How the "Crab Effect" Obstructs Growth and How to Conquer It


Some of the greatest words of wisdom for any man or woman seeking change or growth are, "Surround yourself with people who will support and believe in you."

Creating any kind of significant change requires determination, focus, energy, a game plan, and more than anything else, desire and a positive attitude.

Sometimes, we become stalled in our progress or just lose the desire to continue because we do not have a strong support structure in place.

How many times have you tried to create something for yourself but failed because your circle of influence provided negative input and little support for you?

I once worked with a client who wanted to secure the career of his dreams. He was in his late 30's and had spent a good deal of his life working in an unfulfilling job that involved heavy lifting all day long.

When he finally made the decision to commit to pursuing his dream career, he shared his goals with his co-workers, family and friends.

He received little to no support from his co-workers. Some told him he was too old, he would never make it and that he was a dreamer.

His family members tried to convince him that he was going through a phase and that he should be grateful for his current job. It paid the bills.

His friends wished him well, but did not offer much in the line of support because they thought his goal was too lofty and unrealistic.

We worked together to create an action plan, to keep his momentum high and his attention focused.

His greatest struggle, however, was he could not understand why he seemed to be traveling this road alone; why he had such little support from his closest circle of influence.

One day at work after having his dream quashed yet again, he confided in a co-worker that he just did not know if he was doing the right thing anymore because no one believed in him.

His co-worker then shared a story that turned his day around by giving him a new perspective. He told my client he was experiencing the "Crab Effect," then shared his explanation.

While vacationing in Florida, he observed a bucket of crabs on a fishing dock.

While all of the crabs were either motionless or squirming at the bottom of the bucket, one little crab kept crawling up the side in an effort to reach the top.

Each time the crab made his way closer to the top rim, a crab from below would reach up and pull him back down. Time and again, the little crab would climb the wall and time and again, one from below would pull him back.

By observing this behavior, my client's co-worker related this to how we function as human beings.

This one crab did not want to be confined. He believed he had a choice and did not have to accept his lot in life. He was willing to venture outside of his imposed boundaries in search for freedom.

Unfortunately, the others in the group did not recognize that they too had a choice, and would not allow the venturing crab to leave the rest of them behind.

This is the same for you. Have you ever wanted to create something new for yourself or make a significant change that would give you a sense of freedom or purpose?

Did you find that those around you did not provide the support you needed to succeed?

Unfortunately, you will not always receive the support you expect from those you believe should be there for you.

This does not mean they're bad or want to see you fail. They just might not be in the same place you are right now.

The Crab Effect usually occurs because others are not willing to expand their boundaries of thinking. They will not accept that they have a choice or the ability to create what they truly want.

You creating change for yourself may prove that their thinking is not sound and no one wants to be proven wrong. The ego does not like to be challenged.

The Crab Effect also occurs because some people are afraid of change or may not have sufficient confidence in themselves, and by you embracing change and creating a more desirable future for yourself, their self-limiting beliefs may be reinforced.

Some people are afraid of being left behind and do not want to be left alone. Like they say, "Misery loves company."

If you want to make a significant change in your life, surround yourself with people who believe in you and the power of creating anything you desire.

Do not share your goals and dreams with those who will bring you down or try to sabotage your efforts.

Sometimes the journey can be lonely when you decide to venture outside of the pack, but remain open and positive, and you will attract those who will support you and guide you in the right direction.

Be true to yourself and do not let the fear and limited thinking of others get in your way.

The day my client left his unfulfilling job for his new career, some cheered while others stood dumb-founded. It was a three-year journey, but he made it!

And once he realized he could accomplish what seemed impossible to many, he set new goals for himself and not only achieved, but exceeded many of them.

No one questions him anymore. They know if he says he plans to accomplish something, he most certainly will!


Source by Laurie Hayes

The Building Muscle Process


The building muscle process is relatively simple to understand.

With all of the information available on the internet, you'd think it would be easier to find information about just what exactly causes muscles to grow. There are quite a few misconceptions out there and this article will put down a few of those myths and reveal exactly what happens when your body builds muscle.

The whole process begins when the existing muscles in the body are put under extreme stress, such as when they push or pull more weight then they are used to pushing and pulling.

When muscles are asked to do more work than they are accustomed to, they suffer minor ruptures. You'll feel these micro-tears as muscle soreness. These mini-injuries are repaired while the body rests. The resulting muscle is slightly larger than before, better able to handle the stress that caused the initial tears.

A bodybuilder maximizes the muscle building process by continuously escalating the stress level place on muscle groups. This is accomplished by increasing the amount of weight, the repetitions of the exercises and / or changing the type of exercise used on a specific muscle, causing new micro-tears, building the muscle more and more.

Massive muscle growth requires a specific nutritional plan as well. There are three macronutrients that you'll need in correct proportions to fuel muscle growth. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats will deliver the nutritional payload your muscles call for.

Carbohydrates provide the fuel to get you through your workouts. Slow digesting, low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates, most fruit and vegetables (excluding potatoes, corn and peas), whole grains, basmati rice and pasta are favored because they do not cause a spike in blood sugar like high glycemic carbs will. A sharp spike in blood sugar causes an increase in insulin production which makes it more likely that food energy would be stored as fat, not used as energy. Post workout meals, however, often contain some quickly digested carbs in order to replace glycogen in the muscles and promote protein synthesis.

Protein is the building block of muscle creation and professional bodybuilders eat massive amounts of it. For some, protein is almost one-third of their calories for the day. In addition to poultry, beef, pork and eggs, protein powders made from whey or soy are added to meals or used as meal replacements in shakes.

You need approximately two tablespoons of dietary fat each day. Approved sources of fat for the muscle builder are the unsaturated kind which is liquid at room temperature and is found in canola and olive oils, nuts, seeds and avocados.

The missing components here are rest and recuperation. You've placed your body under great stress and it needs rest. The specific muscles you've worked on need to recuperate and should not be exercised again until they properly recover. For most people that means at least 48 hours should elapse between workouts of the same muscles.


Source by Kiko Beach

Growing A Larger Penis With Hand Exercises – 2 Important Tips To Make Exercises Even More Effective


By themselves, natural hand exercises work very well for growing a larger penis consistently, safely, and permanently. However, there are 2 other things you can do (that are natural by the way) to help make these exercises even more effective and pleasurable. If you would take a couple of minutes out of your day and read on, in today's article I'm going to share with you those 2 things I did in conjunction with doing natural penis exercises that helped me with adding an extra 2 inches to my size in less than 8 weeks.

The Parallels To Body-Exercises – You see, when you are exercising your body to either / or improve your overall health, lose weight, burn fat, and build muscle, diet and exercise alone may not be enough. Sometimes you need to include supplements into your program to help the process of you getting the results you've wanted. The same goes for making your penis grow bigger.

There are a few vitamins and minerals that I recommend you get each day to help with increasing blood flow into your penile shaft. With having more blood flowing into your penile shaft, you will only be helping natural hand exercises become even more effective for growing a longer, thicker, and harder penis erection. This is made even more effective given that just doing hand exercises alone will actually increase blood flow, so just imagine what would happen if you included natural vitamins and minerals into the picture …

Now, the best vitamins and minerals that I recommend you include into your supplement stash to help increase blood flow (and actually improve many other areas of your overall health) are:

  • Super B Complex (Also helps with your heart, immune system, and energy levels.)
  • Mens Multi-Vitamins (Opti-Men and Animal Pak are my favorites)
  • l-arginine (This helps speed up blood flow to your genital area by dilating blood vessels, and will also help in developing fuller erections.)
  • Ginseng (Prevents degeneration of your blood system, it can help improve cholesterol levels, increase energy, reduce fatigue, and more.)
  • Ginkgo Biloba (Helps with memory loss, overall brain health, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, sexual problems, and more.)
  • Zinc (Helps repair and build cells and tissues, improves muscle growth, helps maintain strong healthy bones, helps immune system, it will help with building reproductive cells for normal sexual function, and since zinc is in semen and roughly 15 mg of zinc is lost during ejaculation, it's important for us men to resupply the body with it.)
  • l-lysine (Also helps with improving healthy skin, ligaments, tendons, and more.)

All of those supplements above are 100% natural, they will help speed up blood flow into your penile shaft, they help with many areas of your overall health, and typically do not cause any side-effects as long as you take the appropriate amount.

Making Exercises Even More Pleasurable – Natural hand exercises no matter what are very easy to do, pain-free, and they do not cause soreness (as long as you are using lubricants). This is because natural hand exercises are done without any equipment, they are carefully designed by professionals in both the medical and science fields, and the exercises are tailor-made to the anatomy of the penis.

That being said, there are some things that can still end up causing pain and soreness with these exercises. The most common issues are doing routines that are not found in reputable penis exercise guides, doing the routines for long periods of time, doing them too hard, and not using a natural lubricant. But what I wanted to talk to you about today is in regards to what's surrounding the manhood … and that would be pubic hair. If you want to make these exercises even more enjoyable, then I highly recommend that you cut your pubic hair.

Cutting your pubic hair will decrease discomfort from the constant pulling actions you'll have to do when doing natural hand exercises. Also, this will provide the additional benefit of making your penis appear bigger as well! To cut your pubic hair, I recommend you start off with small clippers, and then finish with using mild shaving cream and gently shave the remaining hairs.

So, you can certainly grow bigger with natural exercises, but if you include those 2 tips above, you can help the growth process even more, you can make doing these exercises even more pleasurable, and as a bonus, you can improve your overall health as well.


Source by Anthony Sciuto

Effective Team Communication Skills – Integral to Your Team's Growth


Improve your speaking skills

Speaking is the most basic form of communication. Always speak slowly and clearly. Your voice should be soft but firm. Be polite in speech and behavior. Do not use harsh or unpleasant words. At the same time your behavior too should not be rude. Make talking to your team members a habit. Ask them to discuss everything without you. Create an air of approachability around you. Always have a friendly word for all but talk directly, do not beat around the bush. Talk about their personal and professional problems. Enquire after their families. Put them at ease but do not indulge in petty talk. Whenever you open your mouth to say something, the team members should all respond with respect and alacrity.

Improve your listening skills

Listening is as important a part of communication as speaking. If no one listens to what you are saying then your whole effort will be useless. In order to get others to listen to you, you have to improve your own ability. This aspect of communication is tougher than any other to bring into practice, but is possibly the most important one. The first requirement to be a good listener is to lower your tolerance threshold to the minimum. All speakers may not speak intelligently or could be very boring. But if you practice listening carefully to even the worst speaker, you will enhance your knowledge and sharpen your skills. Along with tolerance develop the art of being attentive. This will increase your capacity to analyze and understand what the other person is really talking about. This trait will earn you the respect of others and they will be more attentive when you say something.

Honing these skills and serving them up with humor could be the ideal recipe for developing excellent communication skills.


Source by Takuya Hikichi

How to Grow More Facial Hair and Be Proud of Your Beard


How is it possible to grow a dense beard? Is there anything you can do to make the process more effective? Millions of men of all ages are concerned with these questions that seem quite simple at first sight. Meanwhile, the problem turns to be much more complicated and requires precise attention and serious consideration.

Actually, you do not have to be too anxious about your inability to grow a beard or mustache fast, especially if you have not tried to do that before. In most cases, this process takes around a month, so there is no need to run to the drug store right from the start. Instead, doctors recommend to have not less than 6 hours of sleep every night and go in for sport regularly. This helps your body refresh after a hard working day and stimulates fast hair growth, which is exactly what you need, do not you?

Keeping your face clean and properly moisturized is another step you should undertake to make your facial hair grow the way you need. The fact is that skin dryness often results in slowing the rate of hair growth. This is because dried cells and dust particles accumulate around hair roots, thus preventing it from growing fast. Steam therapy is one more method popular with men all over the world. It also helps hair follicles grow without any hindrance. However, it is not recommended to apply hair care products on your face, because some of them contain harmful chemicals that can lead to unwanted facial skin reactions.

Recent studies have shown a positive effect of Biotin upon the rate of hair growth. It stimulates the production of keratin, thus speeding up this process. What is Biotin? It is also known as vitamin B7, so it is not surprising that you can come across various hair care products containing it. Still, make sure you purchase only those of them that are meant for facial skin care. Biotin is found in certain food products, such as egg yolk, peanuts etc., so do not forget to include them into your everyday menu.

It is highly recommended to undergo thorough medical examination if you do not succeed in making your facial hair grow faster. The thing is that the level of testosterone, genetics as well as overall health condition may seriously affect this process. Inform your doctor about all chronic diseases you have as well as current complains you have. Your doctor may recommend you Rogain (Minoxidil), which is said to feature high hair growing efficacy. This over the counter medication is applied on your skin face for around four hours. Just like other drugs, it may cause side effects, such as the feeling of burning in your eyes, skin irritation and itching etc. So, always consult your physician before using this medicine for the first time.


Source by Aleksey Donets

How to Use Indian Attars for Meditation and Spiritual Growth


The history of Indian attars goes back for five-thousand years, to the dawn of perfumery. Because they are distilled so gently, attars are like no other perfumes in the world. They retain the vibrational essence of the flowers, and of Mother Earth herself.

Long before the word "aromatherapy" was invented, people recognized the healing attributes of attars. For example, Gulab, or Rose Attar , supports a woman's femininity on all levels. Mitti is grounding and calming. Kewda is clarifying, helpful for mental fatigue and creative blocks.

For thousands of years, Attars have also been used to enhance meditation and spiritual growth. They still have value for these things to this day. The olfactory part of the brain completely bypasses the thinking part of the brain. When one is having trouble centering and staying focused, wearing an attar can be just what is needed to create a blissful meditation. For those fortunate ones who have an easy time meditating, attars can take them to the next level.

Here are some of my favorite attars for meditation:

Known as the "Oil of Tranquility" , Vetiver is cooling and soothing. In India, the pure hydrodistilled oil of Vetiver is called Ruh Khus. It is quite strong and may be better appreciated when diluted to 10-15% in jojoba oil. A rich emerald green, this beautiful oil can take your scattered mind and help pinpoint it to a calm, still center.

Genda Attar is made ​​from humble marigolds of gold and orange, but its fragrance is gloriously "green"! Genda is used to make garlands and curtains that help to purify the surrounding air. When worn, you feel its purifying effect in the lungs and sinuses. As you wear Genda, you may find yourself taking long, deep breaths (inspiring) without effort. Thus, Genda attar is a wonderful aid to pranayama, or breathing exercises. It literally helps us feel "inspired"!

You may be familiar with Nag Champa incense, made from golden flowers of the Michelia Champaka tree. A botanical "cousin" to the magnolia, golden champa flowers exude a rich, sweet, etheric perfume. These magnificent trees are so beautiful, so beloved, that they are often planted near temples to fragrance the air all around them.

When worn as an attar, the sandalwood base gives Champa a balance and depth that is truly beautiful. For meditation, Champa Attar helps to reconnect us with Divine Love and Abundance.

Another amazing attar for meditation is a fairly recent one: White Lotus Attar. Only in recent years have people been able to extract the elusive fragrant oils from the lotus flower. There are three kinds of lotus flowers used for oil production: pink, blue and white. This author finds the White Lotus to be most appealing, both as a perfume and as an aid to meditation.

Of the three lotus perfumes, White Lotus has the most etheric effect on the mind. It works directly on the Crown chakra. It opens the crown chakra and locks your attention there, so meditation at that level becomes effortless.

The aromatic balance of White Lotus with Sandalwood oil also provides an energetic balance of etheric and grounding energies. Thus, White Lotus Attar can be an excellent aid for astral projection and other psychic work.

Depending on one's mood and need, Indian Attars are gentle gifts of nature. They bring great joy and help us attain our highest spiritual potential.


Source by Siri Amrit Kaur Khalsa

GHR1000 Human Growth Hormone Product Review


Everybody wants to have a younger and healthier looking body. The sad fact is that everybody grows old and some of the effects of aging affect the quality of how we live our lives. Some people go through exercises, diets and cosmetic surgery just to rejuvenate their aging body. The use of Human Growth Hormone treatment on the other hand is a convenient alternative to these methods.

Taking Human Growth Hormone releasers offers you better convenience compared to daily exercises and diets. They also offer a more cost effective alternative to cosmetic surgeries. Most of the top HGH products available today are all-natural making them safe and free from harmful side effects.

GHR1000 is a dietary supplement designed to improve certain nutrient levels in the body resulting in a healthier, younger and more energized body. It contains a mix of amino acids that helps increase the levels of Human Growth Hormone in the body by naturally stimulating the pituitary glands.

Like many of the HGH products available in the market today, GHR1000 is designed to increase the levels of Human Growth Hormones in the body. HGH treatments have long been used for reversing some of the effects of aging but have remained expensive and out of reach for most people. With the use of these HGH pills the same benefits of HGH injections are made available through inexpensive products.

Benefits of GHR1000

The product has been affectionately referred to as a "poor man's" HGH. It has proven particularly popular among body builders as a dietary supplement for improving muscle size and tone. Other benefits include better stamina, decreased wrinkles and a visibly younger looking body. Body builders report that GHR1000 also …

  • Improves the results of workouts
  • Increases stamina
  • Rejuvenates overall physical performance by restoring youthful energy
  • Increases bone density
  • Improves metabolism, reduces body fat levels

GHR1000 is in danger of alienating itself from most of the HGH market. Although it has proven itself as popular dietary supplement for athletes or the active members of the body builder community, it has failed to address other concerns. Most of the market for HGH treatments look for products which can help you not only feel better but more importantly look better.

Each tablet contains the best ingredients currently being used by HGH products. However, some of the ingredients have yet to be proven clinically making their rating drop a notch lower. This being said, GHR1000 has proven success particularly in muscle building but if you're looking for a truly all around product users might try searching else.
All ingredients have been proven safe making this product available even without a prescription. However, GHR1000 is only available through online purchases so you will not be able to locate the product in any convenience store anywhere soon.


GHR1000 comes in the form of a bottle containing 90 tablets. It is recommended that users take 3 tablets a day which makes them good for 30 days. At $ 79.99 per bottle and $ 7.95 for shipping, GHR1000 is pricier compared to the other leading HGH products like GENF20 Plus.

From a marketing point of view, a lot of work should be done on the product's website. Compared to the other top HGH product's websites, GRH1000 is pretty dismal. A great looking site with a fair amount of information explaining what the product can do helps reinforce trust among customers.

Product Comparison

Taking everything into account, GHR1000 does not really bring a complete overall product. Though it has found some success in some sectors of the HGH market, it fails to address some of the major concerns related to aging. The top of the Most HGH Releaser products like GENF20 Plus brings a better all-around package and have been proven to not only Effective in Improving muscle size but in helping people look younger and feel View .


Source by Stan Winman

Benefits of Ethnic Marketing: Growth, Untapped Market Segments and Amp – Increased Profitability


The face of Canada has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. So has ethnic marketing. Statistics Canada reports more than 200 ethnicities are now represented in this country. Immigration accounts for more than 50% of our population's growth, and will more than likely double by 2025. Entrepreneurs should be pitching the product and service to ethnic markets, if not, your competitors will. On the whole, ethnic markets can represent growth, untapped market segments, and increased profitability.

It has been difficult for companies to find successful ways to target to the various ethnic groups found in Canada. The United Way of Greater Toronto fundraising initiatives city wide in 2000 proved dismal to the diverse multicultural groups within the city. Six years ago fundraising efforts raised anywhere from $ 20,000 – $ 25,000 from seven or eight communities. Three prominent groups were targeted instead and last year raised about $ 700,000 – a 300% increase within a six-year period.

Companies actually hire directors of ethnic markets now, and the message is about communicating to the changing Canadian market, the most effective ways to incorporate a more diverse approach to market your brand.

Today's consumers are far more sophisticated, have better educations, and have increased spending power than the immigrants of years gone by. Marketers understand the ethnicity of their customers, embrace their customs, and tap into their sensitivities.

Ethnicity is a multidimensional expression of identity that includes race, origin or ancestry, language or religion. Influenced by variables: immigration, blending, and intermarriage, which very often create a strength of ethnic identification. Often associated with a culture are customs and beliefs and sometimes dress and eating habits. A survey conducted in 2002 by Statistics Canada regarding ethnic diversity reveals that three-quarters of Canadians say they are interested in learning more about their ancestry and are familiar with their heritage.

Solutions Research Group conducted a study that examined six major population groups in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. The study included Canadians of Chinese, South Asian, West Asian, Hispanic, Black and Italian backgrounds. A total of 3,000 respondents (age 15+) were interviewed in 9 languages: English, French, Cantonese, Mandarin, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish and Italian. The results were astonishing: among the most vital of media is the Internet with 88% usage. Chinese Canadians are active users spending 2.4 hours / day, followed by TV then radio. Although less time is spent watching TV, ethnic Canadians are more likely than the market benchmark to have digital cable or satellite TV (41% vs. 39%). Black and Chinese Canadians lead on this measure (47% and 44%, respectively).

More than half (52%) of the ethnic groups surveyed agree with the statement: "I rarely see advertising messages intended for me," suggesting a significant lost opportunity. The trick is to go beyond the status quo, to dig deeper, and the solutions will be found.

Pay attention to the three C's: caution, care and commitment.


An ethnic market is really comprised of dozens of smaller, distinct segments. What sells in the Southeast Asian community may not sell to the Chinese community. If referring to China, do you target Hong Kong or Taiwan? Marketers must learn to identify communities and focus directly on those. Ethnic identity has little to do with how people buy gas and car repairs. However, it has plenty to do with which groceries or books they buy.


Decisions should be made to pursue different ethnic communities, and along side comes the care that should be taken to learn about them. The size of the market is considered and how you, the marketer, are going to capture it. Direct marketing techniques are the best means for personalizing your message. Companies may already own the information needed to determine the approach.

Example: Financial institutions know where their clients send money. Companies that capture this kind of data (through data mining) can use it to tailor their product and services to the consumer.

Purchase subscriber lists to ethnic newspapers or membership rolls of ethnic associations. Determining your target audience becomes easy, the next task … to craft the marketing materials in the language they understand.


A recent survey of 150 marketers found that only 40% did back-end analysis of their direct marketing programs on a consistent basis. The costs associated to discovering this type of information is expensive. What will be your ROI? Companies more and more are jumping on the ethnic bandwagon. Just go to any Wal-Mart Super Centre and view how their food products are representative of the various ethnicities, and how their ways of "giving back" actually enhance the communities they serve. Last year, the Salvation Army received a $ 100,000 donation from them. After all, their motto "Wal-Mart Canada is committed to making a difference in the lives of Canadians," once again, rings true.


Source by Kathy Batz

L-Tyrosine – A Natural Supplement for Bodybuilding


If you are looking for a natural supplement to help you increase your muscle development and muscle mass look no further. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is a key component to just about each and every protein that our body has. The role that plays this natural supplement in the production of cells and the way our glands work is vital. L-Tyrosine helps to make sure that your thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands function efficiently and effectively.

Probably the most important factor is the L-Tyrosine is responsible for the release of the human growth hormone. This wonderful little hormone is responsible for muscle growth and body fat reduction it is important to note the American diet is poor in supplying the body with adequate proteins which can lead to numerous health problems and make it difficult to build muscle mass. However L-Tyrosine is a naturally occurring amino acid, it is a non essential amino acid, which means that our bodies make it on its own.

L-Tyrosine is produced from the synthesis of another amino acid called phenylalanine, but can also be received from food sources such as animal meats, seafood, oatmeal and wheat. Why is this important to the body builder? Well for a few reasons. Outside of the fact that, as we stated, it is responsible for the release of the human growth hormone which triggers muscle growth, it has other beneficial qualities because of its effects on other areas of the body.

For example, L-Tyrosine is a mood stimulator, and is wonderful in offsetting stress and fatigue. As a bodybuilder this is a benefit especially after a long intense workout. It also increases mental alertness which then helps prevent the mental fatigue that can also be associated with work outs. It also increases stamina which allows you to work out longer. A natural body building supplement that not only alleviates the fatigue associated with long work outs, it helps you maintain a longer work out.

To achieve these benefits you may want to consider using a natural supplement that contains L-Tyrosine. To do this you can add a protein powder drink to your day or increase your consumption of foods like cottage cheese, bananas, lima beans, turkey, avocados and such. A moment of caution, it is possible to get too much of an amino acid, which can result in adverse side effects.

If you are considering using a body building supplement and you want one that helps you increase the amount of L-Tyrosine you have in your body, read the labels. Make sure that you know what you are putting in your body. It is also recommended that you talk with your doctor, there are lab tests that can be performed that will tell you if you are deficient in L-Tyrosine and then they can recommend a diet for you to follow.

The proper way to take L-Tyrosine as a supplement comes with this recommendation, make sure that you are taking Creatine HSC as well as VP2 Whey Isolate approximately thirty minutes before you are ready to start your workout. Once you are ready to do your warm up routine you can take 2 grams of the L-Tyrosine with water. The purpose behind taking the supplement in this fashion is to increase the amount of the amino acid in your blood stream in time to offset the time before muscle fatigue would set in.

It has been shown to be an effective natural supplement for bodybuilders, in particular those that train twice a day. If you are concerned about blood testing prior to an event, L-Tyrosine is not on any of the banned lists that would cause you to be ejected from a competition and it provides you the boost you need through intense training and calorie reduced training times.

While L-Tyrosine is normally occurring in the body, it is also available as a natural supplement It can help you increase your muscle mass, offset muscle fatigue, elevated your mood, peak your mental alertness and help chase off mental fatigue while you are trying to train for that big competition.


Source by Chris Moheno

A Paradigm Shift Definition to Open New Doors on the Path to Enlightenment


What is a paradigm? It is a set of mental attitudes and beliefs about an area of ​​your life. Your mental paradigm will define things like how much you can achieve in that area, how much enjoyment you take from it, and if you continue to evolve in your understanding of it or not. This article will show you what it means to shift your paradigm, and the new worlds it can open to you.

A paradigm shift is a necessary step in your spiritual growth, and a paradigm shift definition will be important to you because it will give you an idea of ​​what you are going through when it comes to pass. I will give a more day-to-day example, and then we can talk about how this relates to spirituality.

Let's say you have to do a job that you hate. You do not see a way out, and your only solution is to keep showing up every day. One day you wake up and realize that you do not have to do it anymore. There comes a point when you see opportunities and ways out that were under your nose the whole time, you only blinded yourself to them. Nothing changed in your situation from one morning to the next, what changed was you. This is a paradigm shift definition.

How Does This Apply to Spirituality?

This same process also applies to our spiritual lives. Our personal inner growth journey can be long and difficult. We have to juggle inner work with jobs, kids, marriage, and the millions of other things that keep us busy. We can lose steam for our spiritual quest, and before we know it we forget why we started out in the first place. How is a situation like this in relation to your inner work the same as a bad employment situation?

The answer is that it is the same. A paradigm you designed for yourself most likely unconsciously has blocked you from inner growth, from new ways of dealing with new responsibilities. Sometimes it can seem like our spiritual growth is put on hold to deal with the pressures of life, and this is when a paradigm shift definition will kick some holes in the walls of our prisons and make new doors for us. This shift may be a new spiritual understanding that integrates our day-to-day life with our spiritual growth, or a new fire in our hearts that makes us get up an hour earlier every day to give time to our selves.

Take Action

Take a moment now and think about any areas of your life where your soul is thirsty for more attention. Take this new paradigm shift definition and examine the ways in which your mental attitudes or paradigms are blocking you from opening new doors of opportunity in your spiritual growth. Things to look out for are a lightness of spirit, or a feeling of freedom, along with the answers you were looking for. Trust these even though they may seem unlikely, because you will be in the midst of a paradigm shift.


Source by David Zambrano