Natural Breast Growth – Hormone Control


Many women in today's world desire a larger, firmer and fuller set of breasts. Be it for the look, the self esteem that comes with it, or sex appeal, many women today are looking into non surgical methods of natural breast growth. Many women think the only way to breast enhancement is via surgery, as well as think of surgery as the traditional way to achieve larger breasts. The actual traditional way women have been achieving larger breasts throughout history is by life style changes and diet.

The foods we eat have a direct impact on our body's, including our breasts. There is a traditional saying that goes "We are what we eat". Never is this more true with natural breast growth or the lack there of. Sure genetics play a hand, yet diet also has a direct impact on natural breast growth. You see, the foods we eat actually effect the hormone levels in our body's. Too much of certain types of food can either inhibit our natural breast growth, or speed it along. Countries in the orient have long since known the effects of food relating to the growth of the breasts.

First let us cover the hormone that can hinder our natural breast growth. That hormone is Testosterone. All women produce some Testosterone, and it is natural for our body's to contain some. The problem is when our body's produce to much Testosterone due to imbalance, or process foods which encourage Testosterone production within our systems. Many women unknowingly have diets rich in foods which encourage Testosterone production, and hamper their natural breast growth and development.

The foods which encourage Testosterone production are:

• Asparagus
• Avocado
• Bananas
• Beef
• Broccoli
• Brussel Sprouts
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Celery
• Cottage cheese
• Eggs
• Figs
• Garlic
• Oysters

The second hormone to cover is estrogen. We need a healthy level of estrogen in our body's to promote natural breast growth. If your estrogen levels are to low, that can inhibit breast growth. For some its a hormonal imbalance not related to diet, however for others, diet plays a key role in reduced estrogen levels in the body. Again it all goes back to we are what we eat. Certain foods will inhibit estrogen production within the body. Avoiding foods which interfere with your body's natural process of creating estrogen can aide you on your journey to larger and firmer breasts.

Foods that inhibit estrogen include:

• All fruit except: apples, cherries, dates, and pomegranates
• Overly refined foods such as confectionery sugars
• Broccoli
• Buckwheat
• Green beans
• Millet
• Onions
• Tapioca
• White rice

Improving your diet and hormone levels will possibly help you achieve your goal, however their are other life style changes that can also help you achieve that goal such as exercise, hypnosis, massage, yoga and more. Dietary changes are but one key to larger fuller breasts.


Source by EJ Wisher

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