Why Soil Aeration Is Important for Healthy Plant Growth


Healthy soil supports plant growth and ability to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Plants and trees are able to withstand adverse climatic effects such as extreme hot or cold weather, drought, floods and frost, if the soil supports a healthy root system. An ideal soil consists of an equal proportion of air and water (constituting half of the soil structure), 45% of minerals and 5% of organic matter. Soil composition may be improved by human intervention to achieve improved yield or better landscaping results.

A well aerated and free draining soil improves availability of nutrients to be absorbed by the plants. Sufficient oxygen supply to the roots and CO2 removal are two essential requirements to grow healthy plants. Carbon dioxide accumulation hinders root growth and poorly developed root system is unable to absorb adequate amount of nutrients and moisture from the soil.

Soil aeration is also necessary for the growth and activities of the microorganisms present in the soil. Some of the important microbial activities include sulphur oxidation, decomposition, nitrification and more. These activities are dependent upon the presence of oxygen in the soil. Important microbial activities necessary to maintain soil fertility also slow down in absence of sufficient oxygen. For example, organic matter will not be decomposed if favourable microbes are not active due to oxygen deficiency.

Soil compaction occurs due to heavy traffic or larger farming equipment size, tilling operations and lack or minimum crop rotation. Since the pore-size is smaller in compacted soil availability of water to the plant roots is also lesser.

Soil structure may be improved by introducing organic matter in the soil by adding compost and stimulating biological activity. You may improve aeration in the soil by creating holes in the soil surface and allow air to travel back deep below. This method also makes the compacted soil to collapse into a better structure of loose particles. Clay soil is easily compacted than sandy soil. Therefore experts suggest biannual aeration activity in clayey soil whereas sandy soil may derive similar benefits through annual aeration procedures. Simple tilling and turning of the soil is enough to loosen up the soil particle and improve air presence in the soil structure.

Well aerated soil offers ample room to the roots to grow and expand along with better infiltration of the rain water hence maintaining the moisture balance in the soil. When the land is able to soak up rain or irrigation water there are lesser chances of runoff including harmful substances such as pesticides and fertilizers.

Homeowners and commercial property owners invest huge amount of time and money in landscape plants. Landscaping requires careful planning therefore homeowners or landscape managers often look for fool-proof methods to reduce or control diseases in plants and take every preventive measure to get desired results. Huge plant replacement Buying is always more expensive than taking precautionary steps to get healthy plants .


Source by Amy Willims

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