What Does Personal Growth Mean to You?


Everyone defines Personal Growth in his or her own terms. It is amazing how many people refer to it as a journey, while others look at it as an evolution.

A group of individuals and industry leaders have generously shared what personal growth means to them. There is so much wisdom in each and every one of their statements-a richness of experience in life that helps us understand who we are and why we are here.

Here are some of them:

"Personal Growth is the pursuit of positive activities, experiences, and education: The process expands your consciousness and opens you up to possibilities far beyond your currently perceived limits and boundaries." ~ Kathryn Arnold ~

"… A constant examination of what is and is not working in your life, and an exploration of new ways of being to achieve a fulfilling life, which is composed of health, wealth, love, and personal self-expression." ~ Matthew Britt ~

"We are alive, and if we are not growing we are dying. Make sure you're growing! Lifelong learning and striving for growth are the secrets to life." ~ Debbie Hoogestraat ~

"The willingness and ability to look at life situations head on and to make informed choices is empowering. Instead of making decisions based on fear and negative past experiences, everybody
can learn new strategies to succeed each day. At the heart of the matter are growth and change. "~ Eric Turiansky ~

"Discovering who we are is a lifelong pursuit. The process embraces the spiritual, emotional, and intellectual aspects of ourselves. It is the journey, not the destination!" ~ Monika Zands. ~

"The study of the self is both an internal and external experience. The gamut of lessons we learn along the way shows us how to break habits and patterns so we expand from what we think is available to us or possible in our lives." ~ Lee Lam ~

"Living more fully means the ability to open yourself up to the possibility that you are capable of more than you are currently doing. It is about recognizing the frustration you feel about where you are in your life, the negative and positive feelings you have about yourself, and knowing that there is more about you that
you have not developed yet. "~ Korby Waters ~

Personal growth is about possibility, focusing on what you want, and living your full potential. Personal growth is in the process of being commonly understood and accepted in society. Many of us have been enjoying its value for years, while some of us may be learning about the benefits of personal growth for the first time. I ask that you start exploring what personal growth means to you as you enjoy making it a way of life.


Source by Manny Goldman

Measure For Controlling The Rapid Growth Of Population


Need for controlling the growth of population

Overpopulation is, indeed, a serious socio-economic problem of India. This problem has adversely affected the progress of the economy and the standard of the living of the people. The problem is an urgent one and needs immediate solution.

Overpopulation is related to the size of the population and the population and the utilization of the countries resources. The problem should be tackled from both the sides. Firstly, production should be increased to meet the needs of the people. Secondly, size of the population should be controlled and reduced.

Measure of increase production

Growing the population of the country can be supported through increase production. Agricultural and industrial productions are to be increased for this purpose.

1.Increase in agricultural production:

It is necessary to resort to modern scientific cultivation in order to increase agricultural output. Use of irrigation, high yielding seeds, rotation of crops, utilization of chemicals, fertilizers, manures and such other means are to be adopted for this purpose.

2.Increase in industrial production:

The process of industrialization is to be accelerated. Modern sophisticated technology must be made use for industrial production. The industrial strategy should be such that it should be able to increase production and at the same time provides job facilities to a sizable number of people.

3.Development of trade and commerce:

The development of trade and commerce will contribute to additional income and help the country to support the growing the population.

Measure to control and reduced population

The problem of overpopulation can be effectively dealt with only if the rapid growth rate of population is contained. Various measures are to be undertaken in this regard.

1.Family planning measures:

Family planning is nowadays considered an indispensable method of controlling population. The motto of planning is- "child by choice and not by chance" or "child by desire not by accident." The size of the family must be limited voluntary.

2.Providing education facilities of the people:

Illiteracy is one of the factors of overpopulation. It is to be countered in order to contain the population growth. Spread of education among illiterate hassles is a significant step in reducing the birth rate.

3.Rise in the age of marriage:

In order to reduce the child-bearing period of women (reproductive span of women), it is necessary to rise the minimum age of marriage from 18 to for females and 21 to 24 for males. Child marriages should be prohibited.

4.Improving status of women:

Experience in the west has shown that high status of women is closely associated with a low birth rate. The desire to rise in the social scale develops a strong feeling for a smaller family.

5.Propaganda in Favor of Small Family:

Enough publicity is to be given in a country like India regarding the benefits of a small family to the general masses. Mass media of communication like the press, radio, television and movies are of great help in this regard.

6.Provision of Incentives:

Incentives such as cash payments and promotion in jobs, free education, preference in admission to technical courses, etc. could be given to the people who accept and adopt family planning.

7.Increasing the Standard of Living of the Mass :

People with higher standard of living normally opt for small family. Hence, it is necessary to increase the standard of living of the masses.


Source by Senba Ga Raman

Communication and Personal Growth – 5 Key Factors For Growing Yourself and Connecting With Others


How well you communicate is an indicator of your personal growth. The better you can connect with others, the more you will want to take on situations that stretch your self-development. The more "on purpose" conversations you have, the more you will seek opportunities to learn and grow.

All conversations come with some level of risk attached. Some conversations, such as an exchange between you and your dry cleaner, may carry little risk. Compare this to asking your boss for a raise or confronting a challenging client where you have at stake, and you'll realize that higher risk conversations naturally increase your self-growth. The more frequently you engage in "higher risk" conversations the more you'll feel confident and empowered to act on your own behalf.

Consider these five factors of effective communication:

Intention: Communicating with an honest and true intention is not as easy as it sounds. You'll need a great deal of self-awareness to notice if your intention is purely for your own gains even if it is shrouded beneath the cloak of helping others. Consciously observe your conversations for a period of time and notice your true intentions.

Empathy: Much has been said about the ability to be empathic or the ability to vicariously experience the feelings of another. The truth is that without this component communication becomes hollow and lacks energy. It is the energy of empathy that promotes self-growth. Truly empathic exchanges can provide new insights and is not that the basis of personal growth?

Confidence: The ability to rely upon yourself , to own all that you know and to own all that you do not, is the basis of self-confidence.This type of pure self-assurance is not "knowing it all" but rather the inner strength to declare what you do not know but are willing to learn. The confident person says "tell me more." The more you learn and put to good use the more you escalate your own development.

Engagement: Though engagement is a common business buzz word today with respect to involving employees, engagement is the key to avoiding misunderstandings. In a conversation it is more than active listening. It is the ability to integrate the interpretation of messages between parties. Your message may sound different in your listener's mind than your intended message and vice versa. Engaging your listener means both holding their attention and interacting like a set of aligned gears.

Patience: It takes time to develop effective communication just as it takes time to develop personal growth. It takes fortitude to become proficient at handling difficult or higher risk conversations. Allow yourself the freedom of patience.

Take the challenge and increase the frequency of conversations that have more at stake and enjoy the rewards of becoming a more confident communicator.


Source by Allie Q Casey

The Growth of New Industries Making It Possible for People to Get Jobs in Durgapur


Durgapur is a fast growing industrial city, with the majority of the workforce belonging to the SAIL run Durgapur Steel Plant. In recent times, however, the city is undergoing rapid changes, and developmental processes have pushed the status of the city to one of "Smart City" as declared by the government of West Bengal. Being very close to Kolkata, it can be said to be the true satellite city of the metropolitan. But the positive thing about the city is that, while it has the amenities of a metropolitan, it has not yet succumbed to the unpleasantness of a big city.

The various developmental projects undertaken by both the central and state government have led to the city seeing a boom in the growth of a variety of industries, leading to a fair amount of job generation. Just a decade back, jobs in Durgapur denoted only one option, that is jobs in the Durgapur Steel Plant. But in the current decade, many different industries have flourished here, leading to the generation of jobs in the city.

Of the many booming sectors, IT and BPO can be said to be the most notable. Previously, all the small and big players in the field of IT and software had their offices in Kolkata. But in recent years, owing to the saturation of such industries and a lack of available space and workforce, most are coming down to Durgapur.

The boom of the IT sector has led to demands of designers, developers, customer service executives, human resource managers, administrative staffs, security staffs, and many others. To fill in these positions, it is not necessary to search outside the city as trained and efficient workforce is available in the city itself.

Durgapur has many premiere educational institutions which are giving the chance to the new generation to study subjects of their interest, of which the main chunk is related to IT. Hence, while searching for well trained experts, the new and established IT firms of Durgapur do not have to search far from home. The newly passed out graduates are absorbed in these firms and immediately after passing out they start to earn a livelihood. Jobs in Durgapur have made possible for the new generation to stay back in the city and have a career full of potential and learning opportunities.

Another important factor in this is the geographical location of Durgapur. Durgapur is strategically located in such a manner, that it is not far from Kolkata, neither it is very far from Bihar, Jhharkhand, Chattisgarh, from where also job seekers flock to Durgapur. Historically, it is an extension of the Chotanagpur plateau that encompasses Bihar, Jharkhand, and Western parts of West Bengal. It is a The So well connected place, and is sometimes Also Referred to color : as the "Gateway of the East". Jobs is the in Durgapur have Breathed new life in this region, and Benefiting : many Attributing to the Growth factor of the entire region.


Source by Pallabi Ghosh

Inspirational Thoughts For the Day – Growth is the Only Evidence of Life


Growth can be thought of in a few different ways but I would tend to think of physical growth, mainly in children, and emotional or spiritual growth which we can all work on. So, if you had to measure yourself, where would you rank as far as growth goes?

I have not physically grown since about 18 that is, if you exclude sideways growth. However, I have a 3 year old daughter, and it constantly amazes me at how she's always growing. Not a month goes by where she has not outgrown some of her clothes or else needs new shoes. I am truly grateful for this growth as it is a sure sign that she is healthy.

How about emotional / spiritual growth? Once again, my daughter is a great example as I can see her growing in this area too. A friend's cat died a few weeks ago and she told me that my friend was heartbroken. A few months ago this would not have occurred to her. Children grow at such a rapid rate but what happens to us as adults? Do you still grow or have you stagnated? If you let life pass you by and never try to improve your lot, perhaps you're not trying to grow anymore. If you do not grow, you're not really living according to our inspirational thoughts for the day. I do believe that it is important to be happy and content with what you have but, at the same time, there are always some areas where growth is needed. Only you can determine what these areas are and how to go about your growth.


Source by Jackie De Bruin