A Paradigm Shift Definition to Open New Doors on the Path to Enlightenment


What is a paradigm? It is a set of mental attitudes and beliefs about an area of ​​your life. Your mental paradigm will define things like how much you can achieve in that area, how much enjoyment you take from it, and if you continue to evolve in your understanding of it or not. This article will show you what it means to shift your paradigm, and the new worlds it can open to you.

A paradigm shift is a necessary step in your spiritual growth, and a paradigm shift definition will be important to you because it will give you an idea of ​​what you are going through when it comes to pass. I will give a more day-to-day example, and then we can talk about how this relates to spirituality.

Let's say you have to do a job that you hate. You do not see a way out, and your only solution is to keep showing up every day. One day you wake up and realize that you do not have to do it anymore. There comes a point when you see opportunities and ways out that were under your nose the whole time, you only blinded yourself to them. Nothing changed in your situation from one morning to the next, what changed was you. This is a paradigm shift definition.

How Does This Apply to Spirituality?

This same process also applies to our spiritual lives. Our personal inner growth journey can be long and difficult. We have to juggle inner work with jobs, kids, marriage, and the millions of other things that keep us busy. We can lose steam for our spiritual quest, and before we know it we forget why we started out in the first place. How is a situation like this in relation to your inner work the same as a bad employment situation?

The answer is that it is the same. A paradigm you designed for yourself most likely unconsciously has blocked you from inner growth, from new ways of dealing with new responsibilities. Sometimes it can seem like our spiritual growth is put on hold to deal with the pressures of life, and this is when a paradigm shift definition will kick some holes in the walls of our prisons and make new doors for us. This shift may be a new spiritual understanding that integrates our day-to-day life with our spiritual growth, or a new fire in our hearts that makes us get up an hour earlier every day to give time to our selves.

Take Action

Take a moment now and think about any areas of your life where your soul is thirsty for more attention. Take this new paradigm shift definition and examine the ways in which your mental attitudes or paradigms are blocking you from opening new doors of opportunity in your spiritual growth. Things to look out for are a lightness of spirit, or a feeling of freedom, along with the answers you were looking for. Trust these even though they may seem unlikely, because you will be in the midst of a paradigm shift.


Source by David Zambrano

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