hair lotion or leave-in conditioner, and style. Everyday you need to treat your hair just as well as you did the moment you walked out of the salon.

African American Hair Growth Golden Rule # 6: Pay close attention to the ends of your hair

African American or Curly Hair needs a lot of moisture at the ends. When conditioning your hair, or even applying protein treatments or hair lotion, make sure you target those hair ends.

Remember that to grow long and healthy Black hair, you have to condition it. Do not neglect this. Black hair that is not conditioned often is dull, brittle, and damaged. Do not purchase cheap products with hair stripping ingredients, such as sulfates, alcohols, glycols, and silicones (any ingredient ending in the word "cone"). This eliminates about 96% of black hair care products available on the market. The best conditioning products on the market for African American and Curly Textured Hair are made by Beauty 4 Ashes ®, Carol's Daughter, Aubrey Organics, and Ojon. Preferably, use Beauty 4 Ashes or Aubrey Organics, as they are all natural.


Source by Seanie Williams

What Will Oil Field Workers Do in Wake of Renewable Energy Job Growth?


If the world manages to cut CO2 emissions to zero by 2070, as insisted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to avoid a temperature rise of over 2 degrees Celsius, an extraordinary number of oil field workers need to transition to renewable energy jobs.

According to Trade Union Sustainlabour, the renewable industry in Europe alone can create 6.1 million new jobs by 2050. And divested sector of coal, oil and gas could cause a massive shake-up in the global labor market.

Difficulty in skill transitioning to cleaner energy sectors

When it comes to skills, transitioning from old to new energy industries should be taken with proper care. Indeed, it is possible for a professional in oil and gas to manage a wind farm or solar project. But what matters is that there are too few training programs to help them retain. Regardless of workforce demand in the renewable sector, the transfer of skilled labor from oil and gas sector remain taken with improper care.

Few equivalents are found in the fossil fuel sectors. There is a partial exception in the mining industry. For example, Anglo American, a mining firm headquartered in London, develops a formal mine closure policy inclusive of labor force reskilling and retraining. Still, such reemployment schemes do not really direct employees specifically to the renewables sector. NDA (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) in the UK makes a rare attempt to do so. As part of the 5-year retraining program before the expected decommissioning of 2 nuclear power stations in the North Wales, employees are offered courses to attain professional certificates in the low-carbon industry. Just about 9% of over 500 participating workers chose to do so.

What's the solution?

It is believed that governments should take the lead in skills transitioning, not industry.

According to Benjamin Denis, the policy adviser on climate change on European Trade Union Confederation, it is the responsibility of public authorities to develop the policy and investment framework that energy transition will occur. Of course, enterprises have a responsibility though, just few are expected to take voluntary initiatives to pay attention to employees impacted by the transition.

Decarbonization has been a controversial for many trade unions. Earlier this year, German trade unions warned that the planned emissions limits would spark mass plant closures as well as redundancies. According to Benjamin Denis, clean energies is not yet a 'job killer', but insists that governments must offer training programs to avoid them becoming so in the future. "We can not decarbonize the economy, which is still massively fossil fuel based, without changing the labor market. That's why we are calling for a just transition."

However, examples of integrated training strategies led by governments remain scant. Those with them tend to be quite small scale and targeted locally. According to a recent study by Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – 'Greener Skills and Jobs', green skills policies by many governments are 'uncertain and fragmented'. The OECD recommends governments integrate green skills into the mainstream education, rather than developing separate training systems. Also, it suggests a concentration on transferal skills rather than on the occupation-specific training programs.

When it comes to the budget for such programs, according to the European Commission, green growth funds are accessible. In its 'Green Employment Initiative' in 2014, it singles out such pots as the European development fund, the European social fund. Meanwhile, in the US, various federal government grants for green skills initiatives are accessible to industries and training providers. However, labor unions argue that there should be additional funds to support communities that will be hit hard by the transition to cleaner energy – for example, Poland's Silesia, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, both of which depend heavily on coal production. According to Denis, in such regions, if a strong social protection system is not organized, decarbonization will dramatically impact the workforce and the communities. Such a system should be jointly created by the EU, national governments and local authorities.


Source by Vida Scott

Human Capital Development – The Panacea For Organizational Growth


Human capital represents the knowledge, skills and abilities that make it possible for people to do their jobs, while human capital development is about recruiting, supporting and investing in people, using a variety of means, which includes education, training, coaching, mentoring, internships, organizational development and human resources management for its eventual realization.

Human capital is an intangible business asset, therefore businesses need to formulate plans to accumulate human capital in terms of on-the-job experience, life experience, training programmes to empower individuals, promote self development and skill development to strengthen individual and team abilities and capabilities.

For any business organization to have a sustainable business policy where the human development is given priority, such business is organized when specific performance solutions are deployed from the capital structure to a performance domain to be utilized to utilized to produce a specific result in the structure.

The performance domain is defined by a result identifier and a solution identifier and as managed in the performance structure to generate business performance transactions and to capture the costs and effectiveness of utilization of the solution to produce the result.

To achieve global efficient vibrant business economy attractive to investors, there is need to enhance adequately the human capital through education. As a matter of fact, education development is a prerequisite for efficient business environment and solid business policy. It is the foundation for corporate management capacities. And where there is no corporate management capacity, there is no way a nation and organizations can manage their resources effectively.

The 21st century management style involves managing the human resources that is, motivating the labour force through attempts to satisfy the needs of the different categories of people in the organization. This implies also, that for an efficient business policy, there is need to identify the needs of members of the organization and being able to design work environment, conditions of service and remuneration that satisfy those needs.


Source by Chidozie Obasi

The Moon Phases and the Symbological / Spiritual Analogy of the Growth of the Seed


We have all looked up at the moon at some point of our lives and been in a state of awe at its powerful, majestical presence and magnitude. The moon illuminates the sky and appears as a beacon of light and mystery. It is always there, constant and intriguing in its changing forms.We know that not only does the moon affect the tides on earth, but also female menstruation. It has also been reported that the moon can affect human mental state, behaviour, and emotions. Natal, psychiatric, and general hospital wards are often busier on a full moon.

Scientific research has curiously found that as all matter has frequencies, including the moon, sun, planets etc, and these frequencies have the ability to affect humans and animals, even if it is on a subtle level. The frequencies of the moon can affect and influence the thoughts and impressions in our sub-conscious mind and cause things to surface to the conscious mind and thus bring them to our awareness. When there is a full moon, the frequencies are much more active, and so there is a heightened activity and intensity of the mind as well as behavioural tendencies.

Moon Phases

Every moon phase has its own special energy and magic. The constantly changing cycle of the moon can be analogised with the process of a seed sprouting into a full flower in bloom. See the chart below to understand the phases of the moon and its spiritual and symbological significance. By understanding the energy of each phase, you can begin to connect and work with the cycles and have a better understanding of how they affect you.


New Moon

At this part of the moon's cycle, it has no illumination and so appears dark and not visible (except during a solar eclipse). As it is dark, it denotes the beginning, with a primal instinct for birthing. The seed, as a symbol, is beneath the ground. So this is the germination stage, where you can initiate the emergence of something new by setting your intentions for what you wish to grow. A good time for starting anything new such as a project, idea, business venture etc.

Waxing Crescent

The moon is now partly illuminated by less than one-half, and increasing. The seed is now sprouting. Things are moving forward and there is the hope of more to come.

First Quarter

The moon is one-half exposed, and increasing in illumination. The seed is now presenting a root and plant structure on its way to growing and moving forward. This symbolises a period of decision, action and commitment.

Waxing Gibbous

More than one-half of the waxing of the moon is showing and increasing in illumination, therefore it represents the sense of gaining and attaining. So this can be applied to what you wish to gain and develop, such as friends, wealth, skills etc. Now the buds are preparing to bloom. This is the developmental stage where ideas and plans can be cultivated and fine-tuned before the next stage of manifestation.

Full Moon

The moon is full and round in all its glory. It appears to be completely illuminated by direct sunlight (this lasts for three days before and after the full moon date). As the moon is fully luminated, it represents fertility, abundance, transformation and completion. The seed is in full bloom. It is a potent and powerful time for healing, guidance and magic, as well as any positive intentions, including improving your psychic abilities. The moon will act in your favour and you will achieve good results. As the sun and moon are directly opposite each other, it causes tension or polarity. There are associations with the Goddess mother aspect, so you can honour and connect with Goddesses such as Isis, Cerridwen etc.

Waning Gibbous

The moon is more than one-half showing, but not fully illuminated, and decreasing. As the moon appears to be getting smaller, this is a good time to focus on ridding something such as bad habits, stresses or negative thinking.

Last Quarter

One-half is showing and it is decreasing in illumination. This is like a half-way point, a kind of contemplative time of introspect & (re) evaluation. The seed has now planted fully and all harvests have been reaped. There is a sense of shedding of the old before the new can come into place.

Waning Crescent

The moon is partly illuminated with less than one-half showing, and it is decreasing in illumination. The old cycle ends and the new one is near. This is the final releasing & purging stage, completing anything remaining, and banishing anything not required, before the birth of the new seed.


Take time to observe the moon and pay attention to it's changing cycles. Think about taking an inventory of how the moon may be affecting your life. Are you in sync with its natural rhythms and symbological cues, or fighting them? Learn to honour and work with the moon's energies.

See my related article: "Moon Ceremonies & Rituals".


Source by Natalia Kuna

100% Natural Growth Could Be Yours – Do You Fancy a Bigger Penis? Start Growing Today!


When you suddenly realise that your penis is smaller than everyone else you know, it can be a bit of blow. For me, I was about 25 when I finally came to terms with just how small I was (3.4 inches), and while it was pretty painful at the time, in the long run it has definitely been the best realisation I ever made. That's because, when I admitted it to myself, I could then set about putting it right – and with the help of natural enlargement it did not take me long to grow.

You'll hear lots of different stories about what works and what does not and, as far as I'm concerned, the natural approach is the best you can get because it does not cost a penny. It's also the only approach that has it's foundations in science too, and that gives you a great piece of mind too. Once you read this article, you will understand how I turned my tiny member into a massive 7.5 inch monster – and if you apply the same process then there's no reason why you can not grow too!

Looking at the evidence …

What most men forget is that there is already all the evidence you need to show that natural grow is possible. After all, your penis grew when you were a teenager did not it? And no devices or pills were used here? That means that all of the growth you saw was natural, and caused by the body. This is great news because it means you will be able to replicate the same process once again.

Is it really possible to replicate teenage growth ?

Yes it is, and all you have to do is start working in tune with your body again. The reason your manhood grew so much during puberty was because there were lots of bicohemicals in your blood stream, and now you are aware of that, you can start to put these ESSENTIAL biochemicals back. According to the scientists, your body can not grow without sufficient biochemicals – and so getting them back into the body is a must.

How can you do that?

Me For, the best way to replace Biochemicals was by vBulletin® using a natural enlargement plan . In fact, this worked almost immediately so you can even start growing today if you want to. I saw my amazing results in just 4 short weeks – would you like the same to happen to you?


Source by Lee Tanner

How to Calculate Your Sales Numbers


One of the ways to really make an impact on your sales is to not only know your numbers, but know how to calculate them? It is amazing to me the number of Salespeople I've come across who are fantastic in selling, but can not do the math. If your commissions are bound by sales margin then selling $ 70,000 per month at a 30% margin is the same as selling $ 42,000 at 50 percent. If you can manage your margins you can work smarter, not harder. The following are a few equations that will help you keep track of how you are doing so there are no surprises at the end of the month.

Gross Margin Percentage.

((Total sales-Cost of goods sold (COGS)) / Total Sales) * 100

Lets say you sold $ 50,000 in paper clips and those clips cost you $ 25,000. Your equation would be: $ 50,000- $ 25,000 = $ 25,000. Then Divide $ 25,000 by $ 50,000 ($ 25,000 / $ 50,000) = 0.5 and multiply 0.5 by 100 to get 50%

Sales Growth Percentage.

(Current sales-Previous Sales) / Previous Sales

Your previous sales could be your sales from last month, last year etc. Say you wanted to find your Horizontal growth (growth over January). This month your sales were $ 100,000 and in January your sales were $ 60,000. Your equation would look like this:

($ 100,000- $ 60,000) / $ 60,000 = 0.66667

Take your 0.66667 and multiply it by 100 to get 66.6%. Congratulations! You grew your sales 66.6% over January. This equation is always used to calculate growth. Here's another Example. Lets say your last year sales were $ 1,750,567 (would not that be nice) and this years sales were $ 1,655,462. Here's your equation:

($ $ 1,655,462- 1,750,567) / $ 1,750,467 = -0.05427, multiply that by 100 to get your percentage. = -5.42%. Sorry, you had negative growth over last year. You better hit the streets !!

Where are you pacing?

Another important number to know is how you are trending or pacing. When I was branch manager I would always ask my outside salespeople what their numbers were. Most of the time they could tell me how they were doing as far as growth, percent of goal, margin etc. The one number they always struggled with was how they were pacing. Figuring out this number takes a little more effort than most equations. Here's how you do it.

Step One. You have to figure out how many sales days are in the month you are in. Sales days usually run between 20 and 22 per month.

Step Two. How many sales days have gone by? Lets say it's the middle of the month and 10 days have gone by.

Step Three. Find your daily average. You take your month to date sales number, lets say $ 20,000 and divide it by the number of days gone by (we decided 10 days in step Two.) $ 20,000 / 10 = $ 2000. This number is called "Daily Average".

Step Four. You take your Daily Average ($ 2000) and multiply it by the total number of sales days in the month (lets say 21). $ 2000 * 21 days = $ 42,000. $ 42,000 is where you are pacing for the month. The daily average is an important number since sales days vary per month. You can look at your sales numbers month to month and think you are dong pretty well. Lets say in February you sold $ 40,000 and in March you sold $ 43,000. By looking at these numbers alone you would say that you sold more in March. But if you take the daily average you can see that you actually sold more in February. Here's how:

February had 20 sales days and March had 23 sales days. February's daily average is $ 40,000 / 20 = $ 2000 and March is $ 43,000 / 23 = $ 1870. Always look at your daily average !!


Source by Curtis Porter

The Secret Of Using Garlic for Hair Growth Is Out! It Works More Miracles on Your Hair Than In Food


Many individuals are unaware that garlic is a natural and powerful antibiotic in and of itself. It is particularly effective in combating harmful forms of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Garlic supplements for hair growth are particularly effective in preventing hair loss, because garlic prevents hair from shedding.

The beneficial compounds that are found in garlic stimulate the flow of blood to one's scalp, which removes harmful toxins that may accumulate in a person's hair follicles. It is possible for an individual to purchase an odorless garlic shampoo, or may opt to create their own by adding garlic extract to the shampoo or conditioner that they normally use.

Although garlic prevents hair from shedding, it can also add body and a glossy sheen to a person's existing hair, which can decrease the amount of hair breakage that a person has. Additionally, persons who suffer from dry hair or itchy scalps can obtain relief with an odorless garlic shampoo. The particular protein that provides hair with strength is keratin. Keratin is often found in abundance with sulfur. Garlic contains approximately four times more sulfur than other sulfur rich vegetables, like onions or broccoli. A study conducted in 2007 by scientists at the University of Medical Sciences in Iran discovered that when garlic was applied topically to the scalp with betamethasone cream, patients who suffered from alopecia encountered the successful growth of new hair.

Garlic supplements for hair growth can also be obtained in the form of garlic oil. The oil may be massaged into the scalp and left overnight in order to stimulate hair growth. Although garlic has numerous beneficial properties, if an individual is taking any sort of regular medication, then he or she should consult with their primary care physician before they start taking garlic supplements. In some instances, garlic can prohibit the body from effectively absorbing certain types of medicines. Most individuals must use an odorless garlic shampoo or other form of garlic supplement for four to six weeks before they begin to notice visible results. Because garlic prevents hair from shedding, a person should begin to enjoy a fuller head of hair within a short amount of time.


Source by Adrian Clarke

Business Growth – Grow Sustainably Or Go Bankrupt


Growth and the management of growth present special problems in financial planning. Growth is not always a blessing. Many companies are in a financial predicament, have cash flow problems or even go bankrupt while they have full order books. There can be several causes for this phenomenon. One of the major causes, however, is the fact that companies grow too fast for their strategic financial resources to support them.

A higher turnover implicates higher assets in the form of stock, debtors and fixed assets. To achieve a sustainable growth rate these assets need to be financed through financial resources that is generated by a company or that can be accessed by a company. The biggest constraint, therefore, of sustainable growth, is the ability to generate sufficient capital to finance the increase in assets (working-capital needs increase). Non-financial resources that also need to grow sustainably include a company's systems as well as the skills and experience of its employees.

Importance of Growth

Growth is essential for the survival of a company. Strategically a company needs to grow to increase its market share and to achieve a competitive edge against its competitors. Other important benefits of growth are a company's assets that can be used more optimally, economies of scale that occur and profitability that can increase. In the final analysis growth is extremely important to optimally position a company for harvesting purposes.

Determinants of Sustainable Growth

Sustainable growth is dependent on the rate that a company can generate funds and utilise these funds effectively. The maximum rate at which a company can increase its sales without depleting its financial resources is called the sustainable growth rate. The major determinants of sustainable growth are rate of return, financial leverage, dividend policy and external equity.

  • Rate of Return – The rate of return that a company achieves forms the basis of how fast the company can grow. The profit margin of a company (after tax) multiplied by the asset turnover (sales divided by total assets) gives the rate of return or return on assets (ROA) of the company.
  • Financial Leverage – A company often uses debt to leverage a constant rate of return (ROA) to achieve a much higher return on equity (ROE).
  • Dividend Policy – The dividend policy of a company is a critical variable in manipulating the sustainable growth rate. A dividend payout of 50% allows a company to only grow half as fast as a similar company with no dividends being paid out.
  • External Equity – External equity is the most expensive form of growth financing and dilute the shareholders return. External equity should only be used as a last resource to finance a company.

An Example of Sustainable Growth.

Various sustainable growth rate formulas exist. Some of them analyse much detail and take inflation, interest rates, external equity and various components of a business into account. A basic formula (formulated Hewlett by-Packard) that is very helpful, is:

SGR = ROE * r


SGR = sustainable growth rate

r = retention ratio (1 – dividend payout ratio)

ROE = net profit margin * asset turnover * equity multiplier

The above formula takes the rate of return, financial leverage and dividend policy of a company into consideration. It is based on the following premises:

  • It is not practical (or possible) to issue more shares (dilute equity).
  • The company is effectively managed and the profit margin and asset turnover is at optimum levels.
  • The dividend payout is at the minimum level to keep the shareholders at ease.If we take a company with the following performance indicators:
  • The debt / equity level is at an optimum level considering the risk profile of the company.

If we take a company with the following performance indicators:

  • Turnover (sales) – $ 100 million
  • Net Profit (after tax) – $ 8 million
  • Equity – $ 20 million
  • Total assets – $ 50 million
  • Dividend Payout – 0.4 (40%).


  • Net Profit Margin = 8/100 = 8%
  • Asset Turnover = 100/50 = 2
  • Financial Leverage = 50/20 = 2.5
  • Retention Ratio = 1 – 0.4 = 0.6

The sustainable growth rate is:

SGR = ROE * r

= (8% * 2 * 2.5 * 0.6)

= 24%

It means that if this company uses all its internal financial resources effectively that it can grow it sales at a maximum of 24%. The company's turnover can thus increase from $ 100 million to $ 124 million. If the company grow faster than 24% with its current parameters it is actually creating cash flow problems and this can finally lead to bankruptcy.

How can a company grow faster?

If a company wants to grow faster than what their sustainable growth rate indicates and they do not want to dilute their equity they need to generate more finances through one or more of the following:

  • Higher profitability – this can be achieved by several factors such as higher gross margins and lower expenditures.
  • Better asset management – this can be achieved by creating more sales and profits in relation to assets and to decrease stock levels and debtor days.
  • A higher retention ratio – the majority of profits are ploughed back into the business.
  • A higher debt ratio – asset expansion is financed mostly by debt.


Growth is extremely important for any company to survive, gain market share, get a competitive edge and to position itself for harvesting. Uncontrollable growth is, however, just as damaging as very low growth and can put a serious strain on a company's cash flow and can even lead to bankruptcy.

The management of a company can, however, scientifically analyse the optimum sustainable growth rate of the company with the use of financial ratios and models. The sustainable growth rate of a company can be increased if its determinants can be managed more effectively.

Sustainable growth should form an integral part of the strategy of any company and should be managed professionally.

Copyright © 2008 by Wim Venter. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Source by Wim Venter

Height Growth Plus Review – Does Height Enhancing Supplement Really Make You Grow Taller?


Height Growth Plus claims to make you taller at any age. It involves biological methods for increasing your height unlike other products. Most people undergo surgeries for increasing stature, which can be extremely harmful for your body in the long run. These pills revitalize your spinal chord and add inches with ease. There are many alternatives available in the market for increasing height. Most people believe that your stature gaining ability stops at a certain age and can not be attained later which is nothing but a sheer myth. Height Growth Plus can invigorate your bones and growth plates.

Facts about Height Growth Plus

* These pills can stimulate your growth hormones in your blood stream, which consequently increases your height. You can easily avail this product, which comes in the form of pills free for 120 days. You can claim for a refund if you are not satisfied with its effects.

* You can buy this product online. Most people crave to increase their height. Some people out of desperation take up wrong methods such as growth hormones injections. Many complications such as headache, nausea, allergies are caused due to these techniques. It is always advisable to take up biological means for attaining height.

* You can also take protein supplements and perform cardio workouts for gaining tallness effectively. Your nutrition mostly decides its effects. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle for gaining stature with Height Growth plus. It contains 120 pills in a bottle. The product claims to have no side effects and hence it can be easily bought without prescription. It works best for people under the age of 35. Your body experiences a proportionate growth by its intake. These pills directly stimulate your pituitary glands to secret growth hormones.


Source by Samuel Wilson

Black Cohosh and Hair Growth – Herbal Treatment For Hair Loss in Women


Black cohosh and hair growth have been in correlation for years, but it was not until a few years ago that the relationship was officially recognized. It has always been used as a herbal remedy for women suffering from menopause as it regulates estrogen hormone levels. Now it has been used in very successful natural hair restoration treatments for women.

Black cohosh is a plant that grows in North America and Canada. Its root is very dark, thick and knotted, and it is this that which is used as a herbal remedy for many different ailments, including menopause. Menopause can cause a reduction in the production of estrogen – the very hormone that makes women women. This female sex hormone has many important roles that give women their female characteristics including preventing the growth of body hair and promoting head hair growth. It acts as a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, blocking the production of DHT from testosterone, which causes hair follicles to die.

Women going through menopause tend to notice that one of the side effects is hair loss. This is because the level of estrogen produced can drop dramatically, causing the level of DHT to enter the hair follicles, blocking hair growth. Black cohosh, with its ability to regulate estrogen levels so they do not reduce, is therefore an excellent natural hair loss remedy for women.

Hair loss in women can be prevented with use of black cohosh, if going through menopause. It is believed that with it balancing the level of estrogen produced, DHT levels should remain restricted and controlled enough to stop clogging the hair follicles. Black cohosh and hair growth appear to therefore go hand-in-hand, and as a result has been included as a core ingredient in many hair growth products and natural hair loss treatments.

How To Take Black Cohosh

This plant contains vitamins A and B5, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, lipids and resin. Not only is it found in natural hair loss treatments, but is also available as a supplement in capsule or tincture form.


Source by Adrian Clarke