Effective Team Communication Skills – Integral to Your Team's Growth


Improve your speaking skills

Speaking is the most basic form of communication. Always speak slowly and clearly. Your voice should be soft but firm. Be polite in speech and behavior. Do not use harsh or unpleasant words. At the same time your behavior too should not be rude. Make talking to your team members a habit. Ask them to discuss everything without you. Create an air of approachability around you. Always have a friendly word for all but talk directly, do not beat around the bush. Talk about their personal and professional problems. Enquire after their families. Put them at ease but do not indulge in petty talk. Whenever you open your mouth to say something, the team members should all respond with respect and alacrity.

Improve your listening skills

Listening is as important a part of communication as speaking. If no one listens to what you are saying then your whole effort will be useless. In order to get others to listen to you, you have to improve your own ability. This aspect of communication is tougher than any other to bring into practice, but is possibly the most important one. The first requirement to be a good listener is to lower your tolerance threshold to the minimum. All speakers may not speak intelligently or could be very boring. But if you practice listening carefully to even the worst speaker, you will enhance your knowledge and sharpen your skills. Along with tolerance develop the art of being attentive. This will increase your capacity to analyze and understand what the other person is really talking about. This trait will earn you the respect of others and they will be more attentive when you say something.

Honing these skills and serving them up with humor could be the ideal recipe for developing excellent communication skills.


Source by Takuya Hikichi

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